Document:Integrity Initiative Budget for the 12 months ending 31 March 2019

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Progress report on establishing national clusters

Integrity 2018/19 Quarterly budget


For the 12 months ending 31 March 2019

Project IfS: Integrity Initiative: Phase II 1

Admin Costs

Q1 1st Apr-30 Jun

Director £18'150.00

Programme Manager £14'175.00

Team Secretary £8'400.00

Distribution Manager £8'400.00

Q2 1st Jul-30 Sep

Director £18'150.00

Programme Manager £14'175.00

Team Secretary £8'400.00

Distribution Manager £8'400.00

Q3 1st Oct-31st Dec

Director £18'150.00

Programme Manager £14'175.00

Team Secretary £8'400.00

Distribution Manager £8'400.00

Q4 1st Jan-31st Mar

Director £18'150.00

Programme Manager £14'175.00

Team Secretary £8'400.00

Distribution Manager £8'400.00


Director £72'600.00

Programme Manager £56'700.00

Team Secretary £33'600.00

Distribution Manager £33'600.00


Activity Costs

Expanding our cluster network of specialists, journalists, academics and political actors across Europe, empowering them to educate their publics and policy elites Current clusters: Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway, Serbia, Italy (9) Next clusters: Moldova, Georgia, Sweden, Montenegro, Malta, USA, Canada, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Portugal, Switzerland, Latvia (16) Research Clusters in Ukraine & Jordan (2)

ACTIVITY:Initial cluster foundation workshop


Connect cluster members, create internal national network, formally introduce them to the II aims, practices and methodologies, establish target programme for research, dissemination and events


New cluster able to self-organise. Increased coordination and shared best practice from cluster individuals and organisations working at the forefront of efforts countering RU disinfo, increased resource material for an Int'l audience.


Initial group of at least 8 members between core hub and network. Members agree team roles and start putting structures in place. Start exchanges of information with other clusters. Begin work on research and dissemination activities



ACTIVITY:Inaugural event


Establishes the cluster nationally. Sets cluster 'modus operandi'. Representatives of other clusters participate to establish international networking, share expertise, boost morale and media coverage. Regional discussions to ascertain principle disinfo narratives and other malign influence threats which exist within their sphere of influence. Publish event report.


Cluster strengthens its national public profile as a reliable provider of factual analysis and assessment. Build bonds with regional players. Strengthens the programme's expertise base and ability to hold unique, nuanced conversations. Agree social media and editorial output strategy.


Civil society, media, academia and policy makers increasingly call on members for commentary/advice/research. Enhanced cooperation measured through joint events, shared publications, greater public awareness and resistance to RU disinformation assessed through national polling data. Identify any patterns emerging.



ACTIVITY:Country fundamental report


Creation of a regional report on specific realities of malign interference to establish a base of common understanding on which to develop the national programme and share information more coherently and consistently with the Int'l audience. Crime/political and strategic nexus with RU + include details of media & social media environments and establish which platforms are popular.


Disseminate information on the situation and trends existing within a specific region. Compare domestic and international findings. Earlier and better identificiation of the threat. Production and dissemination of content that educates key national communities and the public.


Match trends identified with wider International network. Deliver to FCO, MOD, British Bankers Assoc., Assoc. of British Insurers. Regular content production and dissemination leading to increasing engagement



ACTIVITY:Educational event (twice yearly)


Assemble all contacts and sub-cluster members at one meeting, with key national audience of influencers, to discuss national trends. Pro-reactive editorial and social media output by the cluster. Emerging and expected propaganda drives.


National cohesion. Creation of defensive and offensive counter narratives. More engagement with specialists and the public.


Unprompted interactions between sub cluster members. Delivered to FCO, MOD, British Bankers Assoc., Assoc. of British Insurers + academic programmes e.g. Manchester University 'Reframing Russia'. Increased engagement with social media accounts generally and content published on them



ACTIVITY:Follow up workshop


Review of cluster organisation and early work. Assistance with any issues /concerns and modifications following feedback. Planning for the future.


Questionnaire measuring more people / organisations being more aware. Cluster performance improves.


Cluster has increasingly public profile, members frequently called on for commentary/advice/research.



ACTIVITY:Professional comprehensive country report


Printed and digital published report to analyse and illustrate a comprehensive picture of country network activities (civil society, NGO's, journalists, academics, Govt. agencies) to identify and counter RU disinformation


Systematic picture of country efforts enabling the cluster to improve the effectiveness of the fight against RU disinformation.


(Inter)National media coverage. Verifiable information and data that can be cross-referenced against other regions assessing acceptance of key RU messaging, trust in media sources, and the degree of coordinated strategic defence.



ACTIVITY:Sending cluster members to educational sessions abroad (IREX, Detector Media, StopFake, EUvsDisinfo, LT MOD Stratcom)


Improve the technical competence of the cluster to deal with disinformation. Strengthen bonds between clusters in the system. Reinforce by preparing a strategy paper on cross-network partnerships.


Cluster seen as definitive national source on counter-disinformation / influence education.Stronger defence and shared resources to bolster our cluster network.


National media coverage. Cluster produce RU and local language material, including material adapted for use within RU speaking minority.



ACTIVITY:Core team and cluster experts briefing tour, in North America, with a regional focus, to spread understanding beyond capitals


Briefings to regional audiences. Also identify like-minded partners and help bridge and diffuse partisan divide by sharing EU experience of countering RU disinformation


Increased awareness of the RU disinformation threat and improved resilience, shared best practice, harnessing of national media/tech resources to tackle these threats on a global scale


Increased cooperation measured through cross-party initiatives, media literacy improvement through polling data on cross-checking, articles written and shared to highlight (the US) experience, increased cluster membership and wider following through social media channels



ACTIVITY:Application of Nationbuilder tool (cluster-wide out-facing public engagement platform)


Enhance comms between project and general population. Provide greater autonomy and structure for clusters to engage with local populations.


Nuanced message targeting. Outward facing engagement campaigns. Specific email campaign. Each cluster able to have their own website connected to the hub. Material accessible to more people on an Int'l scale.


Volume of material distributed and number of individuals signed up



Research and assessment: Sponsoring- including via the Free University of Brussels (VUB IES) - (thereby enhancing academic respectability of the topic)- advanced research, publications, workshops, educational courses, mentoring, lectures

ACTIVITY:Regular educational seminars in London (30 per annum)


Expert speakers addressing key issues to educate core team and clusters.


Exposes cluster leaders and UK and foreign opinion formers to new ideas on RU and on hybrid/information warfare; explores new and different issues; stimulates interest in and research into new aspects of our main topic.


Increasing demand from target audiences; new topics identified as research subjects; dissemination of new thinking to clusters and into the public domain.



ACTIVITY:VUB IES: Commission research and educational project


9 x Research paths: From Disinformation to Political Warfare (see attachment for details)


Establishing the academic credibility of the topic internationally; influences EU member states via material sent directly to the EEAS and EU Stratcom Taskforce; provides the academic basis for the whole Integrity Initiative programme and makes the programme attractive to journalists and politicians by demonstrating its accuracy and reliability.


The VUB team will be called upon to advise and educate influential people interested in this scheme more rapidly.

