User:Peter/Bits and pieces

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A sort of notepad for things of possible use elsewhere

22 February 2015

Above the deep and suppressed aspects of its involvement in all the major western governance and geo-political milestone events, the most obvious manifestation of Judaic power is the embargo on any serious discussion of it.

The CIA — an agency of America’s aristocracy that seeks global supremacy for them

23 February 2015

Comment on this article about Netanyahu visit to US on 3 March 2015. Obama looks to be in serious trouble.

I must assume, then, that you weren't yet born when JFK took the same stance against Israel as BO (if BO truly did), and then some. BO's pissed off because Boehner invited Satanyahu w/o his knowledge/permission. JFK went further; he told Ben-Gurion to open up Dimona for UN inspections; issued/signed an Executive Order to shut down the "Fed" and return the printing of money to Congress (through the Treasury); fired Allen Dulles as CIA Director; and, announced a withdrawal of all advisers from Vietnam. BO has yet to close Gitmo. For the actions he took above, JFK was assassinated on 22 Nov. 1963. His successor, LBJ, rescinded the above actions. The rest is history.