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Paulo Rangel1 July 2009
Viviane Reding1 July 2014
Michèle Rivasi14 July 200929 November 2023
David Sassoli14 July 200911 January 2022Died in office
Marietje Schaake1 July 20092019
Andreas Schieder2 July 2019
Margaritis Schinas25 September 200713 July 2009
Elly Schlein1 July 20142 July 2019
Radosław Sikorski2 July 2019
Nikki Sinclaire14 July 200930 June 2014
Alyn Smith10 June 200412 December 2019
Mário Soares20 July 199919 July 2004
Altiero Spinelli10 June 197923 May 1986
Barbara Spinelli1 July 20142 July 2019
Struan Stevenson10 June 19992 July 2014
Max van der Stoel22 September 197111 May 1973
Robert Sturdy10 June 199926 May 2014
Robert Sturdy9 June 199410 June 1999
Christos StylianidesMay 201431 October 2014
Ilkka Suominen19992004
Kay Swinburne14 July 20091 July 2019
Antonio Tajani14 July 19948 May 2008
Antonio Tajani1 July 20148 May 2008
Charles Tannock10 June 1999
Cristian Terheș2019
Helle Thorning-Schmidt19941999
Derek Vaughan8 June 2009
Walter Veltroni19992004
Maxime Verhagen25 July 198919 July 1994
Philippe de Villiers20 July 200430 June 2014
Philippe de Villiers20 July 199916 December 1999
Philippe de Villiers19 July 199415 June 1997
Theresa Villiers15 July 19995 May 2005
Mia de Vits20042009
Henk Vredeling19 March 195811 May 1973
Sahra Wagenknecht13 June 2004July 2019
Graham Watson20 July 19992 July 2014
Lars Wohlin20042009
Marina Yannakoudakis4 June 20092 July 2014