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|members=Sergio Perosa
|members=Alejandro Jaime Mejia,Paul van Ypersele de Strihou,Herbert Han-pao Ma,Niels Henning Westerby,Matti Kustavi Kontio,Jacques Amalric,Michel Yves Fournier,Pierre Albert Lefebvre,Martin Ernst August Broszat,Ivan Nagel,Rolf Zundel,James William Hunter Cumming,Geoffrey George Goodman, Richard Hamilton,John Pericles Boutos,Kwan-san Hsu,Sunanda Kisor Datta-Ray,Abdul Gafoor Noorani,Sri P. Ramachandran,Willibrordus Surendra Rendra,Jalaal Aal-Ahmad,Oded Messer,Adolfo Battaglia,Marisa Valentino Bulgheroni,Sergio Perosa,Natsuaki Fusano,Chisato Mori,Chong Pil Kim,Daniel Kie-Hong Lee,William Habib Jabbour,Bin Mahmood Abdul-Taib,Joseph Elijah Bliss Ambrose,Frans Winkler,Kayode Eso Head,Erfan Ahmed,Kemal Faruki,Abdul Wahid Jiando Khan Halepota,Carmelo Quintero,Sylwia Irena Dziedzic-Battaba,Zbigniew Jan Stolarek,Emilio Artacho Castellano,Lars Bäckström,Fomel Labib Bissida,Arsen Bosko Jovanic,Leslie Gelb,Thomas J. Hargadon,Pete Shaw
These are the participants from 1964 for the yearly International Seminar led by [[Henry Kissinger]] at Harvard University.<ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784668</ref>. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>  Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>  
==Select examples==
For next year's cadre, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1965]]. For the previous year, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1963]]. For an overview of the program itself, see [[Harvard/International Seminar]].
*[[Sergio Perosa]] Italian literary critic
MEJIA, Alejandro Jaime; Sarmiento 643, Buenos Aires,  
*[[Alejandro Jaime Mejia]] - Buenos Aires, Argentina. Member of the law firm Estudio Moltedo; Member of Principe magazine.
Member of the law firm Estudio Moltedo; Member of Principe
*[[Paul van Ypersele de Strihou]] - Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Belgium for External Relations; Secretary to the President of the "Union Internationale des Partis Democrates Chretiens", Secretary to the Belgian Committees of Ministers for Technical Assistance, and for European Affairs. Related to [[Jacques van Ypersele de Strihou]],
*[[Herbert Han-pao Ma]] - Professor of law, National Taiwan University  
BELGIUM VAN YPERSELE de STRIHOU, Paul; Army Avenue, No. 6, Brussels,
*[[Niels Henning Westerby]]- Copenhagen, Denmark. Chairman of the Liberal Party in the Copenhagen region; Member, National Board of the Danish Liberal Party  
*[[Matti Kustavi Kontio]] Foreign News Editor, [[Helsingin Sanomat]]
Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Belgium for External  
*[[Jacques Amalric]] Editor of foreign affairs, [[Le Monde]]
Relations; Secretary to the President of the "Union Internationale  
*[[Michel Yves Fournier]] -Executive Officer in change of the Foreign Section, Financial Department, Banque de l'Indochine, Paris  
des Partis Democrates Chretiens" (Nbuvelleo—Equipas); Secretary  
*[[Pierre Albert Lefebvre]] - Professor of Faculty of Sciences of Lyon (Rhóne), head of the Department of Mathematique Proedeutique; in charge of lecture at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud (Seine and Oise).
