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|members=Winifred Wheable-Archer,Valery Giscard d’Estaing  
|members=Winifred Wheable-Archer,Valery Giscard d’Estaing  
==Select examples==
==Select examples==
*[[Winifred Wheable-Archer]] UK Labour politician
*[[Winifred Wheable-Archer]] UK Labour politician
*[[Valery Giscard d’Estaing]] future President of France<ref>https://rcin.org.pl/Content/49271/WA303_62870_A507-DN-R-41-1_Grafa.pdf</ref>
*[[Valery Giscard d’Estaing]] future President of France<ref>https://rcin.org.pl/Content/49271/WA303_62870_A507-DN-R-41-1_Grafa.pdf</ref>
GREDLER1 Dr. Willfred A.; Strauchgasse 1, Vienna 1, Austria
Member of Parliament; Director Trusteeship Corp.; General Secretary of
European League of Economic Cooperation; Publications: Articles on
European Integration, minority problems, etc.
BELGIUM NOSSENT1 Dr. Raymond E.; Ave du Haut-Pont) 15 Brussels) Belgium
Member of Parliament; Barrister, Court of Appeal in Brussels; Vice
President of the Commission of Justice of the Chamber; Member) Town
Council of Ixelles; Publications: Articles on juridical and political
DENMARK ILSE, Peter; Mellemvang 9) Hersholm, Denmark
Adviser on international economic questions to Joint Chief of Danish
Defence; Publications: "Engles Laws" published in Det danske marked;
Phamphlets on economic development in Poland and Czechoslovakia and
reports to Danish Foreign Policy Society and periodicals.
EGYPT ZAYED, Said; 43 Sultan Hussein St., Cairo, Egypt.
Editor, Egyptian Academy for the Arabic Language; Publications:
Numerous contributions to Al-Azhar Magazine on philosophical topics.
ENGLAND AYRTON, Michael; Bradfields, Toppesfield) N. Halstead) Essex, England.
Artist, author, book illustrator) theatre designer, broadcaster,
lecturer; Publications: The heritage of British Painting, 1946;
A Master of Pastiche (An Essay on the influence of Picasso)) 1946;
Marc Chagall, 194d; Degas, 1953, and others; Theatrical productions
designed: Macbeth, 754-7; Le Festin de l'Araignee (A ballet with
music by Albert Roussel), 1944; and others; Principal books illus-
trated: The Duchess of Malfil 1945; The Poems.of John Keats, 1948;
Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1948, and others.
MACK SMITH) Denis; Peterhouse) Trumpington St., Cambridge) England
Assistant Lecturer, Cambridge University; Fellow and tutor, College
of PeterhOuse, Cambridge University; Publications: Cavour and
Garibaldi, 1860; A history of Italy, 1860-1950.
NALLY, Will; The Meads, Croft Hill Road, Manchester 10, England
Member of Parliament; Journalist; Publications: A number of
Consumer Co-operative and associated studies.
TAYLOR,. Geoffrey D.; 11 Stamford Road) Manchester 21, England
Chief foreign sub-editor, Manchester Guardian.
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°FRANCE CASTILLON DU PERRON, Marguerite; 1 ave. Silvestre de Sacy, Paris
Author; Publications: Articles published in Revue des Deux
Mondes, Miroir de l'Histoire, and Revue de l'Institut Napoleon.
Enfants royaux d'aujourd'huil 1953; La Princesse Mathilde, 1953.
GISCARD D'ESTAING, Francois; 5 Avenue Montespan, Paris XVI, France
Inspection Generale des Finances, Ministere des Finances.
Connected with control of public accountants and organization of
financial services.
SALLERON (SERANT), Paul; 6 rue de Villersexel, Paris 7, France
-journalii3t for Radiodiffusion Francaise, Toreign Service;
Assistant Editor of Federation (a monthly review); Publications:
Le Meutre Rituel, a novel; Note: .Serant is his pen name.
GERMANY GRUENTER, Dr. Rainer; Rhein-Allee 115, Dusseldorf, Germany.
