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JFK/Autopsy22 November 1963 19:15:00First incision at Kennedy autopsy.
JFK/Presidency20 January 196122 November 1963The JFK administration
Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital22 November 1963 13:30:00Seth Kantor encounters Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital and has brief conversation with him. ref. Crossfire, p 366
Jack Ruby seen with Wanda Walker22 November 1963 12:00:00Jack Ruby is seen sitting in an office at the Dallas Morning News by newspaper employee Wanda Walker. ref. Crossfire, p 327
Jack Ruby told Oswald dead24 November 1963 13:00:00On being told that Oswald is dead, Jack Ruby calms down in his cell at Dallas Police Station. ref. Framed, p 41
Jack Ruby/Wires money order24 November 1963 11:17:00Jack Ruby wires money order at Western Union Office (some 350 feet from Dallas police department, Main St. ramp.) ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 328
Johnson signs NSAM 27324 November 1963 13:00:00President Johnson signs NSAM 273, signalling a reversal to JFK'spolicy of withdrawing troops from Vietnam. ref. JFK, CIA and Vietnam by Prouty, p 422
Johnson sworn in aboard Air Force One22 November 1963 14:38:00Lyndon Johnson sworn in aboard Air Force One, then orders take off.
Kennedy body arrives at airport22 November 1963 14:14:00Kennedy's body arrives at Lovefield Airport.
Kennedy body leaves hospital22 November 1963 14:04:00Kennedy's body leaves Parkland Hospital.
Kennedy body returns to White House23 November 1963 16:21:00Kennedy's body returns to the White House. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 5
Lawson receives Texas trip schedule8 November 1963 00:00:00SS Agent Winston Lawson is briefed and receives a tentative schedule of Texas trip from SS Agent Roy Kellerman who was the agent in charge of arranging the timetable for trip and responsible for motorcade route.
Lee Harvey Oswald/Arrested at Texas theatre22 November 1963 13:55:00Police arrest Oswald at Texas theater as suspect in shooting Tippit. ref. Best Evidence, p 710
Lee Harvey Oswald/Assassination24 November 1963 11:21:0024 November 1963 11:21:00The JFK assassination plan was that Oswald, the "lone nut" patsy, would be shot, but he was captured alive. This presented a problem, so Jack Ruby was tasked with eliminating him.
Lee Harvey Oswald/Final conversation24 November 1963 11:15:00Inspector Thomas J. Kelly Secret Service, has final conversation with Oswald. ref. The Peoples Almanac, p 52
Lee Harvey Oswald/Interrogation23 November 1963 10:30:0023 November 1963 13:10:00Interrogation of Oswald, Captain Fritz's office. ref. The Peoples Almanac, p 49
Lee Harvey Oswald/Letter to Mr. Hunt8 November 1963 00:00:008 November 1963 00:00:00Oswald writes to, Dear Mr. Hunt, (most likely E. Howard Hunt) I would like more information concerning my position. I am asking only for information. I am suggesting that we discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else. Thank you, Lee Harvey Oswald. ref. Last Investigation, p 423; Treachery in Dallas, p 324; Crossfire (letter shown in full)
Lee Harvey Oswald/Post-shooting Custody/Visit from H. Louis Nichols23 November 1963 17:30:0023 November 1963 17:35:00Oswald has visit with H. Louis Nichols, President of the Dallas Bar Association.
Lee Harvey Oswald/Taken to press conference22 November 1963 23:20:0022 November 1963 23:25:00Oswald is taken to a press conference where he looks baffled after denying that he killed President Kennedy.
Lee Harvey Oswald/Talked to by FBI22 November 1963 23:00:0022 November 1963 23:20:00Oswald Talked to by FBI Agent M. Clements and Police Officer John Adamcik.
Lockheed/Bribery scandals19501976A series of bribes made by officials of the U.S. aerospace company Lockheed from the late 1950s to the 1970s in the process of negotiating the sale of aircraft.
Man with rifle seen in TSBD22 November 1963 12:15:00Witness Arnold Rowland observes man with rifle at the Western end of TSBD. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 300
Man with rifle spotted on Elm St.22 November 1963 11:00:00Julia Ann Mercer observes man with rifle
Man with seizure in front of TSBD22 November 1963 12:18:00A young man suffers some sort of seizure in front of the book depository. ref. Crossfire, p 42
March on Washington28 August 196328 August 1963A march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech.
