Wikipedia:Pilgrims Society

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Revision as of 18:49, 3 September 2011 by Robin (talk | contribs)
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The Pilgrims Society The Pilgrims Society
WpIcon32.png Pilgrims Society

The wikipedia page is only just longer than this one! Pretty remarkable for a society established over a century ago, with Queen Elizabeth II for its patron!

Related Wikispooks Pages

Document:Pilgrims Society Address 2002 Document:Pilgrims Society Address 2002 - Address by Assistant Secretary Richard Boucher to The Pilgrims Society meeting in London on 28 November 2002
File:Pilgrims.pdf File:Pilgrims.pdf - Meet the World of Money and Power. The Pilgrims organization is a cluster of intermarried old-line rich, Royals and robber barons who have created the world’s financial structure. An essay by Charles Savoie - December 2004

External Links

Additional Information

The links include two to the Wikispooks-hosted mirror of Joel Van der Reijden's now dormant ISGP web site. Most of the contents of the site are effectively suppressed by MSM sources on the internet - and that includes Wikipedia. It is a treasure-trove of information that those at the pinnacle of Western Establishment power structures would prefer you did not know about.