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|members=Piero Dorazio, Yasuhiro Nakasone  
|members=Charles L. Herczegi,Andre Vlerick,U Tin Aung,Claude Badalo-Dulong,Joseph Pierre Chenu,Pierre de Boisdefere,Gilbert Gantier,Richard Bunemann,Horst Krueger,Hans Holthuseni,Rudolf Wildemann,Wilfred Filiburgh,Wayland Hilton-Young,George Ireland,Michael Stephens,Shiv Kumar,C.R. Krishnamoorthy,Anand Prakash,Sadli,Asrul Sani,Giovanni Cinque,Piero Dorazio,Umberto Serafini,Shimpei Fujimaki,Goro Fujise,Tsuya Nakano,Yasuhiro Nakasone,Yoshikazu Umezu,Beshara Ghorayeb,Hon Chong,Jan Wemelsfelder,Eskild Jensen,Benildo Hernandez,Enrique Joaquin,Izzuddin Pal,Kurshid Chishtie,Maxheruddin Siddiqi,J. Lopez Villaboa,M. F. Murillo,Holger Wigertz,Arthur Gloor
These are the participants from 1953 for the yearly International Seminar led by [[Henry Kissinger]] at Harvard University.<ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784669</ref>. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>  Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>
For next year's cadre, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1954]]. For the previous year, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1952]]. For an overview of the program itself, see [[Harvard/International Seminar]].
==Select examples==
*[[Piero Dorazio]] - Italian painter
*[[Charles L. Herczegi]] - Assistant at Vienna School of Economics for Political Economy; productivity-raising and export-promoting research for Austrian Chamber of Commerce; lecturer. at "Institut fur Europäische Gegenwartkunde"  
*[[Yasuhiro Nakasone]] Prime Minister of Japan
*[[Andre Vlerick]] - Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade - First Counselor in charge of the Administration of E.R.P. and M.S.A.; Belgian Government delegate to the Productivity and Applied Research Committee of the 0.E.E.C., Paris; lecturer in Economics at [[St. Ignatius Higher Business School]] and [[Ghent University]].  
*[[U Tin Aung]] - Editor, Burma Translation Society; Publications include many books on science: "Science and the Greeks," "From Alchemy to Chemistry," World's Greatest Scientists."  
HERCZEGI,Charles L.; c/o Heder, 17 Reichsratstr., Vienna I, Austria
*Miss [[Claude Badalo-Dulong]] - Editor of "Bulletin de l'Alliance Francaise"; works on unpublished documents (XVIIth-Century) in a private library; recently completed a series ofbroadcasts on historical subjects for Radio-Luxembourg; contributes to various literary and historical reviews.  
Assistant at Vienna School of Economics for Political Economy;
*[[Joseph Pierre Chenu]] - Tutor of Philosophy, [[Lycee Saint-Louis]]. Publications: "Le Theatre de Marcel et Son Signification Metaphysique" and papers on Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and others.  
productivity-raising and export-promoting research for Austrian  
*[[Pierre de Boisdefere]] - Subdirector at the Ministry of National Education; editor of books of criticism called "Classiques Du XX Siede." Author of "Barres Parmi Nous," "Les Fins Derniers," and an essay on Malraux  
Chamber of Commerce; lecturer. at "Institut fur Europais che
*[[Gilbert Gantier]] - Civil servant at French Ministry of Reconstruction and Town and Country Planning; research in economic and social aspects of Public Housing Construction and Town and Country Planning.  
*[[Richard Bunemann]] - British Council Research Scholar in St.Antony's - Modern History; Finished Manuscript; Hamburg in the German Revolution of 1918/19. Connected with European Socialist Movement.
BELGIUM VLERICK, Andre; 45 rue Jules Lejeune, Brussels
*[[Horst Krueger]] - Working at several self-government institutions (University and Social Work). 'Temporarily an expert on duty of the German Federal Government on economic and military problems.  
