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George ShultzUS Cold warrior who attended the 1984 Washington Conference on International Terrorism
Mona Sutphen
Max Taylor
Edward TellerDirector of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "the father of the hydrogen bomb".
Caspar WeinbergerUS Deep state operative whom GHWB pardoned as part of the cover-up of "Iran Contra"
Seymour WeissA neoconservative, a hawk, and an anti-Soviet hard-liner.
James WilsonInstitute for Statecraft connected lawyer
Albert WohlstetterNeoconservative, long time director of the Rand Corporation
Neal WolinAppointed Chairperson of the Intelligence Oversight Board, in 2015, was US/Secretary of the Treasury for 34 days
Philip ZelikowBush-administration insider and Chair of 911 Commission later head of the University of Virginia's COVID Commission Planning Group