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|members=Dusan Simic,Anna Piper,Martin Walser,Bulent Ecevit
Participants in the Harvard International Seminar 1958<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1958/7/24/international-seminar-pthe-international-seminar-seeks/</ref><ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784668</ref>
Participants in the Harvard International Seminar 1958<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1958/7/24/international-seminar-pthe-international-seminar-seeks/</ref><ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784668</ref>
==Select examples==
==Select examples==
*[[Dusan Simic]], staff writer for Borba, [[Yugoslavia]]'s largest daily newspaper,
*[[Thomas Rodolphe Kanza]]; Collegium Europae, Sint-Jacobstraat 41, Brussels.  
*[[Anna Piper]] English authoress
*[[Martin Walser]] German short-story author and novelist.
*[[Bulent Ecevit]] Future President of Turkey <ref>https://rcin.org.pl/Content/49271/WA303_62870_A507-DN-R-41-1_Grafa.pdf</ref>
KANZA, Thomas Rodolphe; Collegium Europae, Sint-Jacobstraat 41, Brussels.  
Student in Advanced European Studies at the College of Europe; formerly  
Student in Advanced European Studies at the College of Europe; formerly  
Professor of Pedagogy and Africanism at St. Joseph Institute and the  
Professor of Pedagogy and Africanism at St. Joseph Institute and the  
Institute of Physical Education, and in charge of the psychology courses  
Institute of Physical Education, and in charge of the psychology courses  
at the Institute of Social Science, in Leopoldville.  
at the Institute of Social Science, in Leopoldville.  
BELGIUM DEPONDT, Albert; Avenue Brugmann 473, Brussels.
*[[Albert Depondi]]- Magistrate of the Council of State, the highest administrative court in Belgium.  
Magistrate of the Council of State, the highest administrative court in  
*[[Trajano Pupo Netto]] - Brazil. Manager of the Sao Paulo Branch of the First National City Bank of N.Y.  
*[[Nai Pan Hla]] - Burma. Senior Cultural Officer, Hon Cultural Section, Ministry of Union Culture which is concerned with the revival of Mon literature and culture and with publishing books on this subject.  
BRAZIL PUPO NETTO, Trajano; Praca Antonio Prado, 48, Sao Paulo.  
*[[Maung Nu]] - Burma. Secretary of the Burma Research Board and therefore of the Executive Research Committee and the Burma Research Council; these bodies support scientific and engineering applied research.  
Manager of the Sao Paulo Branch of the First National City Bank of N.Y.  
*[[Samson Sena Wijesinha]] - Sri Lanka. Crown Counsel in the Department of the Attorney-General, presently Office Assistant to the Attorney-General.  
BURMA HLA, Nai Pan; No. 48, Stewart Road, Rangoon.
*[[Louis Cheng-Yuan Liu]] - Republic of China (Taiwan). Delegate to the National Assembly and Chief of the Organization Department of the Democratic Socialist Party; Editor of the Democratic China Magazine, a bi-monthly publication.  
Senior Cultural Officer, Hon Cultural Section, Ministry of Union Culture  
*[[Axel Christian Kristensen]] - Denmark. Member of Parliament; Vice-Chairman of the Venstres Landorganisation Party; formerly Minister of Commerce, Industry and Shipping.  
which is concerned with the revival of Mon literature and culture and  
*[[Ali Hamdi El Gairaal]] - Egypt. Managing Editor of Al-Ahram, a daily newspaper; formerly Deputy Chief Editor of Al Akhbar, a daily newspaper, and Chief Editor of the Middle East News Agency.  
with publishing books on this subject.  
*[[Denzil Kingson Freeth]] - UK Member of Parliament.  
NU, Maung; No. 7, Kyaunggyi Street, Kemmendine, Rangoon.
*[[Anne Horatia Piper]] - UK. Novelist. Author of Early to Bed, Green for Love, The Hot Year and Spinsters under the Skin, among others.  
Secretary of the Burma Research Board and therefore of the Executive  
*[[Barbara Newman Smith]] - UK. Journalist in the Foreign Department of [[The Economist]].  
Research Committee and the Burma Research Council; these bodies support  
*[[Lionel Gerald Assouad]] - France. Joint General Secretary of "Le Centre Catholique des Intellectuels Francais," and Director of the series of volumes "Les Idees etLa Vie," and Assistant to the Director of "La Vie des Metiers."
scientific and engineering applied research.  
