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< COVID-19
Revision as of 16:01, 29 April 2020 by Urban (talk | contribs) (start (we will see more of this I surmise))
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  • The corona-critical Swiss doctor, who was arrested by a special unit of the Swiss police and sent to a psychiatric clinic (see update of April 15), has meanwhile been released. A report by the magazine Weltwoche revealed that the doctor was arrested on false grounds: there had been no threat to relatives or authorities and there had been no possession of a loaded weapon. Thus, a politically motivated operation seems likely.
  • A Munich, Germany local radio station, which interviewed doctors critical of corona in March, was informed by the responsible media supervisory authority after complaints that „such problematic broadcasts must be stopped in the future“.
  • The website of a German specialist lawyer is collecting reports on „suffering due to the lockdown“ and on the actual situation in German hospitals.
  • German general practitioners have published an appeal to politics and science in which they call for „a more responsible handling of the corona crisis“.
  • Both in Austria and in Hungary, doctors who have criticised the corona measures are threatened with a ban from their profession.
  • In Nigeria, according to official figures, more people have so far been killed by the police enforcing corona curfews than by the corona virus itself.