Belgian Ministry of Fareign Affairs and Foreign Trade - First  
*[[Hans Holthuseni]] - Permanent delegate to European Poets' Conference in [[Belgium]]. Contributes poems and essays to various literary and philosophical magazines, e.g. "Merkur," "Die Wandlung," and "Die Neue Rundschau."  
Counsellor in charge of the Administration of'E.R.P. and M.S.A.;  
*[[Rudolf Wildemann]] - Member of editorial staff of-"Deutsche Zeitung;" Stuttgart. Also connected with research project at [[University of Heidelberg]] on "Anti and Unparliamentary Powers and Tendencies in Germany and France."  
Belgian Government delegate to the Productivity and Applied Research  
*[[Wilfred Filiburgh]] - UK Member of Parliament. Prior to this, he was Secretary of the Research Department of the [[British Labour Party]] and Secretary of the Labour Party's Policy Committee.  
Committee of 'the 0.E.Er.C., Paris; lecturer in Economics at St.  
*[[Wayland Hilton-Young]] Writer. Has published "The Italian Left," "The Deadweight" in 1952, and "Time Exposure" to be published in 1953. Has had literary articles in the CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL,, SPECTATOR, etc.  
Ignatius Higher Business School and Ghent University.  
*[[George Ireland]] Assistant Lecturer in French Language and literature in [[University of Leeds]]. Directing research in 20th century French literature. Has just completed a long review, of the latest edition of Kurt Wais' book on Mallarme.  
BURMA AUNG,,U Tin; 45 Linlun Street, Kemmendine, Rangoon
*[[Michael Stephens]] - A talks producer for [[BBC|British Broadcasting Corp.]], Collecting and suggesting material and speakers for broadcast talks and discussions in Third, Home and Light programmes of B.B.C.  
Editor, Burma Translation Society; Publications include many books  
*[[Shiv Kumar]] - Research in English Literature at Cambridge, Broadcasting experience in [[India]] included writing scripts on social, cultural and political subjects. In England has broadcast from B.B.C. - plays, features, book reviews, etc. Edited for Indian students Shakespeare's "Othello" and "As You Like It."  
on science: "Science and the Greeks," "From Alchemy to Chemistry,"  
*[[C.R. Krishnamoorthy]] Member of the Indian Administrative Service on special duty to review the results of the First Five Year Plan.  
World's Greatest Scientists."  
*[[Anand Prakash]] - Until recently, 'part-time tutor, [[London School of Economics]]; Advocate, High Court, East Punjab, [[India]]; Barrister-at-Law, Queen's Bench Division, London; was active in trade union movement in India.  
FRANCE BADALO-DULONG,- Miss Claude; 202 rue de Rivoli, Paris
*[[Sadli]] -Officer in Monetary Research Dept. of Ministry of Finance and works in Research Institute of School of Economics at University of Indonesia.  
Editor of ".Bulletin de l'Alliance•Yrancaise"; works on unpublished  
*[[Asrul Sani]] - Editor, "Siasat" (Indonesian Weekly) Djakarta, in charge of cultural section; Co-editor of "Zenith," a new monthly for art and literature.  
.documents (XVIIth-Century) in a private library; recently completed  
*[[Giovanni Cinque]] - Executive Assistant to the Director, Land Reform Organization, Bari  
a series.of-broadcasts on historical subjects for Radio-Luxembourg;  
*[[Piero Dorazio]] - Art writer, painter and designer; editor of "Artivisive"  
contributes to various literary and historical reviews.  
*[[Umberto Serafini]] - Professor of History and Philosophy in the siate lycee and normal schools - teaching philosophy and pedagogics to students and teachers. Director, Italian Institute for Community Centers. Assistant Professor of History of Political Thought at [[University of Rome]].  
CHENU, Joseph Pierre; 14 rue de la Mutualite, Saint Maur de Fosses
*[[Shimpei Fujimaki]] - Secretary of the Policy Research Board, Headquarters of Social-democratic Party of Japan (Right Wing). 'Does research on various political and economic circumstances and drafts party policies.  