*[[Yves Bonnefoy]] - France. Working at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; poet, critic, translator and art historian.  
CEYLON WIJESINHAI Samson Sena; No. 8 Alfred House Road, Colombo 3.
*[[Roland Jean Delcour]] - France. Foreign Editor of Le Monde, a daily newspaper, with special reference to East and West Germany, Benelux, Switzerland, Austria and Italy; formerly their correspondent in Berlin.  
Crown Counsel in the Department of the Attorney-General, presently Office  
*[[Jürgen Eick]] - Germany. Economic Editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a daily newspaper.  
Assistant to the Attorney-General.  
*[[Georg Michael Kahn-Ackermann]] - Germany. Member of the Bundestag; journalist.  
CHINA LIU, Louis Cheng-Yuan; No. 6 Lane 6 Tai-An Street, Taipei City, Taiwan.  
*[[Martin Walser]] Editor, producer and writer for the German Broadcasting Corporation  in Stuttgart; short-story author and novelist.  
Delegate to the National Assembly and Chief of the Organization Department  
of the Democratic Socialist Party; Editor of the Democratic China Maga-
zine, a bi-monthly publication.  
DENMARK KRISTENSEN, Axel Christian; Peter Bangs Vej 78, 2, Copenhagen.  
Member of Parliament; Vice-Chairman of the Venstres Landorganisation  
Party; formerly Minister of Commerce, Industry and Shipping.  
EGYPT EL GAIRAAL, Ali Hamdi; Al-Ahram, 14 Mazloum Street, Cairo.  
Managing Editor of Al-Ahram, a daily newspaper; formerly Deputy Chief  
Editor of Al Akhbar, a daily newspaper, and Chief Editor of the Middle  
East News Agency.  
ENGLAND FREETH, Denzil Kingson; House of Commons, London 6.111. 1.
Member of Parliament.  
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*[[ADALI-MORTTY, Geormbeeyi; P.O. Box 2733, Accra.
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PIPER, Mrs. Anne Horatia; 7, Lower Mall, London VI. 6.
Novelist. Author of Early to Bed, Green for Love, The Hot
Year and Spinsters under the Skin, among others.
SMITH, Mrs. Barbara Newman; 63 York Terrace, London N.W. 1.
Journalist in the Foreign Department of The Economist.
ASSOUAD, Lionel Gerald; avenue des Ternes 83, Paris.
Joint General Secretary of "Le Centre Catholique des Intellectuels
Francais," and Director of the series of volumes "Les Idees et
La Vie," and Assistant to the Diractor of "Ia Vie des Metiers."
BONNEFOY, Yves, rue Lepic, 63, Paris 18e
Working at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique;
poet, critic, translator and art historian. Author of Peintures 
murales de la France gothique and Du Mouvement et de llimmobilite
de Douve (poems).
DELCOUR, Roland Jean, Chardon-Lagache No. 75, Paris.
Foreign Editor of Le Monde, a daily newspaper, with special
reference to East and West Germany, Benelux, Switzerland, Austria
and Italy; formerly their correspondent in Berlin.
EICK, Jürgen; Moerfelderlandstrasse 186, Frankfurt am Main.
Economic Editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a daily
KAHN-ACKERUANN, Georg Michael; Reitmoorstrasse 15, Munich.
Member of the Bundestag; journalist.
VALSER, Martin; Zeppelinstrasse 18, Friedrichshafen.
Editor, producer and writer for the German Broadcasting Corporation
in Stuttgart; author of Ein Flugzeug über dem Haus (short stories)
and Ehen in Phililopsburg (novel).
GHANA ADALI-MORTTY, Geormbeeyi; P.O. Box 2733, Accra.
Organizer of Extra-Mural Studies of the University College of  
Organizer of Extra-Mural Studies of the University College of  
Ghana Institute of Extra-Mural Studies; author of articles  
Ghana Institute of Extra-Mural Studies; author of articles  
and a book of poems.  
and a book of poems.  
*[[Handyam Ananthampillai Devaki]] - Research Associate in Economics at the Indian Cooperative Union.
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*[[Tiruvenkat Krishnama Seshadri]] - Senior Sub-Editor of The Times of India.
*[[Sumantoro]] - Editor in Chief of Berita Indonesia, a daily newspaper.
*[[Ziad Jafar al-Taskari]] - Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Iraq Parliament.
*[[Seamus O'Neill]] - Professor of Irish History and Irish language at Carysfort College; author of several books including Tonn Tuile, and of articles and poetry.
*[[Joshua Prawer]] - Israel. Associate Professor in the Department of History of the Hebrew University; Chairman of the Pedagogical Council in the Ministry of Education and Culture.
