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MI5 Headquarters at Thames House, Millbank, London

Better known as MI5, the main British domestic intelligence service.

MI5 - 'Military Intelligence - Department 5'

MI5 is the internal Security Service of the UK State. Its principle statutory basis is the "Security Services Act 1989" [1] Its main responsibilities (in its own words) are "protecting the UK against threats to national security from espionage, terrorism and sabotage, from the activities of agents of foreign powers, and from actions intended to overthrow or undermine parliamentary democracy by political, industrial or violent means". It's correct title is "The Security Service". Its headquarter are at Thames House, Millbank London on the North bank of the river Thames. Map

The following is from the UK National Archives - Intelligence Records section: [2]

"MI5 started life in March 1909 when, following a recommendation of the Committee of Imperial Defence, the Secret Service Bureau was founded by Captain Vernon Kell (K) and Captain Mansfield Cumming (C) who were responsible for counter-espionage and gathering overseas intelligence, respectively. The extreme secrecy surrounding its operations is reflected by the fact that the sole copy of the sub-committee report regarding its foundation was placed in custody of the Director of Military Operations at the War Office: CAB 16/232 . During August 1914 Kell and his small staff were absorbed into the Directorate of Military Operations as MO5 (g). The following year MO5 became part of the Directorate of Military Intelligence, assumed the title MI5, and was made responsible for upholding the provisions of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and the Aliens Restriction Act in the face of German espionage. Following the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 MI5 began to concentrate on the perceived threat of Communist subversion, which (together with Irish terrorism) was to remain a principal theatre of operations until 1989."
"The majority of MI5 records are retained under section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act (1958). They remain exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (2000). However, since 1999 approximately 2000 'historical' files have been transferred to The National Archives. These cover a wide range of subjects and individuals that have fallen under the purview of MI5 since its inception. These include files on MI5 operations during World War One; German spies and intelligence agents, renegades, double agent operations, espionage cases, Japanese, Hungarian and Italian intelligence agents, SOE agents, right-wing extremists and fascists, Soviet intelligence officers, communist 'front' organisations, pacifists and refugees; German and Soviet intelligence operations, the ARCOS raid and British fascism; the History of the Security Service, the 'Curry Report' and MI5 section history's; Soviet, Pro-Nazi and Zionist organisations; Jeffrey Hamm, compromised SOE agents and investigation of leaks of information to German intelligence."

The Millbank Entrance to Thames House


Monitoring Prime Ministers

The Mail on Sunday reported in April 2010 that MI5 bugged Downing Street under five Prime Ministers between 1963 and 1977. The bugs were initially ordered by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. After a brief gap they were reinstated by his successor, Alec Douglas-Home. It is not clear whether Edward Heath and Harold Wilson were told of the surveillance. Historian Stephen Dorrill suggests this revelation appears to justify Wilson's belief that he was being spied on.[3]

The surveillance was ended on the orders of Prime Minister James Callaghan in 1977. Callaghan nevertheless denied in the Commons that No. 10 had ever been bugged.[4]

Details of the bugging were due to appear in Professor Christopher Andrew's 2009 official history of MI5, The Defence Of The Realm, but were removed at the insistence of the Cabinet Office. [5]

Vetting Ministers of State

Once a new Government has been formed MI5 briefs the incoming Prime Minister on any Ministerial appointments it thinks may be of concern to 'national security'. MI5's director general, Sir Stephen Lander told Radio 4: "In 1997 therefore the way the then cabinet secretary and I agreed we would deal with it... was that I would produce the summaries, one sheet for each of the individuals that we thought we should make a comment on... and if the prime minister said I'm thinking of making X secretary of state for defence, they [the cabinet secretary and the prime minister's principal private secretary] would say 'well prime minister, you might like to read this from the security service'." [6]

Binyam Mohamed case

In February 2010, the Security Service was sharply criticised in a draft judgement by the Master of the Rolls (head of the Court of Appeal) Lord Neuberger over its role in the case of Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed:

as the evidence in this case showed, at least some SIS officials appear to have a dubious record when it comes to human rights and coercive techniques, and indeed when it comes to frankness about the UK’s involvement with the mistreatment of Mr Mohammed by US officials. I have in mind in particular witness B, but it appears likely that there were others.[7]

Senior Management

Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding give the following list of senior officers

Management Board

According to the MI5 website, the Director General, Deputy Director General and Legal Advisor make up the Management Board of the Service, along with seven branch Directors. The board is supplemented by two Non-Executive Directors from outside the Service in an advisory role.[9]


The following list is taken from the 2003 edition of Hollingsworth and Fielding's Defending the Realm: Inside MI5 and the War on Terrorism and may now be somewhat dated.[10] This is supplemented with branch descriptions from the MI5 website in italics where these seem to match Hollingsworth and Fielding's account.[11]

There are some differences between the two accounts. According to the website, international counter-terrorism and counter-espionage are the the responsibility of a single branch, suggesting that Hollingsworth and Fielding's D and G branches may have been merged or re-organised. The website also lists a separate Information Services and Technology Capability branch, suggesting that information technology may have been separated from H Branch.