*[[Goro Fujise]] - Regular staff commentator of Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Broadcasting Corp. of Japan); associated member of the Institute of World Economy in Tokyo; lecturer on International Economy at the Tokyo Foreign Languages College.  
Tutor of PhilosoPhy, Lycee Saint-Louis. Publications: "Le Theatre  
*Miss [[Tsuya Nakano]] - Third consulting superintendent, Public Hearing Section, Public Service Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.  
de Marcel et Son Signification Metaphysique" and papers on Sartre,  
*[[Yasuhiro Nakasone]] Japan Member of the House of Representatives since 1947, member of standing committee on Budget; Deputy Chairman of the Policy Commission of Progressive Party. Later  Prime Minister of Japan
Merleau-Ponty and others.  
*[[Yoshikazu Umezu]]; Chiyoda-ku Yurakucho 1-1, No. 44:14 Nikkatsu International Building, Tokyo, Japan Managing Clerk, Blakeney Law Office. Prepares pleadings, briefs and other court documents in Japanese and English.  
de BOiSDEFERE,. Pierre; 5 Cite Vaneau, Paris VII
*[[Beshara Ghorayeb]]; 49, rue Hoyeck, Beirut, Lebanon General Manager and Editor, Middle East Press Office and Secretary-General of the Economic Research Centre. Publications: economic editorials, daily and weekly artièles and studies in "L'Observateur" (Cairo), "Al-Ahram" Cairo), "Al-Nahar" (Beirut), "Al-Amal," (Beirut), "Tribune de Geneve" ([[Switzerland]]) - also reports for Point 4 Commission on Organization and Rural Life in Lebanon.  
Subdirector at the Ministry of National Education; editor of books  
*[[Hon Chong]] - Officer in the Settlement Civil Service, Federation of Malaya. Before going to Cambridge University to read Honours in Law, he did administrative work in a rural district embracing land tenure, social welfare of peasant and small-holding population.  
of criticism called "Classiques Du XX Siede." Author of "Barres  
*[[Jan Wemelsfelder]] - Chief of the International Economic Cooperation Research Section of the Directorate General of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Has contributed articles to economic journals.  
Parmi Nous," "Les Fins Derniers," and an essay on Malraux  
*[[Eskild Jensen]] - Employed as a Secretary by the Office of Monetary Policy under the Department of Economy in the Ministry of Finance. Duties include preparing reports on economic matters, participating in national budgeting and other work in field of economic policy.  
GANTIER, Gilbert; 9 rue Auguste Lancon, Paris 13
*[[Benildo Hernandez]] - Assistant Attorney and Researcher for Tanada, Pelaez.& Teehankee Law Offices; President, Philippines Labor Education Service; Executive Vice President of Associated Workers Union of the Philippines.  
Civil servant at French Ministry of Reconstruction and Town and  
*[[ Enrique Joaquin]] - Faculty Member, College of Education and Chairman of Student Activities at Far Eastern University. Published: "Student Action in Rural Communities" and "The Challenge to Youth."  
Country Planning; research in economic and social aspects of Public  
*[[Izzuddin Pal]] - Senior Lecturer in Economics in Economics Department, Panjah Univ., Lahore. Teaches History of Economic Thought and International Trade problems to M.A. classes.  
Housing Construction and Town and Country Planning.  
*[[Kurshid Chishtie]] - Principal, Government College, Quetta; teaching and Administrative duties.  
GERMANY BUNEMANN, Richard; Eppendorter Landstrasse 6, Hamburg 200 Germany
*[[Maxheruddin Siddiqi]] - Fellow at Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore, doing research and writing books. Publications include: "Communism and Islam", "Marxism or Islam") "Economic Theory of Islam", "Islamic Theory of History", and others.  
*[[J. Lopez Villaboa]] - Was Economic Assistant in survey of Spain for the E.C.A. Has been translator for various International Conferences in Spain during past two years. Studied at Central University, Madrid, and now at School of Commerce, Valladolid.  