Lecturer, Department of German Studies, University of Cologne,
with emphasis on medieval and modern German literature; Publica-
tions:.Articles•- "Zum Problem der literarischen Kritik,"
Neue Literarische Welt, 31/12/52; "Osbert Sitwells Memoiren,"
Merkur, 1951, No. 39; "The Enchafed Flood von W. H. Auden,"
Merkur, 1954, No. 72; and numerous other articles and book reviews.
ONCKEN, Dirk; Am Buchenhang 10, Bonn, Germany
-Member of German Foreign Service in Bonn; Assistant Editor, Die
Ge enwart, 1948-49; Former Director, German Civil Liberties Union,
l50..1952; Publications: .The Imperialistic Motive in German Politics
before 1914.
PHILIPP, Wolfgang; Vilmarhaus, Ortenbergstr. if, Marburg/Lahn
• Germany
Lecturer of Systematic Theology and Religious Folklore. . Student
Chaplain of the University of Marburg; PUblications: The
Estimation of Woman or Matriarchy (1942);-Dylng and ResurrectinE
Gods, in Greater Europe (burnt in manuscript); The Christian Churches
of the World (1951)1 The Trinity as an Anthropological Category
(3 vols, not yet printed); Enlightenment -and Miracle (3 vols, not
yet printed).
WEICHERT, Juergen C.; Germanenstrasse 60, Bad Godedberg, Germany
Secretary, Foreign Affairs Committee and Secretary on the All-
German Affairs Committee of the Western German Parliament; .
Member of the temporary staff of the Assembly of the European
Steel and Coal Community; Publications: .jeglicher Tag, 1948
(fiction), and Kreuzveg, 1951 (fiction).
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KRISHNAMURTHY, B. V.; 180 Marine Drive, Bombay, India.
Professor and lecturer in Economics, School of Economics and
Sociology, University of Bombay; Publications: .Pricing in 
Planned Economy, 1949.
MARATHE,. S. S.: 28 Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, India
Senior Assistant Secretary of the Federation of Indian Chambers
of Commerce and Industry. (central commercial and industrial organi-
zation in India - consulted by Government on matters of economic
and financial policies); Publications: "Social Accounting,"
published, in Economic Weekly, January 1951.
SUNDARAM, P., S.; Killa, CuttackvIndia
Member, Orissa Public Service Commission (corresponds to Civil
Service Commission in England). . Editing work for Patria and.
Utkal Universities.
INDONESIA SANI, Asrul; Djalan Tjiwaringin 18, Bogor, Indonesia
Editor, Siasat (Indonesian weekly), Djakarta, in charge of
cultural section; Co-editor of Zenith, a new monthly for art
and literature. Member, Production Board of PERSARI-FILM:
Publications: Collection of Poems and Essay on Short Stores.
IRAN MO 'IN, Mohammad; 400.Dastgahl Kniaban-e Dowwom, Teheran, Iran
Professor of Persian Literature, University of Teheran, Iran;
Publications: . Preface to Diwan of Hafiz, 1939; Hafiz and Study
of his Works, 1940; Editor of numerous anthologies of Persian
prose, translations; Mazdaism and its Influence upon Persian 
Literature, 1947, and other books on Persian literature.
ITALY FERRANTE, Franco; Via Baravalle 27, Palan, Italy
Judge of the Milan Court (First Chamber); Member, Centro di
prevenzione e difesa sociale and Head of the Foreign Relations
Dept.; Publications: Numerous articles in Foro dei TriblinAli,
Foro Italiano, Rivista della Proprieta Intellecttuale ed 
Industriale,. Monito re dei tribunali, Giurisprudenza Italiana,
and Monitore dei Tribunali. •
MANNUCCI, Cesare; Via Vicenza 34, Rome, Italy
. Ministry of Labor; Attache, personal secretary of the Minister;
Member of the Comitato d'Iniziativa, created by the national
convention of "Abolire la miseria." Publications: ,Articles in
Mondo Economico, Giustizia, and Assistenza D'Oggi.
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PASOLINI,.Amtonia¡ Piazza Cairoli 3; Rome, Italy
Writer, journalist, Translator for publishers, radio, Literary
magazines; Publications: . Essays - 'Vernon Lee and fin-de-siede
aestheticism in Oxford and Cambridge", 1945; an introductory
essay to her translation of Stevenson's "The Bottle Imp", 1947;
Introductory essay to translation of Virginia Woolf's,"The
Haunted House," 1948, and critical essay on the "Prdblems of
Theatre," Lo Spettato-re Italiano, March, 1951.
