Template:DSM Files

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List of Wikispooks hosted files, articles and documents relating to the so-called "Downing Street Memo"

Related Files and Documents

Document Corresponding .pdf
Downing Street Minutes 23 July 2002 File:DowningStreetMemo.pdf
Iraq-Legal Background File:Legalbackground.pdf
Iraq Options 8 March 2002 File:Iraqoptions.pdf
Manning Memo 14 March 2002 File:Manning.pdf
Document:Meyer Memo 18 March 2002 File:Meyermemo.pdf
Peter Ricketts Memo 22 March 2002 File:Ricketts.pdf
Jack Straw Memo 25 March 2002 File:Straw.pdf
New Goldsmith Statement 25 May 2006 No pdf

Other documents