Mary Lawrence sees Oswald22 November 1963 02:15:00Mary Lawrence, head waitress at the Lucas B&B Restaurant - two doors down from the Vegas Club, says she is positive that LHO enters the restaurant and tells her and the night cashier that he is waiting for Jack Ruby.
Maurice Bishop seen speaking to Oswald25 September 1963 00:00:00Antonio Veciana travels to Dallas for a meeting with Maurice Bishop (a.k.a. David Atlee Philips). In the lobby of the Southland building, Veciana sees Bishop speaking to a man Veciana later identifies as Lee Harvey Oswald. ref. Last Investigation, p 141
McCoy told Oswald to be killed23 November 1963 02:15:00Sheriff officer Perry McCoy receives a phone call from a white male who says that Oswald is going to be killed during his transfer.
Mock target practice witnessed20 November 1963 00:00:00Two Dallas police officers witness a mock target practice going on at the picket fence atop the knoll. They arrived in time to see the partipants depart in haste, and only write a report of the incedent subsequent to November 22. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 132
National Security Action Memorandum 26311 October 196311 October 1963Kennedy signs National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) #263, signalling his intention to withdraw troops from Vietnam
Newspaper published precise route19 November 1963 00:00:00Newspaper published precise route mentioning the turn into Elm into Houston then onto the freeway. ref. W.C.
Nurse Lozana warned of emergency24 November 1963 11:00:00Warned by Jill Pomeroy, the ward clerk, that we might prepare for an emergency because there was a large crowd at city hall. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 169
Officers ordered to north of Elm St.22 November 1963 12:30:40Police Radio. Bill Decker orders officers to the Railroad track area just North of Elm St. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 136
One SS agent still at Cellar22 November 1963 05:00:00One Secret Service agent is still drinking at “The Cellar.” ALL AGENTS HAVE TO REPORT FOR DUTY AT 8:00 AM - three hours from now.
Operation Bootstrap19301970Between 1930 and 1970, around one third of all women in the US territory of Puerto Rico were sterilized
Operation Demagnetize19481980"The institutional hardening of Gladio", an expansion of Gladio in the late 1940s, early 1950s.
Operation Midnight Climax19531966A "free-wheeling illicit criminal" CIA project which filmed the effects of prostitutes dosing up victims with drugs such as LSD.
Operation Paperclip8 May 19451990A transfer of top German scientists to USA.
Operation Ranch Hand19621971U.S. military herbicidal/chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War
Operation Snow White19601979Religious cult breaks into 100s of international government buildings to remove their own names, is not banned.
Oswald alone in TSBD22 November 1963 11:45:00Oswald is left on sixth floor of the TSBD as fellow workmates leave to go to Lunch break. He yells, Guys, How about an elevator? And then adding Send one of the elevators back up. ref. Conspiracy - Who Killed Kennedy?, p 106
Oswald at lineup22 November 1963 16:05:00Oswald taken to first Lineup for Helen Markham, witness to Tippit murder. (While waiting outside the lineup room, Oswald is searched, and five bullet cartridges are found in his pockets.)
Oswald begins job at TSBD16 October 1963 00:00:00Oswald begins job at Texas School Book Depository. He reportedly obtained it through a contact of Ruth Paine. ref. Last Investigation, p 422
Oswald calls Ruth Paine23 November 1963 15:40:00Lee Oswald calls Ruth Paine and asks her. Would you please call John Abt (Lawyer) in New York for me after 6:00 pm.
Oswald charged with JFK murder22 November 1963 23:26:00Oswald charged with President Kennedy's murder. (Oswald is not told of this charge).
Oswald charged with Tippit murder22 November 1963 19:05:00Oswald charged with Tippit's murder. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 5
Oswald delivers note to Dallas FBI HQ8 November 1963 00:00:00Oswald delivers a note to Dallas FBI HQ where Agent James Hosty is told to destroy it by Special Agent in Charge, Gordin Shanklin. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 261
Oswald gets off bus and boards taxi22 November 1963 12:40:0022 November 1963 12:45:00Oswald gets off bus and boards second taxi after allowing a woman to take the first taxi, tells driver William Whaley, 500 North Beckley Street. ref. W.C.
Oswald inside Texas theatre22 November 1963 13:15:00Oswald buys popcorn at concession stand inside Texas theatre, according to concession stand operator Boroughs. ref. Crossfire, p 353
Oswald interrogated 2nd time22 November 1963 16:45:0022 November 1963 18:30:00Second interrogation of Oswald in Captain Fritz's Office.