*[[Luciano Codignola]] - Italy. Director of the Library and the Cultural Educational Center of Olivetti Corporation; theater critic for Tempo Presente.
*[[Lucia Bellegarde de Saint Lary]] - Italy. Author of novels and short stories for young people; contributor to several Italian periodicals.
*[[Giuseppina Dematteis]] - General Manager and part owner of Societa Italiana Lavorazioni Termoplastiche, a plastics company.
*[[Shin-ichi Inoue]] - Assistant to the Chief of the Foreign Exchange Control Department of the Bank of Japan.
*[[Shunko Muto Uto]] - Japan.  Assistant Judge of the Tokyo District Court; Assistant Instructor of the Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court.
*[[Tamako Nakanishi]] - Staff member of the Tokyo Branch Office of the International Labor Organization.
*[[Sung Yup Pyun]] - South Korea. Teacher of Music at Posung Girls High School, Seoul.
*[[Henri Peschar]] Netherlands. Member of Parliament.
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*[[Syed Nurul Alam]] -East Pakistan (Bangladesh) Lecturer in Economics at Dacca University. 
*[[Mohammad Hazrat Ali Sikdar]] -Pakistan. Advocate of the High Court of West Pakistan in Karachi.
3 •
*[[BADARUDDIN, Datu hhmad Nora; 1352 16-E (up) Laon Laan, Sampaloc, Manila.  
INDIA DEVAKI, Miss Handyam Ananthampillai; 17-D1 Flats, Diplomatic Enclave,
New Delhi, c/o M.A.S. Rajan.
Research Associate in Economics at the Indian Cooperative Union.
SESHADRI, Tiruvenkat Krishnama; The Times of India, News Bureau, Bombay 1.
Senior Sub-Editor of The Times of India.
INDONESIA SUMANTORO; 22 Street Sultan-agung, Djakarta.
Editor in Chief of Berita Indonesia, a daily newspaper.
IRAQ AL-ASKARI, Ziad Jafar; Al-Askari Street, Baghdad.
Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Iraq Parliament.
IRELAND 0 NEILL, Seamus; 22, Glenart Avenue, Blackrock, County Dublin.
Professor of Irish History and Irish language at Carysfort College;
author of several books including Tonn Tuile, and of articles and poetry.
ISRAEL PRAWER, Joshua; Palmah Street, 32, Jerusalem.
Associate Professor in the Department of History of the Hebrew University;
Chairman of the Pedagogical Council in the Ministry of Education and
ITALY CODIGNOLA, Luciano; Via Jervis 1, Ivrea (Torino).
Director of the Library and the Cultural Educational Center of Olivetti
Corporation; theater critic for Tempo Presente.
DE BELLEGARDE, Hiss Lucia Geltrude de Saint Lary; 239 Via Masaccio,
Author of novels and short stories for young people; contributor to
several Italian periodicals.
DEMATTEIS, Miss Giuseppina; Via Brofferio 1, Torino.
Generql Manager and part owner of Societa Italiana Lavorazioni
Termoplastiche, a plastics company.
JAPAN INOUE, Shin-ichi; c/o Kagamachi-ryo, No. 1, 2-chome Ichigaya-Kagamachi,
SHIT5uku-ku, Tokyo.
Assistant to the Chief of the Foreign Exchange Control Department of
the Bank of Japan.
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MUTO, Shunko; 1 Sanko-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.
Assistant Judge of the Tokyo District Court; Assistant Instructor of
the Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court.
NAKANISHI, Mrs. Tamako; No. 50, 2-chome Inagemachi, ChibalCity.
Staff member of the Tokyo Branch Office of the International Labor
KOREA PYUN, Sung Yup; Posung Girls High School, Seoul.
Teacher of Music at Posung Girls High School, Seoul.
NETHERLANDS FESCHAR, Henri; H. Robbersstraat 26, Haarlem.
Member of Parliament.
PAKISTAN ALAM, Syed Nurul; c/o Department of Economics, University of Dacca, Dacca
Lecturer in Economics at Dacca University.
SIKDAR, Mohammad Hazrat Ali; 272, Victoria Road, Karachi.
Advocate of the High Court of Wrest Pakistan in Karachi.
PHILIPPINES BADARUDDIN, Datu hhmad Nora; 1352 16-E (up) Laon Laan, Sampaloc, Manila.  
TechniCal Assistant of the Committee on National Minorities of the House  
TechniCal Assistant of the Committee on National Minorities of the House  
of Represcntatives; Secretary-General of the Moslem Association of the  
of Represcntatives; Secretary-General of the Moslem Association of the  
POLAED SZCZEPANSKI, Jan Jozef; Helclow 21, Krakow.  
*[[SZCZEPANSKI, Jan Jozef; Helclow 21, Krakow.  
Author of several novels and short stories; translator; Member of the  
