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Psychopathy/Psychopathy and gender

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Concept.png Psychopathy/Psychopathy and gender 
(personality disorder,  character disturbance)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
If disguised as "caring" or "mothering", female styles are hard to detect.

It is inconceivable to most people and the public at large that mothers may act cold and heartless toward their newborn infants. The logical mind of female psychopaths recognizes this cultural myth as weakness and seeks to exploit it. [1]

They play-act like caring mothers when in fact they do not feel anything or not much in general - at least no positive feelings like love or gratitude - while hurting their infants without conscience, empathy or remorse to make them dependent pawns in their own game and selfishly exploit them. The arena for female psychopathy is the perversion of motherhood and child raring. [2] [3] [4]

“For mothers, presenting the facade of ordinary, devoted maternal care provides an invaluable subterfuge for abuse.”
Anna Motz (2016)  [5]

Munchausen by proxy mothers are an example for this behavior. [6] Female psychopathy is hidden from justice and detection because toddlers won't tell and the traumatizing effects [7] ensure that adult survivors won't tell either. This invincibility, power and control (over future generations) enforces the pathological grandiose self and contemptuous delight in getting away with it.

That is not to say that female forms are limited to women - gender identity is diffuse anyway in psychopathy [8] - i.e. Bill Gates presents himself as "caring" despite his track record of wracking havoc with Monsanto seeds (in India) and vaccines (in Africa).

The research of female psychopathic personalities has been avoided by psychologists, from Sigmund Freud to Robert Hare, probably because it touches on their own internal working models (IWM [9] ). Typical female aggressive styles (triangulation, ostracism, gossiping, indirect, well hidden forms) have been researched. [10] [11]

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  1. Frank S Perri and Terrance G Lichtenwald. The last frontier: Myths & the female psychopathic killer. Forensic Examiner, 19(2):50–67, 2010.
  2. Benecke L., Psychopathinnen, Lübbe, Köln 2018
  3. Welldon E.V. (2017) No Longer a Taboo: Understanding Female Perversion in Motherhood. In: Caine D., Wright C. (eds) Perversion Now!. The Palgrave Lacan Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  4. Anna Motz. The psychology of female violence. Second Edition. Routledge, 2016. avail. online.
  5. Anna Motz. The psychology of female violence. p. 18
  6. Schreier H., Libow J., Hurting for Love - Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Guilford, London 1993
  7. Brett Kahr, PhD, "When mummy wants you to die": unconscious death wishes and the infanticidal attachment, lectcure, 26 November, 2016, Bowlby Centre, London
  8. Meloy, J. Reid, Ph.D., The psychopathic mind: origins, dynamics, and treatment, Jason Aronson 2002. available online.
  9. Sachs Simpson, Adah (2014) The abused and the abuser(s): attachment relationship in dissociative identity disorder. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University. avail. online.
  10. Kaj Björkqvist. Sex differences in physical, verbal, and indirect aggression: A review of recent research. Sex roles, 30(3-4):177–188, 1994.
  11. Kaj Björkqvist, Kirsti MJ Lagerspetz, and Ari Kaukiainen. Do girls manipulate and boys fight? developmental trends in regard to direct and indirect aggression. Aggressive behavior, 18(2):117–127, 1992.