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|image=Funding 1956.jpg
|image_caption=The funders for the seminar included the deep state [[Ford Foundation]], the [[Smith Richardson Foundation]], the [[Fairfield Foundation]], and the [[Asia Foundation]]; all four were used by the [[CIA]] as vehicles for covert financing of select projects and people.
|members=Joseph van Bilsen, Wattage Johanis Fernando,Neville Theseus,Ming-min Peng,Sven Børge Jensen,Michael McFarland Davis,Peter John Kennedy,William Ross,John Rowe Townsend,Pekka Kullervo Malinen,Alain Marcel Clement,Guy Hippolyte d'Arvisenet,Jean Georges Paris,Andre Constant Simonard,Astrid Claes,Joachim Heinrich Gehlhoff,Herbert Pothorn,Hiralal Bose,Ajit Kumar Das,Bangalore Kuppuswamy,Narayan Dattaram Rajadhyaksha,Herawati Diah,Husain Ali Mahfuz,Alasia Borghese,Ernesto Ignazio Riccardo de Marchi,Giovanni Merlini,Ai Kume,Mikiso Mizuki,Eiichi Nagasue,Kishiro Sakai,Yong Hee Lee,Emil Rudolf Meijer,Aziz Beg,A. Mannon Omar,Imaduddin Ahmed Sheikh,Fe Rodriguez Arcinas,Ceferino Padua Padua,Ramon Fernandez de Soigne,Joaquin Mallo,Eric Nettle,Turhan Feyzioglu,Vladimir Ibler,James L. Houghteling Jr,Kenneth Keniston,John Owens
Complete list 1956<ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784669</ref>
These are the participants from 1956 for the yearly International Seminar led by [[Henry Kissinger]] at Harvard University.<ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784669</ref>. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>  Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>
==Select examples==
BELGIUM VAN BILSEN, Joseph, avenue Orban 172, Woluwe St. Pierre, Brussels.
Frofessor of social law at the College of Overseas Territories, Antwerp.
Formerly deputy chief of staff of the Minister of Education. Has written
extensively about Africa.
CEYLON FERNANDO, Wattage Johanis, 3 De Fonseka Place, Bamalapitiya, Colombo.
Assistant Commissioner of Local Government in Ceylon. Has written
and produced a number of Sinhalese plays and is an authority on Sinhalese
literature and culture.
KANAKARATNE, Neville Theseus Dharmapala, 103 Greenlands Road, Colombo.
Crown Counsel in the Department of the Attorney General, Ceylon.  
CHINA PENG, Ming-min, College of Law, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Formosa
Associate Professor of International Law, National Taiwan University.  
DENMARK JENSEN, Svend B8rge, M811evangen 46, Birkerod, Nr. Copenhagen.
Chairman of the Danish Social-Democratic Youth Organization. Chief
Editor of Free Youth.
ENGLAND DAVIS, Michael McFarland, St. Mary's, Detillens Lane, Oxted, Surrey.
Principal at the Air Ministry, London. Formerly Private Secretary to  
the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Air.
KENNEDY, Peter John, 58 Grennford Gardens, Greenford, Middlesex.
Assistant Lecturer in Physics, King's College, London University.  
ROSS, William, 10 Chapelpark Road, Ayr, Scotland.  
Member of Parlicment.  
TOWNSEND, John Rowe, 28 Netherwood Road, Narthenden, Manchester.
Editor of the Manchester Guardian Weekly, Art Editor of the Manchester
FINLAND MALINEN, Pekka Kullervo, Pihlajatie 47-49 B.28, Helsinki.
Secretary-General of the Finnish People's Party.
FRANCE CLEMENT, Alain Marcel, Karl-Schurz-Str. 25, Bad Godesberg/Priesdorf.
Correspondent of Le Monde (Paris) in Germany.
d'ARVISENET, Guy Hippolyte, Rue Beaumont 19a, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy.
Head of the Research and Documentation Department, Common Assembly,
European Community for Coal and Steel. Formerly Secretary of the French
delegation to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe.
For next year's cadre, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1957]]. For the previous year, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1955]]. For an overview of the program itself, see [[Harvard/International Seminar]].
