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Andreas TreichlSecond generation Bilderberger
Rafal TrzaskowskiAttended the 2019 Bilderberg as Mayor of Warsaw. ECFR
Loukas TsoukalisGreek economist, Bilderberg Steering committee
Margrethe VestagerDanish Bilderberer appointed Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age in December 2019
Pierre VimontFrench diplomat who was Ambassador of France to the United States 2007-2010
António VitorinoTriBilderberg Portuguese politician/judge
Vaira Vīķe-FreibergaStudied psychology at McGill University at the same time as MK-ULTRA research happened there. Parachuted in to become President of Latvia
Fraser WilsonThe identification of this person with the Wikipedia page is tentative.
Cem ÖzdemirGerman Green war-loving politician who experienced rocket career after being taken under the wings of transatlantic influence networks. MSC regular
Soli ÖzelQuad Bilderberger journalist and academic
Behlül ÖzkanTurkish academic Bilderberger
Sinan ÜlgenTurkish diplomat on the supranational think tank circuit