to the Belgian Committees of Ministers for Technical Assistance,  
*[[Martin Ernst August Broszat]] - Member, Munich Institut fur Zeitgeschichte; Editor, "Schriftenreihe der Viertel-Jahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte"  
and for European Affairs  
*[[Ivan Nagel]] - Literary Director, Munich Kammerspiele (Theater); theater critic  
CHINA MA, Herbert Han-pao; 24 Lane 61, Lin Yi Street, Taipei, Taiwan,
*[[Rolf Zundel]] -Hamburg, Germany. Political Editor, [[die Zeit]]
Republic of China
*[[James William Hunter Cumming]] - Professional painter; Senior Assistant, Lecturer in History of Art, School of Drawing and Painting, Edinburgh College of Art  
Professor of law, National Taiwan University  
*[[Geoffrey George Goodman]] - UK. Industrial Correspondent, Daily Herald   
DENMARK WESTERBY, Niels Henning, Erik Ulrik; Hammerensgade 2111 K,
*[[Richard Hamilton]] - UK. Senior Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Edinburgh  
Copenhagen, Denmark  
*[[John Pericles Boutos]] - Member of the Greek Parliament, former Deputy Secretary of State for Financial Co-ordination  
Chairman of the Liberal Party in the Copenhagen region;  
*[[Kwan-san Hsu]] - Representative for the Chinese press of the International Feature Service, New York; Associate Research Fellow of the Modern Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong  
Member, National Board of the Danish Libetul Party  
*[[Sunanda Kisor Datta-Ray]] - Assistant Editor, The Statesman; contributor to 'Calcutta Letter' page to The Illustrated Weekly of India; literary critic  
FINLAND KONTIO, Matti Kustavi; Rehbinderintie 5-7 B, Helsinki, Finland
*[[Abdul Gafoor Noorani]] - Advocate, Bombay High Court; regular contributor to Indian Express, Sunday Standard, and Opinion; Lecturer, Government Law College, Bombay  
*[[Sri P. Ramachandran]] - Member, All India Congress Committee; member, Madras Legislative Assembly;member, Executive Committee of the Madras State Unit of the Indian National Congress; Chief Whip of the State Congress Legislature Party; Director, North Arcot District Co-operative Central Bank; Dealer, Esso Company; Agriculturist  
Foreign News Editor, Helsingin Sanomat  
*[[Willibrordus Surendra Rendra]] - Poet and short story writer; director and producer of theater, Djokja, and Djakarta, Indonesia.
AMALRIC, Jacques; 14 Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, Paris 8,
*[[Jalaal Aal-Ahmad]] -Advisor of Secondary Schools for Ministry of National Education; Writer of fiction, Iran
*[[Oded Messer]] -Israel. Director General of the Ministry of Labor  
Editor of foreign affairs, Le Monde  
*[[Adolfo Battaglia]] -Italy. Editor, La Voce Repubblicana; political book reviewer, [[La Stampa]]
FOURNIER, Michel Yves; Rue de Lille No. 43, Paris 7e, France
*[[Marisa Valentino Bulgheroni]] - Assistant Professor, Universita Degli Studi, Milan; contributor to Il Mondo, Comunità, and Studi Americani   
Executive Officer in change oLthe Foreign Section, Financial  
*[[Sergio Perosa]] -University Lecturer in American Literature, University of Venice; Chair of English Literature, University of Trieste; contributing editor Il Verri magazine, Milan; translator and critic  
Department, Banque de l'Indochine, Paris  
*[[Natsuaki Fusano]] - Staff economist, Federation of Económic Organizations (Keidanren), Japan
*[[Chisato Mori]] - Member of Central Executive Committee of Federation of Japan Automobile Workers Unions; Vice Chairman of Automotive Parts Manufacturers Workers Union; Member,:Japan: Democratic Socialist Party  
*[[Chong Pil Kim]] -Member of the National Assembly; Former Chairman of the Democratic Republican Party, South Korea
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*[[Daniel Kie-Hong Lee]] - Seoul, Korea. Assistant Minister for Planning, Economic Planning Board  
*[[William Habib Jabbour]]  -Beirut, Lebanon. Civil Engineer, Municipality of Beirut; City Zone Engineer and Field Engineer  
FRANCE (Coned)