PARIS, Jean Georges, 30 rue de Bellefond, Paris 9.  
On the staff of the Bulletin Analytique, at the National Scientific
Research Center, Sorbonne. Has published numerous poems, essays,
translations, and is at present working on a detailed study on the
modern novel.
SIMONARD, Andre Constant, rue Henri Heine 17, Paris.
Professor at the Higher School of Commercial Science, University of
Paris. Legal Consultant of the Ministry of the Merchant Navy. Formerly
first counsellor to the Minister for fublic Works and Transport; Cabinet
Director to the Secretary of State in the Government of M. Mendes-France.
GERMANY CLAES, Astrid, Gyrhofstr. 3, Cologne.
Writer and poetess. Has published numerous translations, book reviews,
poems and short stories.
GEHLHOFF, Joachim Heinrich, Cronstettenstr. 2, Frankfurt/Main.
Economic editor with the Deutsche Zeitung.
POTHORN, Herbert, Munich 23, Mandlstrasse 3a.
Free lance artist and writer. Has written and illustrated several
stories for television.
BOSE, Hiralal, 7 Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi 1.
Youth Organizer, All India Congress Committee, New Delhi. Organization
of young people throughout India for future responsibilities, through
camps, seminars, study classes, debates, etc.
DAS, Ajit Kumar, Tower House, Chowringhee Square, Calcutta 1.
Correspondent of United Press for Eastern India, Correspondent for
the Mainichi Newspapers, Japan. Professor of Economics at City College,
Calcutta University.
KUPPUSWAMY, Bangalore, Maharaja's College, University of Mysore.
Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Mysore.
RAJADHYAKSHA, Narayan Dattaram, 17 Sitaladevi Building, Lady Jamshedji
Road, Mahim - 16, Bombay.
Lecturer in Logic and Philosqphy, Jai Hind College, Bombay. Also
actively associated with adult education work.
INDONESIA DIM!, Mrs. Herawati, 61 Djalan Diponegoro, Djakarta.
Editor of newspaper Indonesian Observer, Editor of Madjalah Merdeka.
illustrated weekly, and editor of Keluarga, a monthly magazine.  
Uncorrected Plain Text Taken From Image:
*[[Joseph van Bilsen]] - Professor of social law at the College of Overseas Territories, Antwerp. Formerly deputy chief of staff of the Minister of Education. Has written extensively about Africa.
*[[Wattage Johanis Fernando]] - Assistant Commissioner of Local Government in Ceylon. Has written and produced a number of Sinhalese plays and is an authority on Sinhalese literature and culture.
*[[Neville Theseus Dharmapala Kanakaratne]] - Crown Counsel in the Department of the Attorney General, Ceylon.
*[[Ming-min Peng]] - Associate Professor of International Law, National Taiwan University.
*[[Sven Børge Jensen]] - Chairman of the Danish Social-Democratic Youth Organization. Chief Editor of Free Youth.
*[[Michael McFarland Davis]] - Principal at the Air Ministry, London. Formerly Private Secretary to the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Air.
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*[[Peter John Kennedy]] - Assistant Lecturer in Physics, King's College, London University.
*[[William Ross]] UK Member of Parlicment.
*[[John Rowe Townsend]] - Editor of the Manchester Guardian Weekly, Art Editor of the Manchester Guardian.
*[[Pekka Kullervo Malinen]] - Secretary-General of the Finnish People's Party.
*[[Alain Marcel Clement]] - Correspondent of Le Monde (Paris) in Germany.
- 3 -  
*[[Guy Hippolyte d'Arvisenet]] - Head of the Research and Documentation Department, Common Assembly, European Community for Coal and Steel. Formerly Secretary of the French delegation to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe.
MAHFUZ, Husain Ali, Kuraish 77/42, Kadhinain.  
*[[Jean Georges Paris]] - On the staff of the Bulletin Analytique, at the National Scientific Research Center, Sorbonne. Has published numerous poems, essays, translations, and is at present working on a detailed study on the modern novel.
