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Page nameHas jobTitle
Rushanara AliUK/Member of Parliament for Bethnal Green and Bow
Masih AlinejadTelevision presenter
Samuel AlitoJudge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Samuel AlitoAssociate Justice of the United States Supreme Court
Samuel AlitoUnited States Attorney for the District of New Jersey
Ilham AliyevAzerbaijan/President
Ilham AliyevSecretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement
Andrés AllamandSenator of Chile
Andrés AllamandChile/Minister/Foreign Affairs
Andrés AllamandSenator of Chile
Andrés AllamandChile/Minister/Defense
Andrés AllamandChile/Member of Parliament
Alex AllanBritish High Commissioner/Australia
Alex AllanUK/Prime Minister/Principal Private Secretary
Alex AllanUK/Joint Intelligence Committee/Chair
Alex AllanIndependent Adviser on Ministers' Interests
Alex AllanClerk of the Crown in Chancery
Norman AllanCommissioner of the New South Wales Police
Tim AllanDirector
Tim AllanSpecial Adviser to Tony Blair
Tim AllanDirector of Public Relations
Jean AllardChief of the Defence Staff
Rupert AllasonMember of Parliament for Torbay
Giovanni AllavenaSIFAR/Director
Joseph AllbaughDirector of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Charles E. AllenUnder Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis
Clifford AllenChairman of the Independent Labour Party
Gale AllenAnalyst
John AllenBrookings Institution/President
John AllenCENTCOM/Commander
John AllenCommander of the International Security Assistance Force
John AllenSpecial Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Lew AllenDirector of the National Security Agency
Lew AllenUS/Air Force/Chief of Staff
Mark AllenDirector of Counter-Terrorism
Mark AllenDeputy Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service
Richard AllenUnited States National Security Advisor
Salvador AllendePresident of Chile
Salvador AllendePresident of the Senate of Chile
Salvador AllendeMinister of Health and Social Welfare
Randolph AllesDirector of the United States Secret Service
Randolph AllesDirector of the United States Secret Service
Randolph AllesDeputy Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Randolph AllesActing Deputy Commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Rosena Allin-KhanMember of Parliament for Tooting
Yigal AllonIsrael/Foreign Affairs Minister
Yigal AllonIsrael/Prime Minister
Yigal AllonDeputy Prime Minister of Israel
Colin AllredTexas/Representative
Joaquín AlmuniaSpain/Minister of Labor and Nacional Health Service