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Revision as of 17:18, 7 December 2022 by Robin (talk | contribs) (Simple language is good)
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Just like with the language around "terrorism", there is a Big Pharma language that is very easy to slip into without realizing it - I do it all the time, especially when the alternative wording isn't easy to come up with.

SSRIs don't do jack s**t against depression, except in their own rigged science studies. They only numb and destroy the brain. Hence SSRIs don't "treat" depression, but maybe "prescribed for", "given for", or even "peddled as cures for"? Terje (talk) 00:41, 4 December 2022 (UTC)

Prescribed means "given". the dictionary sees it as just a synonym imho. But I agree the wording was maybe too neutral. Let me know if you're still not satisfied. Jun (talk)
I think we're on a fairly similar page as regards SSRIs. I wouldn't go as far as "peddled as cures for". Peddled is not necessarily negative, but definitely has overtones in that direction. I suggest we stick with the standard 'present the facts as simply as we can' approach, i.e. by linking to the best evidence we can find. Let the studies do the convincing as needed. -- Robin (talk) 17:18, 7 December 2022 (UTC)