British Council Research Scholar in St..Antony's - Modern History;  
*[[M. F. Murillo]] - Collaborator in Dept. of International Politics at Institute de Estudios Politicos; Chief Deputy, Dept. of Cultural Interchanges at Instituto de Cultura Hispanica.  
Finished Manuscript; Hamburg in the GermallRevolution of 1918/19..
*[[Holger Wigertz]]; Katrincehoms-Kuriren, Katrineholm Political Editor in the Swedish liberal paper of Katrineholms-Kuriren
Connected with European Socialist Movement.'
*[[Arthur Gloor]] - Secretary of the "International Forum Zurich" and journalist. In 1948-49, was lecturer for German Literature, Univ. of Cape Town, So. Africa. Published "E.T.A. Hoffman, Der Dichter Der Entwurzelten Geistigkeit" and more than 70 articles for Radio-lectures on: S, Africa, Philosophy, Policy, Travel, Psychology.  
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KRUEGER,.Horst; Dahlmannstrasse 32, Bonn
Working at several self-government institutions (University and  
Social Work). 'Temporarily an expert on duty of the German Federal  
Government on economic and military problems.  
HOLTHUSENI. Hans; Agnosstrasse 480 Munich
Permanent delegate to European Poets' Conference in Belgium.  
Contributes poems and essays to various literary and philosophical  
magazines, e.g. "Merkur," "Die Wandlung," and "Die Neue Rundscha4."  
WILDENMANN, Rudolf; Romersteinweg 30 Stuttgart 13
Member of editorial staff of-"Ddutsche Zeitung;" Stuttgart. Also  
connected. -with research project at University of Heidelberg on  
"Anti and Unparliamentary Powers and Tendencies in Germany and  
FILIBURGH, Wilfred; House of Commons, London S.W.1.
Member of Parliament. Prior to this, he was Secretary of the Research  
Department of the British Labour Party and Secretary of the Labour  
Party's Policy Committee.  
HILTON-YOUNG, Wayland; Leinster Corner, Lancaster Gate, London W.2
Writer. Has published "The Italian Left," "The Deadweight" in 1952,  
and "Time Exposure" to be published in 1953. Has had literary  
articles in the CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL,, SPECTATOR, etc.  
IRELAND, George; Department of French, The University, Leeds 2
Assistant Lecturer in French Language and literature in University  
of Leeds. Directing research in 20th century French literature.  
Has just completed a long review, of the latest edition of Kurt Wais'  
book on Mallarme.  
STEPHENS, Michael; 26 Cliddesden Rd., Basingstoke, Hampshire, Eng.
A talks prdaucer for British Broadcasting Corp., Collecting and  
suggesting material and speakers for broadcast talks and discussions  
in Third, Home and Light programmes of B.B.C.  
INDIA KUMAR, Shiv; c/o Mr. Krishan Shandra, Block No. 18, Anand Parbat,
Kerel Bagh, New Delhi.
Research in English Literature at Cambridge. ,Broadcasting experience  
in India included writing scripts on social, cultural and political  
subjects. In England has broadcast from B.B.C. - plays, features,  
book reviews, etc. Edited for Indian students Shakespeare's "Othello"  
and "As You Like It."  
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KRISHNAMOORTHY, C.R.; Bedford Hotel, Southampton Row, London W.C.1
Member of the Indian Administrative Service on special duty to  
review the results of the First Five Year Plan.  
PRAKASH, Anand; 1609 Dariba Kalan, Délhi
Until recently, 'part-time tutor, London School of Economics; Advocate,  
High Court, East Punjab, India; Barrister-at-Law, Queen's Bench  
Division, London; was active in trade union movement in India.  
INDONESIA SADLI; 8 Kobon Sirih, Djakarta
Officer in Monetary Research Dept. of Ministry of Finance and works  
in Research Institute of School of Economics at University of Indonesia.  
