North American Aerospace Defense Command

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Group.png North American Aerospace Defense Command  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
North American Aerospace Defense Command.svg
Type Aerospace Warning and Aerospace Control of North America
Sponsor ofInternews

Testimony to the 9/11 Commission

Thomas H. Kean, chairman of the commission said "We to this day don't know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us. It was just so far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got tied."[1] John Farmer, Jr., senior counsel to the Commission was more candid, declaring explicitly that "At some level of the government, at some point in time... there was a decision not to tell the truth about what happened...The (NORAD) tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public."[2]

The NORAD Tapes

Full article: The NORAD Tapes

The NORAD Tapes are a set of over 100 recordings of air traffic controllers, military aviation officers, airline and fighter jet pilots, as well as two of the hijackers, made over the course of two hours on the morning of 9/11. Some were played to the 9/11 Commission, but none were released to the public until 2011 [Citation Needed]. Some of the NORAD Tapes remain classified.[3]


Related Quotation

9-11/Air Defence“According to mainstream information, QRA intercepts happened at a rate of almost 400 times per year in the early 1990s. After the reduction to 7 sites, each with two jets, in the late 1990s, they still occurred roughly twice per week right up to 9/11. What are the details of these intercepts with regard to protocol/chain of command and reaction time?

Who exactly was responsible for the failure to redirect QRA jets, normally aimed at planes coming in from overseas, toward threats emerging from over the mainland?

Why were no QRA jets available at Andrews Air Force Base, right next to the nation's capital, a primary target for every terrorist in the world? Terrorists of various convictions have tried to target the White House and other buildings with airliners and small airplanes since at least 1974. What message does it send to world when the world's greatest superpower leaves its capital without air cover?

NORAD's Langley interceptors accidentally flew east over the ocean while they should have been heading to the north-west, towards Washington, D.C. This was standard operating procedure when pilots were scrambled but not provided with a target. How could this mistake happen, as any commander at any level should be aware of this basic procedure? Who is responsible?

Why weren't the pilots of the Langley jets provided with information on their target? Who is responsible for that?”
Joël van der Reijden


Employee on Wikispooks

Larry ArnoldCommander Continental U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command Region19971 October 2002On 9/11
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