*[[Bin Mahmood Abdul-Taib]] Ministry of Communications and Works, Sarawak, Malaysia  
*[[Joseph Elijah Bliss Ambrose]] - Chief Education Officer, Perak, Malaysia  
LEFEBVRE, Pierre Albert; Faculté des Sciences, 43 Boulevard
*[[Frans Winkler]] - Netherlands. Financial and Economic Adviser, Foreign Economic Relations Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs  
de Hippodrome, Villeurbanne (Rh8ne), Fiance
*[[Kayode Eso]] Head, Legal Division, Ministry of Justice, Western Nigeria  
Professor of Faculty of Sciences of Lyon (Rhóne), head of  
*[[Erfan Ahmed]] - Former Commander in the Pakistan Navy; Senior Executive of Burmah-Shell Oil Company  
the Department of Mathematique Proedeutique; in charge of  
*[[Kemal Faruki]] -Barrister at Law, Messrs., Faruki, Tapai & Julani, Advocates of Safe Deposit Chambers, Pakistan
lecture at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud  
*[[Abdul Wahid Jiando Khan Halepota]] -Professor and Head, Department of Comparative Religion and Islamic Culture, University of Sind, Hyderabad, Pakistan
(Seine and Oise)  
*[[Carmelo Quintero]] -the Philippines. Consultant, and Member, National Economic Council  
GERMANY BROSZAT, Martin Ernst August; Am Bergsteig 8, Munich, Germany
*[[Sylwia Irena Dziedzic-Battaban]] - Editor, producer, and director, Warsaw Television & Radio, Poland
Member, Munich Institut fur Zeitgeschichte; Editor, "Schriften-
*[[Zbigniew Jan Stolarek]] - Member, Polish Writer's Union; Literary Adviser in the Publishing House Iskry  
reihe der Viertel-Jahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte"  
*[[Emilio Artacho Castellano]] - Diplomatic School, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Director, Cesar Carlos College, Madrid University, Spain
NAGEL, Ivan; Karl-Theodor Strasse 49, Munich, Germany
*[[Lars Bäckström]] - Sweden. Editor-in-Chief, Ord och Bild; poet; literary critic  
Literary Director, Munich Kammerspiele (Theater); theater critic  
*[[Fomel Labib Bissida]] - Political Reporter of Al Mussawar Magazine, liaison between Al Mussawar Magazine and the President's Office, Egypt.
ZUNDEL, Rolf; 4 a Emil-Andresen-Strasse, Hamburg, Germany  
*[[Arsen Bosko Jovanic]] - Study Group Leader, Institute for International Politics and Economy  
Political Editor, the Zeit
*[[Leslie Gelb]] - Teaching Fellow in Government; Assistant, Defense Policy Program, Harvard University; Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Wesleyan University  
GREAT BRITAIN CUMMING, James William Hunter; 107 Trinity Road, Edinburgh,
*[[Thomas J. Hargadon]] - Harvard Law School; Carnegie Intern in Public Administration; Graduate Student in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology  
*[[Pete Shaw]] - Columbia University, New York 27, New York Tuiching Fellow, Department of English, Columbia College  
Professional painter; Senior Assistant, Lecturer in History  
of Art, School of Drawing and Painting, Edinburgh College of Art  
GOODMAN, Geoffrey George; 138 Hedge Lane, London N. 13, England
Industrial Correspondent, Daily Herald   
HAMILTON, Richard; Woodridge, Ancrum Road, Dalkeith, Scotland
Senior Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Edinburgh  
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GREECE BOUTOS„ John Pericles; 10 Roidi Street, Psychico (Athens),
Member of the Greek Parliament, former Deputy Secretary of  
,r State for Financial Co-ordination  
¡LONG KONG HSU, Kwan-san; 47 Waterloo Road, 11th Floor, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Representative for the Chinese press of the International  
Feature Service, New York; Associate Research Fellow of the  
Modern'AdAiii Studies, University of Hong Kong  
INDIA DATTA-RAY, Sunanda Kisor; 14 Mandeville Gardens, Calcutta, India
Assistant Editor, The Statesman; contributor to 'Calcutta Letter'  
page to The Illustrated Weekly of India; literary critic  
NOORANI, Abdul Gafoor; 175 Dimtimkar Road, Memni Building,
Bombay 8, India.
