Wikipedia:Port Arthur massacre (Australia)

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Port Arthur Massacre Port Arthur Massacre
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The Wikipedia page is a compendium of the facts and links in support of the official narrative but light on dissenting/alternative hypotheses.

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particularly the Wikipedia Problems and Wikispooks Angle sections.

Document:Port Arthur Massacre - A sceptical re-appraisal Document:Port Arthur Massacre - A sceptical re-appraisal - A December 2010 article by Australian Syd Walker.
File:Port Arthur Massacre.pdf File:Port Arthur Massacre.pdf - 'The Port Arthur Massacre - Was Martin Bryant framed? An article by Carl Wernerhoff dated May 2006 from Nexus
File:Port Arthur Massacre-A Critical Study.pdf File:Port Arthur Massacre-A Critical Study.pdf -
What’s Going On?: A Critical Study of the Port Arthur Massacre A draft ebook by Carl Wernerhoff. 2006.
Document:Tasmanian Minister Misleads Canberra about Fresh Evidence on Port Arthur Document:Tasmanian Minister Misleads Canberra about Fresh Evidence on Port Arthur - A 2001 article by the Late Joe Vialls

Additional Information