  • A Branch - Operational Support (Operational Capability)
    • A1A: Technical Operations, such as covert entry and audio and video surveillance.
    • A1F: As above, but on longer term target sites.
    • A2A: intercept transcription.
    • A3 and A5: Technical support for operations, including specialised covert photography and lockpickers.
  • B Branch - Human Resources (People and Security)
    • B1: Protective security for MI5 including building security and staff vetting.
    • B2: Personnel.
    • B7: Training and recruitment.
  • D Branch - Non Terrorist Organisations
    • D1: Vetting of non-MI5 personnel.
    • D4: Counter-espionage. Targets include Russia and China.
    • D5: D Branch agent runners.
  • G Branch - International Terrorism (International Counter Terrorism, Counter Espionage, Counter Proliferation)
    • G2P: Counter-proliferation
    • G3A: C-ordination of threat assessments.
    • G3C: Countering threats from South Asia, e.g. Sikh militants.
    • G3W: International terrorist threats not covered by other sections.
    • G6: G Branch agent runners.
    • G9A: Libya, Iraq, Palestinian and Kurdish groups.
    • G9B: Iranian state and Iranian dissident groups.
    • G9C: Islamic extremists.
  • H Branch - Corporate Affairs (strategy, policy, finance and facilities)
    • H1 and H2: Liason with Whitehall, the police and the media, covert financial enquiries, management policy including information technology.
    • H4: Finance.
    • R2: Main Registry
    • R5: Restricted 'Y-boxed' files.
    • R10: Registry for temporary files.
    • R20: Administers GCHQ material.
  • T Branch - Irish Terrorism (Northern Ireland Counter Terrorism)
    • T2A: Republican and loyalist terrorism in Great Britain.
    • T2B: Liaison with local Special Branches and agent runners responsible for investigating Irish terrorism in Great Britain.
    • T2C: Threat assessment for Irish terrorist groups.
    • T2D: Researches Irish terrorist groups.
    • T2E: Liaises with Metropolitan Police Special Branch, based at Scotland Yard.
    • T5B: Investigates arms trafficking
    • T5C: Counters Irish terrorism in Continental Europe, including the Republic of Ireland.
    • T5D: Irish terrorism in the rest of the world.
    • T5E: Studies terrorist logistics
    • T8: T Branch agent-runners, includes a Northern Ireland-based section.[12]

Defunct Branches

  • C Branch - Protective security
  • E Branch - Empire and Commonwealth counter-subversion - 1953-1971
  • F Branch - Domestic counter-subversion
  • K Branch - counterespionage 1968-1994

Related organisations


Directors General

See Also

External Links


  1. The Security Services Act 1989
  2. UK National Archives - Intelligence Records
  3. Jason Lewis and Tom Harper, Revealed: How MI5 bugged 10 Downing Street, the Cabinet and at least five Prime Ministers for 15 YEARS, Mail on Sunday, 18 April 2010.
  4. Jason Lewis and Tom Harper, Revealed: How MI5 bugged 10 Downing Street, the Cabinet and at least five Prime Ministers for 15 YEARS, Mail on Sunday, 18 April 2010.
  5. Jason Lewis and Tom Harper, Revealed: How MI5 bugged 10 Downing Street, the Cabinet and at least five Prime Ministers for 15 YEARS, Mail on Sunday, 18 April 2010.
  6. Day One in Number Ten, BBC Radio 4 at 1100hrs BST on Friday, 14 May 2010.
  7. Binyam Mohamed case: full texts of Paragraph 168 - and how they changed, 26 February 2010.
  8. Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding, Defending the Realm: Inside MI5 and The War on Terrorism, André Deutsch, 2003, pp.320-321.
  9. Organisation, MI5, accessed 19 July 2009.
  10. Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding, Defending the Realm: Inside MI5 and The War on Terrorism, André Deutsch, 2003, pp.320-321.
  11. Organisation, MI5, accessed 19 July 2009.
  12. Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding, Defending the Realm: Inside MI5 and The War on Terrorism, André Deutsch, 2003, pp.320-321.
  13. MI5 - Former Directors General, accessed 26 February 2008.
  14. MI5 - Director General, accessed 26 February 2008.