Advocate, Bombay High Court; regular contributor to Indian  
Express, Sunday Standard, and Opinion; Lecturer, Government  
Law College, Bombay  
RNMACHANDRAN, Sri P.; Plot No. 313, East Road, West C.I.T.,
Nagar, Madras 35, India
Member, All India Congress Committee; member, Madras Legislative  
Assembly;member, Executive Committee of the Madras State Unit  
of the Indian National Congress; Chief Whip of the State Congress  
Legislature Party; Director, North Arcot District Co-operative  
Central Bank; Dealer, Esso Company; Agriculturist  
RENDRA, Willibrordus Surendra; Sawodjadjar 28, Djokja, Indonesia
Poet and short story writer; director and producer of theater,  
Djokja, and Djakarta  
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* D()
IRAN AAL-AHMAD, Jalaal; 16 End of Ku Verdoyai, Tajrish-Tehran,
Advisor of Secondary Schools for Ministry of National  
Education; Writer of fiction  
ISRAEL MESSER, Oded; Hehareb Street 15, Ramat Hasharon - Neve Magen,
Director General of the Ministry of Labor  
ITALY BATTAGLIA, Adolfo; Piazza Teatro di Pompeo 43, Rome, Italy  
Editor, La Voce Repubblicana; political book reviewer, 7.a Stampa
BULGHERONI,, Marisa Valentino; Piazza S. Agostinog, Hilan, Italy
Assistant Professor, Universita Degli Studi, Milan; contributor  
to II Mondo, Comunita, and Studi Americani   
PEROSA„ Sergio; San Polo 1865, Venice Italy
University Lecturer in American Literature, University of  
Venice; Chair of English Literature, University of Trieste;  
contributing editor Il Verri magazine, Milan; translator and  
JAPAN PUSAN°, Natsuaki; Myojindai 1-202, Yokohama, Hodogaya-ku, Japan
Staff economist, Federation of Económic Organizations (Keidanren)  
MORI, Chisato; 256 Mishuku-machi, Setagaya-ward, Tokyo, Japan
Member of Central Executive Committee of Federation of Japan  
Automobile Workers Unions; Vice Chairman of Automotive Parts  
Manufacturers Workers Union; Member,:Uapan: Democratic Socialist  
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KOREA KIM, Chong Pi],, c/o National Assembly, Seoul, Korea
Member of the National Assembly; Former Chairman of the  
Democratic Republican Party  
LEE, Daniel Kie-Hong; 145-31, Sungpuk-dong, Sungpuk-ku,
Seoul, Korea  
Assistant Minister for Planning, Economic Planning Board  
LEBANON JABBOUR, William Habib; 131 Siouffi Street, 1310, Box 2339
Beirut, Lebanon  
Civil Engineer, Municipality of Beirut; City Zone Engineer and  
Field Engineer  
ABDUL-TAIB, Bin Mahmood; Ministry of Communications and Works,  
Sarawak, Malaysia  
Minister of Communications and Works 01'.3.4fe
AMBROSE, Joseph Elijah Bliss; Education Office, Maxwell Road,
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Chief Education Officer, Perak, Malaysia  
NETHERLANDS WINKLER, Frans; Pauwenlaan 101, The Hague, the Netherlands  
Financial and Economic Adviser, Foreign Economic Relations  
Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs  
NIGERIA ESO, Kayode, Ministry of Justice, Ibadan, Western Nigeria
Head, Legal Division, Ministry of Justice, Western Nigeria  
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PAKISTAN AHMED,Erfan; c/o Burmah-Shell, P.O. Box 10, Dacca 2, Pakistan
Former Commander in the Pakistan Navy; Senior Executive of  
Burmah-Shell Oil Company  
FARUKI, Kemal; A-22, KDA Scheme No. 1, Karachi 8, Pakistan
Barrister at Law, Messrs., Faruki, Tapai & Julani, Advocates  
of Safe Deposit Chambers  
HALEPOTA, Abdul Wahid Jiando Khan; University of Sind,
Hyderabad, Pakistan
Professor and Head, Departmént of Comparative Religion and  
Islamic Culture, University of Sind, Hyderabad  
PHILIPPINES QUINTERO, Carmelo; 2030 A. Mabini Street, Malate, Manila,
the Philippines  
Consultant, and Member, National Economic Council  
POLAND DZIEDZIC-BAttABAN, Sylwia Irena; Hoa 19, Warsaw, Poland
Editor, producer, and director, Warsaw Television & Radio  
STOLAREK, Zbigniew Jan; Peikarska 3/5, Warsaw, Poland
Member, Polish Writer's Union; Literary Adviser in the  
Publishing House Iskry  
SPAIN ARTACHO CASTELLANO, Emilio; Avenida del Valle 16, Madrid 3,
Diplomatic School, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Director,  
Cesar Carlos College, Madrid University  
Uncorrected Plain Text Taken From Image:
SWEDEN ACKSTROM, Lars, David; 5sterplan 15 B, Uppsala, Sweden  
Editor-in-Chief, Ord och Bild; poet; literary critic  
BISSADA, Fomel Labib; Almemar Street 15, Sayada Zeinab, Cairo,
Egypt, U.A.R.