An authority on the Shitite sect of Islam. Author of The Poets of the  
*[[Andre Constant Simonard]] - Professor at the Higher School of Commercial Science, University of Paris. Legal Consultant of the Ministry of the Merchant Navy. Formerly first counsellor to the Minister for fublic Works and Transport; Cabinet Director to the Secretary of State in the Government of M. Mendes-France.
Shitite center of Kadhimain.  
*[[Astrid Claes]] - Writer and poetess. Has published numerous translations, book reviews, poems and short stories.
ITALY BORGHESE, Alasia, Via Terme Deciane 10, Rome.
*[[Joachim Heinrich Gehlhoff]] - Economic editor with the Deutsche Zeitung.
*[[Herbert Pothorn]] - Free lance artist and writer. Has written and illustrated several stories for television.
Sculptress. Regular contributor to the newspaper Giornale d'Italia.  
*[[Hiralal Bose]] - Youth Organizer, All India Congress Committee, New Delhi. Organization of young people throughout India for future responsibilities, through camps, seminars, study classes, debates, etc.
DE MARCH', Ernesto Ignazio Riccardo, Valbrona, Como.
*[[Ajit Kumar Das]] - Correspondent of United Press for Eastern India, Correspondent for the Mainichi Newspapers, Japan. Professor of Economics at City College, Calcutta University.
Co-editor of Occidente. Research Assistant to the chair of Jurisprudence  
*[[Bangalore Kuppuswamy]] - Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Mysore, India
at the University of Turin.  
*[[Narayan Dattaram Rajadhyaksha]] - Lecturer in Logic and Philosqphy, Jai Hind College, Bombay. Also actively associated with adult education work.
MERLIN', Giovanni, Corso Re Umberto 54, Turin.
*Mrs. [[Herawati Diah]] -Editor of newspaper Indonesian Observer, Editor of Madjalah Merdeka illustrated weekly, and editor of Keluarga, a monthly magazine.  
Assistant to the President of the Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese,  
*[[Husain Ali Mahfuz]] - An authority on the Shitite sect of Islam. Author of The Poets of the Shitite center of Kadhimain.  
a publishing house. Publishing Director of the Dizionario Enciclopedico  
*[[Alasia Borghese]] - Sculptress. Regular contributor to the newspaper Giornale d'Italia.  
UTET; National Vice-Secretary for the European Federalist Movement.  
*[[Ernesto Ignazio Riccardo de Marchi]] - Co-editor of Occidente. Research Assistant to the chair of Jurisprudence at the University of Turin.  
KUME, Mrs. Ai, Suginarniku, Koenji-5, 772 Tokyo.
*[[Giovanni Merlini]] - Assistant to the President of the Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, a publishing house. Publishing Director of the Dizionario Enciclopedico UTET; National Vice-Secretary for the European Federalist Movement.  
Attorney at law; Professor of criminal law at Meiji University.  
*Mrs. [[Ai Kume]] - Attorney at law; Professor of criminal law at Meiji University.  
MIZUKI, Mikiso, 131 Hakushina Kuken-cho, Hiroshima.
*[[Mikiso Mizuki]] - Supervisor of the Biometrics Section, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission.  
Supervisor of the Biometrics Section, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission.  
*[[Eiichi Nagasue]] General Secretary of the Japon Social Democratic Party of the Kioto Area. Lecturer at Doshisha University; President of the Nagasue Institute of Public Opinion Research; Member of the Kioto Prefectural Assembly.  
NAGASUE, Eiichi, 40 Imakumano-Minamihiyoshicho, Higashiyama-ku, Kioto.
*[[Kishiro Sakai]] - Foreign News Editor, Tokyo Bureau of the Hokkaido Shinbun.  
General Secretary of the Japon Social Democratic Party of the Kioto  
*[[Yong Hee Lee]] -South Korea. Associate Professor, Seoul National University; Director of the Department of International Relations.  
Area. Lecturer at Doshisha University; President of the Nagasue Insti-
*[[Emil Rudolf Meijer]]  -In charge of the Educational Department of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.  
tute of Public Opinion Research; Member of the Kioto Prefectural  
*[[Aziz Beg]] Editor of the Star, a Pakistan weekly, Managing Director of Modern Papers, Ltd.  