SANI, Asrul; Temporary address: Oranje-Nassaulaan 5, Amsterdam
Editor, "Siasat" (Indonesian Weekly) Djakarta, in charge of cultural  
section; Co-editor of "Zenith," a new monthly for art and literature.  
ITALY CINQUE, Giovanni; Via Bozzi 511 Bari
Executive Assistant to the Director, Land Reform Organization, Bari  
DORAZIO, Piero; Vicolo San Nicole da Tolentino, 13, Rome
Art writer, painter and designer; editor of "Artivisive"  
SERAFINI, Umberto; Via Ruggero Bonghi 271 Rome
Professor of History and Philosophy in the siate lycee and normal  
schools - teaching philosophy and pedagogics to students and teachers.  
Director, Italian Institute for Community Centers. Assistant  
Professor of History of Political Thought at University of Rome.  
FUJIMAKI, Shimpei; Chiyoda-ku, Awaji-cho, 2-chome No. 31 Tokyo
Secretary of the Policy Research Board, Headquarters of Social-
democratic Party of Japan (Right Wing). 'Does research on various  
political and economic circumstances and drafts party policies.  
FUJISE, Goro; Shinzyuku, 2240, Zushi
Regular staff commentator of Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Broadcasting Corp.  
of Japan); associated member of the Institute of World Economy in  
Tokyo; lecturer on International Economy at the Tokyo Foreign  
Languages College.  
NAKANO, Miss Tsuya; Sumida-Ku, Higashi-Ryogoku 4-chome, 201 Tokyo-to
Third consulting superintendent, Public Hearing Section, Public  
Service Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.  
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NAKASONE, Yasuhiro, Suehiro-cho, 44, Takasaki-shi, Japan  
Member of the House of Representatives since 1947, member of  
standing committee on Budget; Deputy Chairman of the Policy  
Commission of Progressive Party.  
UMEZU, Yoshikazu; Chiyoda-ku Yurakucho 1-1, No. 44:14 Nikkatsu  
International Building, Tokyo, japan
Managing Clerk, Blakeney Law Office. Prepares pleadings, briefs  
and other court documents in Japanese and English.  
.IEBANON GHORAYEB, Beshara; 49, rue Hoyeck, Beirut, Lebanon  
General Manager and Editor, Middle East Press Office and Secretary-
General of the Economic Research Centre. Publications: economic  
editorials, daily and weekly artièles and studies in "L'Observateur"  
(Cairo), "Al-Abram" rairo), "Al-Nahar" (Beirut), "Al-Amal," (Beirut),  
"Tribune de Geneve" (Switzerland) - also reports for Point 4 Commission  
on Organization and Rural Life in Lebanon.  
MALAYA CHONG) Hon; c/o Trinity Hall, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
Officer in the Settlement Civil Service, Federation of Malaya. Before  
going to Cambridge University to read Honours in Law, he did adminis-
trative work in a rural district embracing land tenure, social welfare  
of peasant and small-holding population.  
NETHERLANDS WEMELSFELDER, jan; Valkenboslaan 170, The Hague, Netherlands
Chief of the International Economic Cooperation Research Section of  
the Directorate General of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry  
.of Economic Affairs. Has contributed articles to economic journals.  
JENSEN Eskild; Slemdalsveien 47, Oslo, Norway
Employed as a Secretary by the Office of Monetary Policy under the  
Department of Economy in the Ministry of Finance. Duties include  
preparing reports on economic matters, participating in national  
budgeting and other work in field of economic policy.  
PHILIPPINES HERNANDEZ, Benildo; S-503 China Bank Bldg., Desmarinas, Manila
Assistant Attorney and Researcher for Tanada, Pelaez.& Teehankee Law  
Offices; President, Philippines Labor Education Service; Executive  
Vice President of Associated Workers Union of the Philippines.  
JOAQUIN, Enrique; 1654 Enrique St., Manila
Faculty Member, College of Education and Chairman of Student Activities  
at Far Eastern University. Published: "Student Action in Rural  
Communities" and "The Challenge to Youth."  
