Wikipedia:Conspiracy theory

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WpIcon32.png Conspiracy theory

The official 9/11 explanation is a theory about a conspiracy, but is never described as a 'conspiracy theory'. The phrase has been deliberately given a perjorative meaning since the 1960s by the establishment media keen to quell any suspicions that commercially motivated media may not be as objective as they admit.

Related Wikispooks Pages

Document:911 and the Orwellian Redefinition of Conspiracy Theory Document:911 and the Orwellian Redefinition of Conspiracy Theory - While we were not watching, conspiracy theory has undergone Orwellian redefinition.
Document:Conspiracies and Conspiracism Document:Conspiracies and Conspiracism - A very effective rebuttal of the claims of Chip Bertlet in his book "Toxic To Democracy: Conspiracy Theories, Demonization, & Scapegoating" which uses the terms 'conspiracy theory' and 'Conspiracist' in their now de-rigeur pejorative establishment sense
The Power of Unreason The Power of Unreason - Critique of an Establishment paper on 'Conspiracy theories' sub-titled: Conspiracy theories, extremism and counter-terrorism
Document:Democratic State v Deep State Document:Democratic State v Deep State - A seminal paper by Norwegian academic Ola Tunander
Document:Beyond Conspiracy Theory Document:Beyond Conspiracy Theory - Another seminal paper by Lance DeHaven-Smith. Subtitled "Patterns of High Crime in American Government" and originally published in the February 2010 edition of American Behavioral Scientist
:Category:Conspiracy Theory Category:Conspiracy Theory - A collection of pages, documents and articles filed under the category 'Conspiracy Theory'

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