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Joseph J. SiscoAmerican diplomat, spook and university rector who wrote a working paper for the discussion on Western Power and the Middle East: A Case Study in Atlantic Relationships at the 1984 Bilderberg
Theo SommerEditor of Die Zeit 1973-1992. Bilderberg Steering Committee
Poul Svanholm
Stig Synnergren
Şarık TaraTurkish single Bilderberger billionaire businessman; made fortune on building U.S. embassy buildings
Horst TeltschikTri-Bilderberger chair of the Munich Security Conference 1999-2008
Anders Thunborg
Otto TidemandNorwegian Shipowners' Association, Bilderberg Steering committee, ...
Jaime Carvajal y UrquijoSpanish Bilderberg steering committee member. Close to king Juan Carlos. Trilateral Commission.
Harald V
Emilio Rui VilarAttended Bilderberg/1984 as ice-Governor of the Bank of Portugal. President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 2002-2012.
Peter WallenbergSecond generation Bilderberg
Niels Werring14 times Bilderberger Norwegian ship owner
Hans WerthénSwedish business executive who attended Bilderberg/1983 and Bilderberg/1984 as Chairman of Electrolux and Ericsson. Wallenberg sphere.
John C. WhiteheadSuspected US deep state functionary who discussed "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Various USDS connections including the Bilderberg Steering Committee