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PAL,. Izzuddin; 1 Fane Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Senior Lecturer in Economics in Economics Department, Panjah Univ.,  
Lahore. Teaches History of Economic Thought and International Trade  
problems to M.A. classes.  
CHISHTIE, Kurshid; Principal's Lodge, Govt. College, Quetta, Pakistan
Principal, Government College, Quetta; teaching and Administrative  
SIDDIQI, Maxheruddin; 29 Khalid Street, Islamia Park, Lahore, Pakistan
Fellow at Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore, doing research and  
writing books. Publications include: "Communism and Islam", "Marxism  
or Islam") "Economic Theory of Islam", "Islamic Theory of History",  
and others.  
SPAIN VILLABOA, J. Lopez; Garcia Morato 122, Madrid, Spain
Was Economic Assistant in survey of Spain for the E.C.A. Has been  
translator for various International Conferences in Spain during  
pastj two years. Studied at Central University, Madrid, and now at  
School of Commerce, Valladolid.  
MURILLO, M. F.; 23 Monte Esquinza, Madrid, Spain
Collaborator in Dept. of International Politics at Institute de  
Estudios Politicos; Chief Deputy, Dept. of Cultural Interchanges at  
Instituto de Cultura Hispanica.  
SWEDEN WIGERTZ, Holger; Katrincehoms-Kuriren, Katrineholm
Political Editor in the Swedish liberal paper of Katrineholms-Kuriren
SWITZERLAND GLOOR, Arthur; Eschwiesenstrasse 3) Zurich
Secretary of the "International Forum Zurich" and journalist. In  
1948-49, was lecturer for German Literature, Univ. of Cape Town,  
So. Africa. Published "E.T.A. Hoffman, Der Dichter Der Entwurzelten  
Geistigkeit" and more than 70 articles for Radio-lectures on: S,  
Africa, Philosophy, Policy, Travel, Psychology.  

Latest revision as of 06:19, 29 November 2022

<-Group.png Harvard/International Seminar/1953Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png->
Membership• Charles L. Herczegi
• Andre Vlerick
• U Tin Aung
• Claude Badalo-Dulong
• Joseph Pierre Chenu
• Pierre de Boisdefere
• Gilbert Gantier
• Richard Bunemann
• Horst Krueger
• Hans Holthuseni
• Rudolf Wildemann
• Wilfred Filiburgh
• Wayland Hilton-Young
• George Ireland
• Michael Stephens
• Shiv Kumar
• C.R. Krishnamoorthy
• Anand Prakash
• Sadli
• Asrul Sani
• Giovanni Cinque
• Piero Dorazio
• Umberto Serafini
• Shimpei Fujimaki
• Goro Fujise
• Tsuya Nakano
• Yasuhiro Nakasone
• Yoshikazu Umezu
• Beshara Ghorayeb
• Hon Chong
• Jan Wemelsfelder
• Eskild Jensen
• Benildo Hernandez
• Enrique Joaquin
• Izzuddin Pal
• Kurshid Chishtie
• Maxheruddin Siddiqi
• J. Lopez Villaboa
• M. F. Murillo
• Holger Wigertz
• Arthur Gloor

These are the participants from 1953 for the yearly International Seminar led by Henry Kissinger at Harvard University.[1]. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".[2] Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.[3]

For next year's cadre, see Harvard/International Seminar/1954. For the previous year, see Harvard/International Seminar/1952. For an overview of the program itself, see Harvard/International Seminar.


  • Charles L. Herczegi - Assistant at Vienna School of Economics for Political Economy; productivity-raising and export-promoting research for Austrian Chamber of Commerce; lecturer. at "Institut fur Europäische Gegenwartkunde"
  • Andre Vlerick - Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade - First Counselor in charge of the Administration of E.R.P. and M.S.A.; Belgian Government delegate to the Productivity and Applied Research Committee of the 0.E.E.C., Paris; lecturer in Economics at St. Ignatius Higher Business School and Ghent University.