Author of several novels and short stories; translator; Member of the  
Managing Board of the Union of Polish Writers.  
Managing Board of the Union of Polish Writers.  
SPAIN GRAU Petit, Carlos Alberto; Santalo 41 - 3o la, Barcelona.
General Technical Secretary with Credinter S.A. Centro Internacional
de Promocion Economica, a society to study foreign and internal invest-
ment in Spain.
• SWEDEN ULVENSTAM, Lars Henrik; Observatoriegatan 15, Stockholm.
Editor in Chief of R8ster i Radio-TV, the weekly magazine of the
Swedish Broadcasting Corporation; radio lecturer on literary and
historical subjects.
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*[[Petit Grau]] General Technical Secretary with Credinter S.A. Centro Internacional de Promocion Economica, a society to study foreign and internal investment in Spain.
*[[Lars Henrik Ulvenstam]] - Editor in Chief of R8ster i Radio-TV, the weekly magazine of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation; radio lecturer on literary and historical subjects.  
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*[[ROJANAROJ, Prasert; 235/2 Srichan Lane, Klungdebsamutprakarn Road,  
• 4..
THAILAND ROJANAROJ, Prasert; 235/2 Srichan Lane, Klungdebsamutprakarn Road,  
Assistant General Secretary of the Thai National Trade Union Congress;  
Assistant General Secretary of the Thai National Trade Union Congress;  
President of the Thai Clerical Employee Union.  
President of the Thai Clerical Employee Union.  
TURKEY SINANOGLU, Suat; University of Ankara, Ankara.  
*[[SINANOGLU, Suat; University of Ankara, Ankara.  
Professor and Chairman of the Institute of Classical Philology of  
Professor and Chairman of the Institute of Classical Philology of  
the University of Ankara.  
the University of Ankara.  
VIET-NAM THANH, Hoang Khac; 67, Nguyen-cong-Tru, Saigon.  
*[[THANH, Hoang Khac; 67, Nguyen-cong-Tru, Saigon.  
Comptroller General of the Credit Commercial du Viet-Nam, a commercial  
Comptroller General of the Credit Commercial du Viet-Nam, a commercial  
banking institution.  
banking institution.  
YUGOSLAVIA. SIMIC, Dusan; Scvska 17, Belgrade.
Staff writer with the foreign department of Borba, a daily newspaper.
*[[Dusan Simic]], staff writer for Borba, [[Yugoslavia]]'s largest daily newspaper,
UNITED STATES BALCH, Franklin G.; 394 Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.
Candidate for Ph.D. in International Relations at Fletcher School of  
Law and Diplomacy and research assistant for the Center for Inter-
*[[Franklin G. Balch]] -Candidate for Ph.D. in International Relations at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and research assistant for the Center for International Affairs. 1950-55, Special Assistant to the Chancellor of the Free University in Exile of the Free Europe Committee; 1957-58, research assistant for the Defense Studies Program.  
national Affairs. 1950-55, Special Assistant to the Chancellor of  
the Free University in Exile of the Free Europe Committee; 1957-58,  
*[[Elmer Warren Borklund]] -Candidate for Ph.D. in English at the University of Chicago; 1955-56, instructor at the University of Chicago; 1956-58, serving with the U.S. Army.  
research assistant for the Defense Studies Program.  
BORKLUND, Elmer Wqrren; 7363 Coles Avenue, Chicago 49, Illinois.
*[[Eric Gustafson]] -Candidate for Ph.D. in Economics at Harvard University and Ford Foundation Fellow in metropolitan economic problems; Economist with the New York Metropolitan Region Study.  
Candidate for Ph.D. in English at the University of Chicago; 1955-56,  
instructor at the University of Chicago; 1956-58, serving with the  
*[[HOUGHTELING, James L. Houghteling Jr]] -Assistant Professor of Economics, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh. Formerly with ECA (Marshall Plan), Washington and Paris.  
U.S. Army.  
GUSTAFSON, Eric; 83 Federal Street, Brunswick, Maine.
Candidate for Ph.D. in Economics at Harvard University and Ford  
Foundation Fellow in metropolitan economic problems; Economist with  
the New York Metropolitan Region Study.  
HOUGHTELING, James L., Jr.; 1153 Wightman Street, Pittsburgh,
Assistant Professor of Economics, Carnegie Institute of Technology,  
Pittsburgh. Formerly with ECA (Marshall Plan), Washington and Paris.  