JAPAN KATO,. Hidetoshi; c/o Miss Nagatomi, Izumoji Tatemotocho,
IÖTKAmiXyoLkul .KyOtol:Japan
Assistant, Research Institute of Humanistic Science, Kyoto
University; presently studying social psychological aspect of
Japanese people; Publications: "Communication research in Japanese
popular songs, "The Science of ThoufAht, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1950;
"Content analysis of 'life counselling' in contemporary Japan,"
The ME Magazine, No. 8, 1953; "Philosophy of Japanese Politicians,"
first published. in Chuo Koron, May 1953, later compiled in book
Contemporary Japanese, 1953; and others.
NAKANISHI, Nobuo; Inagemachi 2-chome, 50, Chiba City, Japan
Vice Principal of the Toyo Commercial High School; 1946-48, analyst
and translator for the Document Dtvision, International Prosecution
Section, GHQ, SCAP; Publications: Practical R., lish Conversation,
TANAKA, Sumiko (Mrs.); No. 21, Takanawa Apt., Takanawa
Nishidaimachi Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan
Chief, Women's Section, Women's & Minors' Bureau, Ministry of
Labor; Publications: Japanese translation of,Peter Pan by J.
M. Barrie, 1932, and Natural Superiority of Women by Ashley
Montague, 1954.
UEDA, Ryuzo; Matsunouchi-chol 2, Ashiya, Japan
Foreign Department, The Sanwa Bank Ltd.
YANG, Ho-Min; c/o Chosen .Theological Seminary, #15 Tongja-dong,
Chung-ku, Seoul, Korea
Lecturer of political science in the Chosen Theological Seminary;
Publications: The History and Theory of Communism, Nationalism
in Korea, and On the Soviet Democracy.
40AKISTAN HAQ, Syed Moinul; 2/45 Jacob Lines, Karachi, Pakistan
Secretary, Board of Editors, History of Freedom Movement; Permanent
Director of Research, Pakistan Historical Society; Formerly,
Professor in Department of History and Political Science at Aligarh
Muslim University; Publications: .Ancient India, A Short History
of the Delhi Sultanate, Life of Abu Bakr, and.Tazharatul Wagiat.
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'SHAVE, Khalid M.; 9-Court Chambers, Wadhumal Odharam Road,
Karachi, Pakistan
'Advocate, Chief Court of Sind and Karachi; Publications: Articles
in Urdu and English appearing in Pakistan Quarterly, and Other
PHILIPPINES FERNANDEZ, Ramon C.; 9 Locsin Street, Legaspi City, Philippines
Lawyer; President of Legaspi College, and instructor in law;
Publications: .Commentaries on Law of Obligations and Contracts,
and Law of Succession and Administration.
MEJIA, Prpcilo M.; 30-C San Luis, Pasay City, Philippines
Public Relations Officer, Office of Economic Coordination (direct
supervision of government-owned corporations in public relations);
Publications:"Progress Report,
on the P200 Million Advances of
the Central Bank of the Philippines to the Government's Economic
Development Projects.
SPAIN ACEBAL, Jose Antonio e Monfort; Ferraz 72, Madrid, Spain
Professor of Economic Theory, Faculty of Economic and Political
Sciences, teaching Economic Theory and International trade.
ARANDA, Luis; Escorial 17, 1 drcha, Madrid, Spain
Professor of Ancient Philosophy, University of Madrid; Publications:
Prologue and translation of Toyhbee's The World and the West1-1953;
Prologue and translation of Spencer's The Man versus the State,
1953; Prologue and translation with notes of Locke's An Essay
Concerning Human Understanding; Prologue and new translation of
W. James's Pragmatism to be printed shortly.
KENISTON, Kenneth; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Graduate of Harvard University, 1951; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford,
England, 1951-53; Junior Fellow, Harvard University, 1953 - .
HOUGHTELING, James L. Jr.; 5231 Gladstone Road, Pittsburg, Pa.
Assistant Professor of Economics, Carndgi Institute of Technologh
Pittsburg, Pa. Formerly with EGA (Marshall Plan, Washington and
Paris) 1948-52.