  • U Tin Aung - Editor, Burma Translation Society; Publications include many books on science: "Science and the Greeks," "From Alchemy to Chemistry," World's Greatest Scientists."
  • Miss Claude Badalo-Dulong - Editor of "Bulletin de l'Alliance Francaise"; works on unpublished documents (XVIIth-Century) in a private library; recently completed a series ofbroadcasts on historical subjects for Radio-Luxembourg; contributes to various literary and historical reviews.
  • Joseph Pierre Chenu - Tutor of Philosophy, Lycee Saint-Louis. Publications: "Le Theatre de Marcel et Son Signification Metaphysique" and papers on Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and others.
  • Pierre de Boisdefere - Subdirector at the Ministry of National Education; editor of books of criticism called "Classiques Du XX Siede." Author of "Barres Parmi Nous," "Les Fins Derniers," and an essay on Malraux
  • Gilbert Gantier - Civil servant at French Ministry of Reconstruction and Town and Country Planning; research in economic and social aspects of Public Housing Construction and Town and Country Planning.
  • Richard Bunemann - British Council Research Scholar in St.Antony's - Modern History; Finished Manuscript; Hamburg in the German Revolution of 1918/19. Connected with European Socialist Movement.
  • Horst Krueger - Working at several self-government institutions (University and Social Work). 'Temporarily an expert on duty of the German Federal Government on economic and military problems.
  • Hans Holthuseni - Permanent delegate to European Poets' Conference in Belgium. Contributes poems and essays to various literary and philosophical magazines, e.g. "Merkur," "Die Wandlung," and "Die Neue Rundschau."
  • Rudolf Wildemann - Member of editorial staff of-"Deutsche Zeitung;" Stuttgart. Also connected with research project at University of Heidelberg on "Anti and Unparliamentary Powers and Tendencies in Germany and France."
  • Wilfred Filiburgh - UK Member of Parliament. Prior to this, he was Secretary of the Research Department of the British Labour Party and Secretary of the Labour Party's Policy Committee.
  • Wayland Hilton-Young Writer. Has published "The Italian Left," "The Deadweight" in 1952, and "Time Exposure" to be published in 1953. Has had literary articles in the CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL,, SPECTATOR, etc.
  • George Ireland Assistant Lecturer in French Language and literature in University of Leeds. Directing research in 20th century French literature. Has just completed a long review, of the latest edition of Kurt Wais' book on Mallarme.
  • Michael Stephens - A talks producer for British Broadcasting Corp., Collecting and suggesting material and speakers for broadcast talks and discussions in Third, Home and Light programmes of B.B.C.
  • Shiv Kumar - Research in English Literature at Cambridge, Broadcasting experience in India included writing scripts on social, cultural and political subjects. In England has broadcast from B.B.C. - plays, features, book reviews, etc. Edited for Indian students Shakespeare's "Othello" and "As You Like It."
  • C.R. Krishnamoorthy Member of the Indian Administrative Service on special duty to review the results of the First Five Year Plan.
  • Anand Prakash - Until recently, 'part-time tutor, London School of Economics; Advocate, High Court, East Punjab, India; Barrister-at-Law, Queen's Bench Division, London; was active in trade union movement in India.
  • Sadli -Officer in Monetary Research Dept. of Ministry of Finance and works in Research Institute of School of Economics at University of Indonesia.
  • Asrul Sani - Editor, "Siasat" (Indonesian Weekly) Djakarta, in charge of cultural section; Co-editor of "Zenith," a new monthly for art and literature.
  • Giovanni Cinque - Executive Assistant to the Director, Land Reform Organization, Bari
  • Piero Dorazio - Art writer, painter and designer; editor of "Artivisive"
  • Umberto Serafini - Professor of History and Philosophy in the siate lycee and normal schools - teaching philosophy and pedagogics to students and teachers. Director, Italian Institute for Community Centers. Assistant Professor of History of Political Thought at University of Rome.