Revision as of 06:43, 3 September 2022

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Participants in the Harvard International Seminar 1958[1][2]

Select examples

Student in Advanced European Studies at the College of Europe; formerly Professor of Pedagogy and Africanism at St. Joseph Institute and the Institute of Physical Education, and in charge of the psychology courses at the Institute of Social Science, in Leopoldville.

  • Albert Depondi- Magistrate of the Council of State, the highest administrative court in Belgium.
  • Trajano Pupo Netto - Brazil. Manager of the Sao Paulo Branch of the First National City Bank of N.Y.
  • Nai Pan Hla - Burma. Senior Cultural Officer, Hon Cultural Section, Ministry of Union Culture which is concerned with the revival of Mon literature and culture and with publishing books on this subject.
  • Maung Nu - Burma. Secretary of the Burma Research Board and therefore of the Executive Research Committee and the Burma Research Council; these bodies support scientific and engineering applied research.
  • Samson Sena Wijesinha - Sri Lanka. Crown Counsel in the Department of the Attorney-General, presently Office Assistant to the Attorney-General.
  • Louis Cheng-Yuan Liu - Republic of China (Taiwan). Delegate to the National Assembly and Chief of the Organization Department of the Democratic Socialist Party; Editor of the Democratic China Magazine, a bi-monthly publication.
  • Axel Christian Kristensen - Denmark. Member of Parliament; Vice-Chairman of the Venstres Landorganisation Party; formerly Minister of Commerce, Industry and Shipping.
  • Ali Hamdi El Gairaal - Egypt. Managing Editor of Al-Ahram, a daily newspaper; formerly Deputy Chief Editor of Al Akhbar, a daily newspaper, and Chief Editor of the Middle East News Agency.
  • Denzil Kingson Freeth - UK Member of Parliament.
  • Anne Horatia Piper - UK. Novelist. Author of Early to Bed, Green for Love, The Hot Year and Spinsters under the Skin, among others.
  • Barbara Newman Smith - UK. Journalist in the Foreign Department of The Economist.
  • Lionel Gerald Assouad - France. Joint General Secretary of "Le Centre Catholique des Intellectuels Francais," and Director of the series of volumes "Les Idees etLa Vie," and Assistant to the Director of "La Vie des Metiers."
  • Yves Bonnefoy - France. Working at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; poet, critic, translator and art historian.
  • Roland Jean Delcour - France. Foreign Editor of Le Monde, a daily newspaper, with special reference to East and West Germany, Benelux, Switzerland, Austria and Italy; formerly their correspondent in Berlin.
  • Jürgen Eick - Germany. Economic Editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a daily newspaper.
  • Georg Michael Kahn-Ackermann - Germany. Member of the Bundestag; journalist.
  • Martin Walser Editor, producer and writer for the German Broadcasting Corporation in Stuttgart; short-story author and novelist.
  • [[ADALI-MORTTY, Geormbeeyi; P.O. Box 2733, Accra.

