"Useful idiot"

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Concept.png "Useful idiot" 
(enemy image)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png


Full article: Patsy

A patsy is someone set up to take the blame, and is an essential part of false flag operations. In the JFK Assassination, for example, Lee Harvey Oswald was the patsy. Often the plan involves blaming a patsy who is later assassinated (as was in tended to occur to Oswald). Another variation is when a patsy is named after being killed (as happened to Bruce Ivins).

Political smeer

The Institute for Statecraft re-tweeted a tweet which referred to Jeremy Corbyn, then the UK leader of the opposition, as a "useful idiot" whose "open visceral anti-Westernism helped the Kremlin cause, as surely as if he had been secretly peddling Westminster tittle-tattle for money."[1]

Population in General

We are manipulated.png

In the plural, the term has been used to refers to gullible people who are taken in by deep state false flag attacks.[2] This usage of referring disrespectfully to humanity in general is similar to the term "useless eaters".


An example

Page nameDescription
PatsyA fall guy, set up to take the blame for the wrong doing of others.
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