Political Reporter of Al Mussawar Magazine, liaison between  
Al Mussawar Magazine and the President's Office  
JOVANOVIC, Arsen Bosko; 12 Kneza Danila, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Study Group Leader, Institute for International Politics and  
GELB, Leslie; 10 Fernald Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Teaching Fellow in Government; Assistant, Defense Policy  
Program, Harvard University; Assistant Professor, Department  
of Government, Wesleyan University  
HARGADON, Thomas J.; 12 Russel Street, Waltham, Massachusetts
Harvard Law School; Carnegie Intern in Public Administration;  
Graduate Student in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute  
of Technology  
SHAW, Peter; Department of English, 406 Hamilton Hall,
Columbia University, New York 27, New York  
Tuiching Fellow, Department of English, Columbia College  

Latest revision as of 12:12, 3 September 2022

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Membership• Alejandro Jaime Mejia
• Paul van Ypersele de Strihou
• Herbert Han-pao Ma
• Niels Henning Westerby
• Matti Kustavi Kontio
• Jacques Amalric
• Michel Yves Fournier
• Pierre Albert Lefebvre
• Martin Ernst August Broszat
• Ivan Nagel
• Rolf Zundel
• James William Hunter Cumming
• Geoffrey George Goodman
• Richard Hamilton
• John Pericles Boutos
• Kwan-san Hsu
• Sunanda Kisor Datta-Ray
• Abdul Gafoor Noorani
• Sri P. Ramachandran
• Willibrordus Surendra Rendra
• Jalaal Aal-Ahmad
• Oded Messer
• Adolfo Battaglia
• Marisa Valentino Bulgheroni
• Sergio Perosa
• Natsuaki Fusano
• Chisato Mori
• Chong Pil Kim
• Daniel Kie-Hong Lee
• William Habib Jabbour
• Bin Mahmood Abdul-Taib
• Joseph Elijah Bliss Ambrose
• Frans Winkler
• Kayode Eso Head
• Erfan Ahmed
• Kemal Faruki
• Abdul Wahid Jiando Khan Halepota
• Carmelo Quintero
• Sylwia Irena Dziedzic-Battaba
• Zbigniew Jan Stolarek
• Emilio Artacho Castellano
• Lars Bäckström
• Fomel Labib Bissida
• Arsen Bosko Jovanic
• Leslie Gelb
• Thomas J. Hargadon
• Pete Shaw

These are the participants from 1964 for the yearly International Seminar led by Henry Kissinger at Harvard University.[1]. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".[2] Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.[3]

For next year's cadre, see Harvard/International Seminar/1965. For the previous year, see Harvard/International Seminar/1963. For an overview of the program itself, see Harvard/International Seminar.


  • Alejandro Jaime Mejia - Buenos Aires, Argentina. Member of the law firm Estudio Moltedo; Member of Principe magazine.
  • Paul van Ypersele de Strihou - Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Belgium for External Relations; Secretary to the President of the "Union Internationale des Partis Democrates Chretiens", Secretary to the Belgian Committees of Ministers for Technical Assistance, and for European Affairs. Related to Jacques van Ypersele de Strihou,
  • Herbert Han-pao Ma - Professor of law, National Taiwan University
  • Niels Henning Westerby- Copenhagen, Denmark. Chairman of the Liberal Party in the Copenhagen region; Member, National Board of the Danish Liberal Party
  • Matti Kustavi Kontio Foreign News Editor, Helsingin Sanomat
  • Jacques Amalric Editor of foreign affairs, Le Monde
  • Michel Yves Fournier -Executive Officer in change of the Foreign Section, Financial Department, Banque de l'Indochine, Paris
  • Pierre Albert Lefebvre - Professor of Faculty of Sciences of Lyon (Rhóne), head of the Department of Mathematique Proedeutique; in charge of lecture at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud (Seine and Oise).
