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Page nameDied on
Francisco Bulnes28 October 1999
Harvey Hollister Bundy7 October 1963
McGeorge Bundy16 September 1996
William Bundy6 October 2000
Ellsworth Bunker27 September 1984
Mārtiņš Bunkus30 May 2018
Wilfred Burchett27 September 1983
Carl Burckhardt3 March 1974
Warren Burger25 June 1995
Guy Burgess30 August 1963
W. Randolph Burgess16 September 1978
Arleigh Burke1 January 1996
Arne Burkhardt30 May 2023
Alexander Burnes2 November 1841
Alastair Burnet20 July 2012
James Burnham28 July 1987
Arnold Burns1 August 2013
Arthur F. Burns26 June 1987
William Burroughs2 August 1997
Bernard Burrows7 May 2002
Al Burt29 November 2008
George H. W. Bush30 November 2018
Jonathan James Bush5 May 2021
Prescott Bush8 October 1972
Samuel Bush8 February 1948
Aaron Bushnell25 February 2024
Jacques de Bourbon Busset7 May 2001
Willard Butcher25 August 2012
Adam Butler9 January 2008
Nicholas Murray Butler7 December 1947
Rab Butler8 March 1982
Roy Butler17 August 2021
Smedley Butler21 June 1940
Rashid Buttar18 May 2023
William Walton Butterworth31 March 1975
Pierre Buyoya17 December 2020
Anthony Buzzard10 March 1972
Ronald Bye24 September 2018
Peter van der Byl15 November 1999
David Harold Byrd14 September 1986
Robert Byrd28 June 2010
James Byrnes1972
Georges Bérard-Quélin24 January 1990
Pierre Bérégovoy1 May 1993
Klas Böök5 January 1980
Francisco Caamaño16 February 1973
Charles P. Cabell25 May 1971
John Moors Cabot24 February 1981
Louis Cabot29 January 2021
Adrian Cadbury3 September 2015