  • Shimpei Fujimaki - Secretary of the Policy Research Board, Headquarters of Social-democratic Party of Japan (Right Wing). 'Does research on various political and economic circumstances and drafts party policies.
  • Goro Fujise - Regular staff commentator of Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Broadcasting Corp. of Japan); associated member of the Institute of World Economy in Tokyo; lecturer on International Economy at the Tokyo Foreign Languages College.
  • Miss Tsuya Nakano - Third consulting superintendent, Public Hearing Section, Public Service Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
  • Yasuhiro Nakasone Japan Member of the House of Representatives since 1947, member of standing committee on Budget; Deputy Chairman of the Policy Commission of Progressive Party. Later Prime Minister of Japan
  • Yoshikazu Umezu; Chiyoda-ku Yurakucho 1-1, No. 44:14 Nikkatsu International Building, Tokyo, Japan Managing Clerk, Blakeney Law Office. Prepares pleadings, briefs and other court documents in Japanese and English.
  • Beshara Ghorayeb; 49, rue Hoyeck, Beirut, Lebanon General Manager and Editor, Middle East Press Office and Secretary-General of the Economic Research Centre. Publications: economic editorials, daily and weekly artièles and studies in "L'Observateur" (Cairo), "Al-Ahram" Cairo), "Al-Nahar" (Beirut), "Al-Amal," (Beirut), "Tribune de Geneve" (Switzerland) - also reports for Point 4 Commission on Organization and Rural Life in Lebanon.
  • Hon Chong - Officer in the Settlement Civil Service, Federation of Malaya. Before going to Cambridge University to read Honours in Law, he did administrative work in a rural district embracing land tenure, social welfare of peasant and small-holding population.
  • Jan Wemelsfelder - Chief of the International Economic Cooperation Research Section of the Directorate General of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Has contributed articles to economic journals.
  • Eskild Jensen - Employed as a Secretary by the Office of Monetary Policy under the Department of Economy in the Ministry of Finance. Duties include preparing reports on economic matters, participating in national budgeting and other work in field of economic policy.
  • Benildo Hernandez - Assistant Attorney and Researcher for Tanada, Pelaez.& Teehankee Law Offices; President, Philippines Labor Education Service; Executive Vice President of Associated Workers Union of the Philippines.
  • Enrique Joaquin - Faculty Member, College of Education and Chairman of Student Activities at Far Eastern University. Published: "Student Action in Rural Communities" and "The Challenge to Youth."
  • Izzuddin Pal - Senior Lecturer in Economics in Economics Department, Panjah Univ., Lahore. Teaches History of Economic Thought and International Trade problems to M.A. classes.
  • Kurshid Chishtie - Principal, Government College, Quetta; teaching and Administrative duties.
  • Maxheruddin Siddiqi - Fellow at Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore, doing research and writing books. Publications include: "Communism and Islam", "Marxism or Islam") "Economic Theory of Islam", "Islamic Theory of History", and others.
  • J. Lopez Villaboa - Was Economic Assistant in survey of Spain for the E.C.A. Has been translator for various International Conferences in Spain during past two years. Studied at Central University, Madrid, and now at School of Commerce, Valladolid.
  • M. F. Murillo - Collaborator in Dept. of International Politics at Institute de Estudios Politicos; Chief Deputy, Dept. of Cultural Interchanges at Instituto de Cultura Hispanica.
  • Holger Wigertz; Katrincehoms-Kuriren, Katrineholm Political Editor in the Swedish liberal paper of Katrineholms-Kuriren
  • Arthur Gloor - Secretary of the "International Forum Zurich" and journalist. In 1948-49, was lecturer for German Literature, Univ. of Cape Town, So. Africa. Published "E.T.A. Hoffman, Der Dichter Der Entwurzelten Geistigkeit" and more than 70 articles for Radio-lectures on: S, Africa, Philosophy, Policy, Travel, Psychology.


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