COLIE, Stuart; 407-C DeVereux Ave., Princeton, New Jersey
Graduate student at Princeton University, working on Ph.D. disserta-
tion in politics; Formerly pUblic opinion analyst with Office of
Public Affairs in U.S, High Commission in Germany, 1950-52;
Publications: Report on public opinion research and foreign
policy analysis for Office of Psychological Research, Princeton.

Revision as of 05:25, 2 September 2022

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Membership•  Winifred Wheable-Archer
•  Valery Giscard d’Estaing

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GREDLER1 Dr. Willfred A.; Strauchgasse 1, Vienna 1, Austria Member of Parliament; Director Trusteeship Corp.; General Secretary of European League of Economic Cooperation; Publications: Articles on European Integration, minority problems, etc. BELGIUM NOSSENT1 Dr. Raymond E.; Ave du Haut-Pont) 15 Brussels) Belgium Member of Parliament; Barrister, Court of Appeal in Brussels; Vice President of the Commission of Justice of the Chamber; Member) Town Council of Ixelles; Publications: Articles on juridical and political matters. DENMARK ILSE, Peter; Mellemvang 9) Hersholm, Denmark Adviser on international economic questions to Joint Chief of Danish Defence; Publications: "Engles Laws" published in Det danske marked; Phamphlets on economic development in Poland and Czechoslovakia and reports to Danish Foreign Policy Society and periodicals. EGYPT ZAYED, Said; 43 Sultan Hussein St., Cairo, Egypt. Editor, Egyptian Academy for the Arabic Language; Publications: Numerous contributions to Al-Azhar Magazine on philosophical topics. ENGLAND AYRTON, Michael; Bradfields, Toppesfield) N. Halstead) Essex, England. • Artist, author, book illustrator) theatre designer, broadcaster, lecturer; Publications: The heritage of British Painting, 1946; A Master of Pastiche (An Essay on the influence of Picasso)) 1946; Marc Chagall, 194d; Degas, 1953, and others; Theatrical productions designed: Macbeth, 754-7; Le Festin de l'Araignee (A ballet with music by Albert Roussel), 1944; and others; Principal books illus- trated: The Duchess of Malfil 1945; The Poems.of John Keats, 1948; Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1948, and others. MACK SMITH) Denis; Peterhouse) Trumpington St., Cambridge) England Assistant Lecturer, Cambridge University; Fellow and tutor, College of PeterhOuse, Cambridge University; Publications: Cavour and Garibaldi, 1860; A history of Italy, 1860-1950. NALLY, Will; The Meads, Croft Hill Road, Manchester 10, England Member of Parliament; Journalist; Publications: A number of Consumer Co-operative and associated studies. TAYLOR,. Geoffrey D.; 11 Stamford Road) Manchester 21, England Chief foreign sub-editor, Manchester Guardian.

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- 2 - °FRANCE CASTILLON DU PERRON, Marguerite; 1 ave. Silvestre de Sacy, Paris Author; Publications: Articles published in Revue des Deux Mondes, Miroir de l'Histoire, and Revue de l'Institut Napoleon. Enfants royaux d'aujourd'huil 1953; La Princesse Mathilde, 1953. GISCARD D'ESTAING, Francois; 5 Avenue Montespan, Paris XVI, France Inspection Generale des Finances, Ministere des Finances. Connected with control of public accountants and organization of financial services. SALLERON (SERANT), Paul; 6 rue de Villersexel, Paris 7, France -journalii3t for Radiodiffusion Francaise, Toreign Service; Assistant Editor of Federation (a monthly review); Publications: Le Meutre Rituel, a novel; Note: .Serant is his pen name. GERMANY GRUENTER, Dr. Rainer; Rhein-Allee 115, Dusseldorf, Germany. • Lecturer, Department of German Studies, University of Cologne, with emphasis on medieval and modern German literature; Publica- tions:.Articles•- "Zum Problem der literarischen Kritik," Neue Literarische Welt, 31/12/52; "Osbert Sitwells Memoiren," Merkur, 1951, No. 39; "The Enchafed Flood von W. H. Auden," Merkur, 1954, No. 72; and numerous other articles and book reviews. ONCKEN, Dirk; Am Buchenhang 10, Bonn, Germany -Member of German Foreign Service in Bonn; Assistant Editor, Die Ge enwart, 1948-49; Former Director, German Civil Liberties Union, l50..1952; Publications: .The Imperialistic Motive in German Politics before 1914. PHILIPP, Wolfgang; Vilmarhaus, Ortenbergstr. if, Marburg/Lahn • Germany Lecturer of Systematic Theology and Religious Folklore. . Student Chaplain of the University of Marburg; PUblications: The Estimation of Woman or Matriarchy (1942);-Dylng and ResurrectinE Gods, in Greater Europe (burnt in manuscript); The Christian Churches of the World (1951)1 The Trinity as an Anthropological Category (3 vols, not yet printed); Enlightenment -and Miracle (3 vols, not yet printed). WEICHERT, Juergen C.; Germanenstrasse 60, Bad Godedberg, Germany Secretary, Foreign Affairs Committee and Secretary on the All- German Affairs Committee of the Western German Parliament; . Member of the temporary staff of the Assembly of the European Steel and Coal Community; Publications: .jeglicher Tag, 1948 (fiction), and Kreuzveg, 1951 (fiction).