*[[A. Mannon Omar]] Chairman, the Oriental and Religious Publishing Corporation, Ltd. Has supervised translations of the Koran into English, German and Dutch, and has codified "Musnad Ahmad-bin-Harbal
SAKAI, Kishiro, ShIrmaruko Higashi 2-897, Kawasaki-shi.
*[[Imaduddin Ahmed Sheikh]] - Adviser to the Constituent Assembly. Editor of Opinion, a news-weekly. Editor of Maghribi Pakistan, a Urdu daily.  
Foreign News Editor, Tokyo Bureau of the Hokkaido Shinbun.  
*Mrs. [[Fe Rodriguez Arcinas]] - Instructor in Sociology, University of the Philippines.  
KOREA LEE, Yong Hee, 145 3rd Ka, Myung Lyun Dong, Chongroku, Seoul.  
*[[Ceferino Padua Padua]] - Chief Legal Counsel, Social Welfare Administration. Professor of Law and Liberal Arts, Francisco College.  
Associate Professor, Seoul National University; Director of the  
*[[Ramon Fernandez de Soigne]] - Student in the Diplomatic School, Madrid.  
Department of International Relations.  
*[[Joaquin Mallo]] -Studying to become a commercial adviser to the Government.  
NETHERLANDS MEIJER, Emil Rudolf, Johan Coussetstraat gl, Diemen, Holland.
*[[Eric Nettle]] - Chief London correspondent of the [[Neue Zürcher Zeitung]].  
In charge of the Educational Department of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.  
*[[Turhan Feyzioglu]] - Professor of AdministrativP Law, University of Ankara.  
41, PAKISTAN BEG, Aziz, Editor, Star, 54 The Mall, Lahore.
*[[Vladimir Ibler]] - Lecturer for International Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb  
Editor of the Star, a Pakistan weekly, Managing Director of Modern Papers,  
*[[James L. Houghteling Jr]] - Assistant Professor of Economics, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh. Formerly with ECA (Marshall Plan), Washington and Paris, 1948-1952.  
*[[Kenneth Keniston]] - Graduate of Harvard University, 1951; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, England, 1951-53; Society of Fellows, Harvard University.  
*[[John Owens]] - Instructor in Political Science, Wesleyan University.
Uncorrected Plain Text Taken From Image:
Uncorrected Plain Text Taken From Image:
410 OMAR, A. Mannon, Rabwah, Jhang District, West Pakistan..
Chairman, the Oriental and Religious Publishing Corporation, Ltd. Has  
supervised translations of the Koran into English, German and Dutch, and  
has codified "Musnad Ahmad-Bin-17E6E1.0
SHEIKH, Imaduddin Ahmed, 30A, Sindhi Muslim Housing Society, Karachi 3.
Adviser to the Constituent Assembly. Editor of Opinion, a news-weekly.  
Editor of Maghribi Pakistan, a Urdu daily.  
PHILIPPINES ARCINAS, Mrs. Fe Rodriguez, 104 Retiro, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City.
Instructor in Sociology, University of the Philippines.  
PADUA, Ceferino Padua, 2327 Leveriza, Pasay City.
Chief Legal Counsel, Social Welfare Administration. Professor of Law  
and Liberal Arts, Francisco College.  
SPAIN DE SDIGNIE, Ramon Fernandez, Avenida Del Valle 16, Madrid.
Student in the Diplomatic School, Madrid.  
MALLO, Joaquin, 23 Zurbano, Madrid.
Studying to become a commercial adviser to the Government.  
SWITZERLAND NETTLE, Eric, 77 Princes Way, London S.V. 19, England.
Chief London correspondent of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung.  
TURKEY FEYZIOGLU, Turhan, Bahcolievler 27, Sok. 31, Ankara.
Professor of AdministrativP Law, University of Ankara.  
YUGOSLAVIA IBLER, Vladimir, Svacicev trg 12, Zagreb.
Lecturer for International Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb  
UNITED STATES HOUGHTELING, James L., Jr., 1153 Wightman Street, Pittsburgh, Fa.
