This template provides a standard format for the descriptions of property pages.
It takes the following arguments:
|ON = Yes/No according to whether this is an Official Narrative Property
|display = Yes/No according to whether this is a Display Property
|comment = a description of the subject resource
|status = {special, stable, experimental, mooted}
|rdfs = the RDFs equivalent statement
|subPropertyOf = the parent property of this property (only applies to subproperties)
|domain = description of the domain of the property (which subjects it applies to)
|range = description of the range of the property (which values it can take)
|type = the property type
|note = further note, e.g. for concerns about/problems with this property
vExpression error: Unrecognized word "span".
yDescription: |
RDF logic:
0 Pages use the property "Property"
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