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- 3 - KRISHNAMURTHY, B. V.; 180 Marine Drive, Bombay, India. Professor and lecturer in Economics, School of Economics and Sociology, University of Bombay; Publications: .Pricing in Planned Economy, 1949. MARATHE,. S. S.: 28 Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, India Senior Assistant Secretary of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. (central commercial and industrial organi- zation in India - consulted by Government on matters of economic and financial policies); Publications: "Social Accounting," published, in Economic Weekly, January 1951. SUNDARAM, P., S.; Killa, CuttackvIndia Member, Orissa Public Service Commission (corresponds to Civil Service Commission in England). . Editing work for Patria and. Utkal Universities. INDONESIA SANI, Asrul; Djalan Tjiwaringin 18, Bogor, Indonesia Editor, Siasat (Indonesian weekly), Djakarta, in charge of cultural section; Co-editor of Zenith, a new monthly for art and literature. Member, Production Board of PERSARI-FILM: Publications: Collection of Poems and Essay on Short Stores. IRAN MO 'IN, Mohammad; 400.Dastgahl Kniaban-e Dowwom, Teheran, Iran Professor of Persian Literature, University of Teheran, Iran; Publications: . Preface to Diwan of Hafiz, 1939; Hafiz and Study of his Works, 1940; Editor of numerous anthologies of Persian prose, translations; Mazdaism and its Influence upon Persian Literature, 1947, and other books on Persian literature. ITALY FERRANTE, Franco; Via Baravalle 27, Palan, Italy Judge of the Milan Court (First Chamber); Member, Centro di prevenzione e difesa sociale and Head of the Foreign Relations Dept.; Publications: Numerous articles in Foro dei TriblinAli, Foro Italiano, Rivista della Proprieta Intellecttuale ed Industriale,. Monito re dei tribunali, Giurisprudenza Italiana, and Monitore dei Tribunali. • MANNUCCI, Cesare; Via Vicenza 34, Rome, Italy . Ministry of Labor; Attache, personal secretary of the Minister; Member of the Comitato d'Iniziativa, created by the national convention of "Abolire la miseria." Publications: ,Articles in Mondo Economico, Giustizia, and Assistenza D'Oggi.