Assistant Professor of Economics, Carnegie Institute of Technology,  
Pittsburgh. Formerly with ECA (Marshall Plan), Washington and Paris,  
KENISTON, Kenneth, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Graduate of Harvard University, 1951; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, England,  
1951-53; Society of Fellows, Harvard University.  
OWENS, John, Box 325, Wesleyan Station, Middletown, Connecticut.
Instructor in Political Science, Wesleyan University.

Latest revision as of 12:05, 6 September 2022

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Funding 1956.jpg
The funders for the seminar included the deep state Ford Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Fairfield Foundation, and the Asia Foundation; all four were used by the CIA as vehicles for covert financing of select projects and people.
Membership• Joseph van Bilsen
• Wattage Johanis Fernando
• Neville Theseus
• Ming-min Peng
• Sven Børge Jensen
• Michael McFarland Davis
• Peter John Kennedy
• William Ross
• John Rowe Townsend
• Pekka Kullervo Malinen
• Alain Marcel Clement
• Guy Hippolyte d'Arvisenet
• Jean Georges Paris
• Andre Constant Simonard
• Astrid Claes
• Joachim Heinrich Gehlhoff
• Herbert Pothorn
• Hiralal Bose
• Ajit Kumar Das
• Bangalore Kuppuswamy
• Narayan Dattaram Rajadhyaksha
• Herawati Diah
• Husain Ali Mahfuz
• Alasia Borghese
• Ernesto Ignazio Riccardo de Marchi
• Giovanni Merlini
• Ai Kume
• Mikiso Mizuki
• Eiichi Nagasue
• Kishiro Sakai
• Yong Hee Lee
• Emil Rudolf Meijer
• Aziz Beg
• A. Mannon Omar
• Imaduddin Ahmed Sheikh
• Fe Rodriguez Arcinas
• Ceferino Padua Padua
• Ramon Fernandez de Soigne
• Joaquin Mallo
• Eric Nettle
• Turhan Feyzioglu
• Vladimir Ibler
• James L. Houghteling Jr
• Kenneth Keniston
• John Owens

These are the participants from 1956 for the yearly International Seminar led by Henry Kissinger at Harvard University.[1]. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".[2] Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.[3]

For next year's cadre, see Harvard/International Seminar/1957. For the previous year, see Harvard/International Seminar/1955. For an overview of the program itself, see Harvard/International Seminar.


  • Joseph van Bilsen - Professor of social law at the College of Overseas Territories, Antwerp. Formerly deputy chief of staff of the Minister of Education. Has written extensively about Africa.
  • Wattage Johanis Fernando - Assistant Commissioner of Local Government in Ceylon. Has written and produced a number of Sinhalese plays and is an authority on Sinhalese literature and culture.
  • Neville Theseus Dharmapala Kanakaratne - Crown Counsel in the Department of the Attorney General, Ceylon.
  • Ming-min Peng - Associate Professor of International Law, National Taiwan University.
  • Sven Børge Jensen - Chairman of the Danish Social-Democratic Youth Organization. Chief Editor of Free Youth.
  • Michael McFarland Davis - Principal at the Air Ministry, London. Formerly Private Secretary to the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Air.
  • Peter John Kennedy - Assistant Lecturer in Physics, King's College, London University.
  • William Ross UK Member of Parlicment.
  • John Rowe Townsend - Editor of the Manchester Guardian Weekly, Art Editor of the Manchester Guardian.
  • Pekka Kullervo Malinen - Secretary-General of the Finnish People's Party.
  • Alain Marcel Clement - Correspondent of Le Monde (Paris) in Germany.
  • Guy Hippolyte d'Arvisenet - Head of the Research and Documentation Department, Common Assembly, European Community for Coal and Steel. Formerly Secretary of the French delegation to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe.
  • Jean Georges Paris - On the staff of the Bulletin Analytique, at the National Scientific Research Center, Sorbonne. Has published numerous poems, essays, translations, and is at present working on a detailed study on the modern novel.