Organizer of Extra-Mural Studies of the University College of Ghana Institute of Extra-Mural Studies; author of articles and a book of poems.

  • Handyam Ananthampillai Devaki - Research Associate in Economics at the Indian Cooperative Union.
  • Tiruvenkat Krishnama Seshadri - Senior Sub-Editor of The Times of India.
  • Sumantoro - Editor in Chief of Berita Indonesia, a daily newspaper.
  • Ziad Jafar al-Taskari - Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Iraq Parliament.
  • Seamus O'Neill - Professor of Irish History and Irish language at Carysfort College; author of several books including Tonn Tuile, and of articles and poetry.
  • Joshua Prawer - Israel. Associate Professor in the Department of History of the Hebrew University; Chairman of the Pedagogical Council in the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • Luciano Codignola - Italy. Director of the Library and the Cultural Educational Center of Olivetti Corporation; theater critic for Tempo Presente.
  • Lucia Bellegarde de Saint Lary - Italy. Author of novels and short stories for young people; contributor to several Italian periodicals.
  • Giuseppina Dematteis - General Manager and part owner of Societa Italiana Lavorazioni Termoplastiche, a plastics company.
  • Shin-ichi Inoue - Assistant to the Chief of the Foreign Exchange Control Department of the Bank of Japan.
  • Shunko Muto Uto - Japan. Assistant Judge of the Tokyo District Court; Assistant Instructor of the Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court.
  • Tamako Nakanishi - Staff member of the Tokyo Branch Office of the International Labor Organization.
  • Sung Yup Pyun - South Korea. Teacher of Music at Posung Girls High School, Seoul.
  • [[BADARUDDIN, Datu hhmad Nora; 1352 16-E (up) Laon Laan, Sampaloc, Manila.

TechniCal Assistant of the Committee on National Minorities of the House of Represcntatives; Secretary-General of the Moslem Association of the Philippines.

  • [[SZCZEPANSKI, Jan Jozef; Helclow 21, Krakow.

Author of several novels and short stories; translator; Member of the Managing Board of the Union of Polish Writers.

  • Petit Grau General Technical Secretary with Credinter S.A. Centro Internacional de Promocion Economica, a society to study foreign and internal investment in Spain.
  • Lars Henrik Ulvenstam - Editor in Chief of R8ster i Radio-TV, the weekly magazine of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation; radio lecturer on literary and historical subjects.

  • [[ROJANAROJ, Prasert; 235/2 Srichan Lane, Klungdebsamutprakarn Road,

Bangkok. Assistant General Secretary of the Thai National Trade Union Congress; President of the Thai Clerical Employee Union.

  • [[SINANOGLU, Suat; University of Ankara, Ankara.

Professor and Chairman of the Institute of Classical Philology of the University of Ankara.

  • [[THANH, Hoang Khac; 67, Nguyen-cong-Tru, Saigon.

Comptroller General of the Credit Commercial du Viet-Nam, a commercial banking institution.

  • Franklin G. Balch -Candidate for Ph.D. in International Relations at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and research assistant for the Center for International Affairs. 1950-55, Special Assistant to the Chancellor of the Free University in Exile of the Free Europe Committee; 1957-58, research assistant for the Defense Studies Program.
  • Elmer Warren Borklund -Candidate for Ph.D. in English at the University of Chicago; 1955-56, instructor at the University of Chicago; 1956-58, serving with the U.S. Army.
  • Eric Gustafson -Candidate for Ph.D. in Economics at Harvard University and Ford Foundation Fellow in metropolitan economic problems; Economist with the New York Metropolitan Region Study.

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