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Josef Trimpert was the third detainee in Camp Cropper held against his will in 2006 after falsely being accused of having ties to Al-Qaeda Iraq .

U.S. Army CID investigated Josef Trimpert and was later let go after not enough evidence against Trimpert per Donald Vance Nathan Ertel . CID also provided details that there was no kidnapping attempt on Ertel or Vances life that story was fabricated .

Upon QRF arrival of Josef Trimpert Compound in Karada District Baghdad Iraq , U.S. Navy SEALS told CID that both Ertel and Vance were smoking marijuana on the so called "rescue attempt" that didn't happen . Both Ertel and Vance, for reasons unknown, started malicious rumors against Josef Trimpert and accused him of crimes that were mostly hear say and without just cause.

CID further revealed Donald Vance was cheating on his fiance with a U.S. Department of State Employee who had close ties with the CIA , Debra Nagel.

Josef Trimpert is thought to have ties with the CIA as well according CID offers interviewed Josef Trimpert had a TS Clearance with Polygraph and had hard copies from the U.S. Embassy Baghdad Iraq of associated paperwork for being recruited into the CIA as a Clandestine Tactical Special Operations Field Operator in 2000 2 years after Josef Trimpert left the U.S. Marines.

Afghanistan Josef Trimpert went to Afghanistan in November 2008 working under a OGA Department State Contract this confirms Josef Trimpert did indeed have ties with the CIA .

CID files that were donated to this info bullet show that Donald Vance , Nathan Ertel were subjected to torture of loud music , walking into walls and bright lights.

Josef Trimpert experienced a much different experience of being tortured with actually being subjected to methods used against suspected insurgents. -Waterboarding -Electric Shock -Beat -Starvation -Stripped Naked and Humilitated -K9 Scare -Hung from Ceiling -Tight Space captivity

According to my colleagues in the media medium why there isn't much info on Josef Trimpert , he signed a NDA with CIA in Camp Cropper whom told him severe repercussions would happen if he had gone to the media about his captivity in Camp Cropper, my media colleagues also said Josef Trimpert had refused to talk with news reporters from Washington Times , New York Post and freelance journalist looking to hear Josef Trimpert's story.

It seems Josef Trimpert got a bad reputation from Donald Vance and Nathan Ertel the story seems far fetched had Josef Trimpert been truly guilty of all crimes accused of he would be Guantanamo Bay Cuba right now. This story sounds a lot like that Nicholas Cage movie Lord of War and a Bollywood Oscar to bad Snowden didn't release what really happened in regards to the detainee status of those 3 Americans.

One thing for certain all 3 Americans were never charged with a crime , forfeiture of habeas corpus never extended to Donald Vance , Nathan Ertel , and Josef Trimpert .

U.S. Government can exercise Extraordinary Rendition where they see fit at anytime without just cause , and if lucky as Donald Vance, Nathan Ertel, and Josef Trimpert walk free from possibly serving life in a federal prison be it CONUS or Guantanamo Bay Cuba.