  • Andre Constant Simonard - Professor at the Higher School of Commercial Science, University of Paris. Legal Consultant of the Ministry of the Merchant Navy. Formerly first counsellor to the Minister for fublic Works and Transport; Cabinet Director to the Secretary of State in the Government of M. Mendes-France.
  • Astrid Claes - Writer and poetess. Has published numerous translations, book reviews, poems and short stories.
  • Joachim Heinrich Gehlhoff - Economic editor with the Deutsche Zeitung.
  • Herbert Pothorn - Free lance artist and writer. Has written and illustrated several stories for television.
  • Hiralal Bose - Youth Organizer, All India Congress Committee, New Delhi. Organization of young people throughout India for future responsibilities, through camps, seminars, study classes, debates, etc.
  • Ajit Kumar Das - Correspondent of United Press for Eastern India, Correspondent for the Mainichi Newspapers, Japan. Professor of Economics at City College, Calcutta University.
  • Bangalore Kuppuswamy - Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Mysore, India
  • Narayan Dattaram Rajadhyaksha - Lecturer in Logic and Philosqphy, Jai Hind College, Bombay. Also actively associated with adult education work.
  • Mrs. Herawati Diah -Editor of newspaper Indonesian Observer, Editor of Madjalah Merdeka illustrated weekly, and editor of Keluarga, a monthly magazine.
  • Husain Ali Mahfuz - An authority on the Shitite sect of Islam. Author of The Poets of the Shitite center of Kadhimain.
  • Alasia Borghese - Sculptress. Regular contributor to the newspaper Giornale d'Italia.
  • Ernesto Ignazio Riccardo de Marchi - Co-editor of Occidente. Research Assistant to the chair of Jurisprudence at the University of Turin.
  • Giovanni Merlini - Assistant to the President of the Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, a publishing house. Publishing Director of the Dizionario Enciclopedico UTET; National Vice-Secretary for the European Federalist Movement.
  • Mrs. Ai Kume - Attorney at law; Professor of criminal law at Meiji University.
  • Mikiso Mizuki - Supervisor of the Biometrics Section, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission.
  • Eiichi Nagasue General Secretary of the Japon Social Democratic Party of the Kioto Area. Lecturer at Doshisha University; President of the Nagasue Institute of Public Opinion Research; Member of the Kioto Prefectural Assembly.
  • Kishiro Sakai - Foreign News Editor, Tokyo Bureau of the Hokkaido Shinbun.
  • Yong Hee Lee -South Korea. Associate Professor, Seoul National University; Director of the Department of International Relations.
  • Emil Rudolf Meijer -In charge of the Educational Department of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
  • Aziz Beg Editor of the Star, a Pakistan weekly, Managing Director of Modern Papers, Ltd.
  • A. Mannon Omar Chairman, the Oriental and Religious Publishing Corporation, Ltd. Has supervised translations of the Koran into English, German and Dutch, and has codified "Musnad Ahmad-bin-Harbal
  • Imaduddin Ahmed Sheikh - Adviser to the Constituent Assembly. Editor of Opinion, a news-weekly. Editor of Maghribi Pakistan, a Urdu daily.
  • Mrs. Fe Rodriguez Arcinas - Instructor in Sociology, University of the Philippines.
  • Ceferino Padua Padua - Chief Legal Counsel, Social Welfare Administration. Professor of Law and Liberal Arts, Francisco College.
  • Ramon Fernandez de Soigne - Student in the Diplomatic School, Madrid.
  • Joaquin Mallo -Studying to become a commercial adviser to the Government.
  • Eric Nettle - Chief London correspondent of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
  • Turhan Feyzioglu - Professor of AdministrativP Law, University of Ankara.
  • Vladimir Ibler - Lecturer for International Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
  • James L. Houghteling Jr - Assistant Professor of Economics, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh. Formerly with ECA (Marshall Plan), Washington and Paris, 1948-1952.
  • Kenneth Keniston - Graduate of Harvard University, 1951; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, England, 1951-53; Society of Fellows, Harvard University.
  • John Owens - Instructor in Political Science, Wesleyan University.


Known member

1 of the 45 of the members already have pages here:

Kenneth KenistonUS academic who spoke on "youth" at the 1969 Bilderberg
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