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• - 4 - PASOLINI,.Amtonia¡ Piazza Cairoli 3; Rome, Italy Writer, journalist, Translator for publishers, radio, Literary magazines; Publications: . Essays - 'Vernon Lee and fin-de-siede aestheticism in Oxford and Cambridge", 1945; an introductory essay to her translation of Stevenson's "The Bottle Imp", 1947; Introductory essay to translation of Virginia Woolf's,"The Haunted House," 1948, and critical essay on the "Prdblems of Theatre," Lo Spettato-re Italiano, March, 1951. JAPAN KATO,. Hidetoshi; c/o Miss Nagatomi, Izumoji Tatemotocho, IÖTKAmiXyoLkul .KyOtol:Japan KOREA Assistant, Research Institute of Humanistic Science, Kyoto University; presently studying social psychological aspect of Japanese people; Publications: "Communication research in Japanese popular songs, "The Science of ThoufAht, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1950; "Content analysis of 'life counselling' in contemporary Japan," The ME Magazine, No. 8, 1953; "Philosophy of Japanese Politicians," first published. in Chuo Koron, May 1953, later compiled in book Contemporary Japanese, 1953; and others. NAKANISHI, Nobuo; Inagemachi 2-chome, 50, Chiba City, Japan Vice Principal of the Toyo Commercial High School; 1946-48, analyst and translator for the Document Dtvision, International Prosecution Section, GHQ, SCAP; Publications: Practical R., lish Conversation, 1945. TANAKA, Sumiko (Mrs.); No. 21, Takanawa Apt., Takanawa Nishidaimachi Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan Chief, Women's Section, Women's & Minors' Bureau, Ministry of Labor; Publications: Japanese translation of,Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie, 1932, and Natural Superiority of Women by Ashley Montague, 1954. UEDA, Ryuzo; Matsunouchi-chol 2, Ashiya, Japan Foreign Department, The Sanwa Bank Ltd. YANG, Ho-Min; c/o Chosen .Theological Seminary, #15 Tongja-dong, Chung-ku, Seoul, Korea Lecturer of political science in the Chosen Theological Seminary; Publications: The History and Theory of Communism, Nationalism in Korea, and On the Soviet Democracy. 40AKISTAN HAQ, Syed Moinul; 2/45 Jacob Lines, Karachi, Pakistan Secretary, Board of Editors, History of Freedom Movement; Permanent Director of Research, Pakistan Historical Society; Formerly, Professor in Department of History and Political Science at Aligarh Muslim University; Publications: .Ancient India, A Short History of the Delhi Sultanate, Life of Abu Bakr, and.Tazharatul Wagiat.

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(Y) -5- 'SHAVE, Khalid M.; 9-Court Chambers, Wadhumal Odharam Road, Karachi, Pakistan 'Advocate, Chief Court of Sind and Karachi; Publications: Articles in Urdu and English appearing in Pakistan Quarterly, and Other 'periodicals. PHILIPPINES FERNANDEZ, Ramon C.; 9 Locsin Street, Legaspi City, Philippines Lawyer; President of Legaspi College, and instructor in law; Publications: .Commentaries on Law of Obligations and Contracts, and Law of Succession and Administration. MEJIA, Prpcilo M.; 30-C San Luis, Pasay City, Philippines Public Relations Officer, Office of Economic Coordination (direct supervision of government-owned corporations in public relations); Publications:"Progress Report, on the P200 Million Advances of the Central Bank of the Philippines to the Government's Economic Development Projects. SPAIN ACEBAL, Jose Antonio e Monfort; Ferraz 72, Madrid, Spain UNITED , STATES • Professor of Economic Theory, Faculty of Economic and Political Sciences, teaching Economic Theory and International trade. ARANDA, Luis; Escorial 17, 1 drcha, Madrid, Spain Professor of Ancient Philosophy, University of Madrid; Publications: Prologue and translation of Toyhbee's The World and the West1-1953; Prologue and translation of Spencer's The Man versus the State, 1953; Prologue and translation with notes of Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding; Prologue and new translation of W. James's Pragmatism to be printed shortly. KENISTON, Kenneth; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Graduate of Harvard University, 1951; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, England, 1951-53; Junior Fellow, Harvard University, 1953 - . HOUGHTELING, James L. Jr.; 5231 Gladstone Road, Pittsburg, Pa. Assistant Professor of Economics, Carndgi Institute of Technologh Pittsburg, Pa. Formerly with EGA (Marshall Plan, Washington and Paris) 1948-52. COLIE, Stuart; 407-C DeVereux Ave., Princeton, New Jersey Graduate student at Princeton University, working on Ph.D. disserta- tion in politics; Formerly pUblic opinion analyst with Office of Public Affairs in U.S, High Commission in Germany, 1950-52; Publications: Report on public opinion research and foreign policy analysis for Office of Psychological Research, Princeton.


Known members

2 of the 37 of the members already have pages here:

Valery Giscard d'EstaingRothschild bankster who was President of France from 1974 to 1981, Bilderberger
Kenneth KenistonUS academic who spoke on "youth" at the 1969 Bilderberg
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