  • Martin Ernst August Broszat - Member, Munich Institut fur Zeitgeschichte; Editor, "Schriftenreihe der Viertel-Jahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte"
  • Ivan Nagel - Literary Director, Munich Kammerspiele (Theater); theater critic
  • Rolf Zundel -Hamburg, Germany. Political Editor, die Zeit
  • James William Hunter Cumming - Professional painter; Senior Assistant, Lecturer in History of Art, School of Drawing and Painting, Edinburgh College of Art
  • Geoffrey George Goodman - UK. Industrial Correspondent, Daily Herald
  • Richard Hamilton - UK. Senior Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Edinburgh
  • John Pericles Boutos - Member of the Greek Parliament, former Deputy Secretary of State for Financial Co-ordination
  • Kwan-san Hsu - Representative for the Chinese press of the International Feature Service, New York; Associate Research Fellow of the Modern Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong
  • Sunanda Kisor Datta-Ray - Assistant Editor, The Statesman; contributor to 'Calcutta Letter' page to The Illustrated Weekly of India; literary critic
  • Abdul Gafoor Noorani - Advocate, Bombay High Court; regular contributor to Indian Express, Sunday Standard, and Opinion; Lecturer, Government Law College, Bombay
  • Sri P. Ramachandran - Member, All India Congress Committee; member, Madras Legislative Assembly;member, Executive Committee of the Madras State Unit of the Indian National Congress; Chief Whip of the State Congress Legislature Party; Director, North Arcot District Co-operative Central Bank; Dealer, Esso Company; Agriculturist
  • Willibrordus Surendra Rendra - Poet and short story writer; director and producer of theater, Djokja, and Djakarta, Indonesia.
  • Jalaal Aal-Ahmad -Advisor of Secondary Schools for Ministry of National Education; Writer of fiction, Iran
  • Oded Messer -Israel. Director General of the Ministry of Labor
  • Adolfo Battaglia -Italy. Editor, La Voce Repubblicana; political book reviewer, La Stampa
  • Marisa Valentino Bulgheroni - Assistant Professor, Universita Degli Studi, Milan; contributor to Il Mondo, Comunità, and Studi Americani
  • Sergio Perosa -University Lecturer in American Literature, University of Venice; Chair of English Literature, University of Trieste; contributing editor Il Verri magazine, Milan; translator and critic
  • Natsuaki Fusano - Staff economist, Federation of Económic Organizations (Keidanren), Japan
  • Chisato Mori - Member of Central Executive Committee of Federation of Japan Automobile Workers Unions; Vice Chairman of Automotive Parts Manufacturers Workers Union; Member,:Japan: Democratic Socialist Party
  • Chong Pil Kim -Member of the National Assembly; Former Chairman of the Democratic Republican Party, South Korea
  • Daniel Kie-Hong Lee - Seoul, Korea. Assistant Minister for Planning, Economic Planning Board
  • William Habib Jabbour -Beirut, Lebanon. Civil Engineer, Municipality of Beirut; City Zone Engineer and Field Engineer
  • Bin Mahmood Abdul-Taib Ministry of Communications and Works, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Joseph Elijah Bliss Ambrose - Chief Education Officer, Perak, Malaysia
  • Frans Winkler - Netherlands. Financial and Economic Adviser, Foreign Economic Relations Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Kayode Eso Head, Legal Division, Ministry of Justice, Western Nigeria
  • Erfan Ahmed - Former Commander in the Pakistan Navy; Senior Executive of Burmah-Shell Oil Company
  • Kemal Faruki -Barrister at Law, Messrs., Faruki, Tapai & Julani, Advocates of Safe Deposit Chambers, Pakistan
  • Abdul Wahid Jiando Khan Halepota -Professor and Head, Department of Comparative Religion and Islamic Culture, University of Sind, Hyderabad, Pakistan
  • Carmelo Quintero -the Philippines. Consultant, and Member, National Economic Council
  • Sylwia Irena Dziedzic-Battaban - Editor, producer, and director, Warsaw Television & Radio, Poland
  • Zbigniew Jan Stolarek - Member, Polish Writer's Union; Literary Adviser in the Publishing House Iskry
  • Emilio Artacho Castellano - Diplomatic School, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Director, Cesar Carlos College, Madrid University, Spain
  • Lars Bäckström - Sweden. Editor-in-Chief, Ord och Bild; poet; literary critic
  • Fomel Labib Bissida - Political Reporter of Al Mussawar Magazine, liaison between Al Mussawar Magazine and the President's Office, Egypt.
  • Arsen Bosko Jovanic - Study Group Leader, Institute for International Politics and Economy
  • Leslie Gelb - Teaching Fellow in Government; Assistant, Defense Policy Program, Harvard University; Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Wesleyan University
  • Thomas J. Hargadon - Harvard Law School; Carnegie Intern in Public Administration; Graduate Student in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Pete Shaw - Columbia University, New York 27, New York Tuiching Fellow, Department of English, Columbia College


Known member

1 of the 47 of the members already have pages here:

Leslie GelbPresident of the Council on Foreign Relations and opinion-making New York Times journalist.
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.
