Talk:Halifax International Security Forum/Guests

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It seems to be a busy yearly schedule of this type of conferences for select bureaucrats, corporate journalists etc. Its is worth analyzing a bit on what functions these conferences actually serve - my notion is that they serve among other things as:

  • lobbying from the MIC sponsors
  • indoctrination
  • recruitment and assessment of leaders
  • spook recruitment
  • networking
  • well paid junket/disguised corruption
  • creating a bubble of like-minded leaders
  • coordinating and disseminating media narratives on select subjects down the system

There are a fair few attendants with Bilderberg, MSC and the Brussels Forum habits. There is a some overlap with Integrity Initiative; possibly even a few known attendants of Le Cercle. Terje (talk) 05:24, 25 June 2024 (UTC)

Good find. May have to do with the incoming recession and sds deep state advances as Ukraine and Gaza will enter a new stage around december with 3 UN/SC leaders changing guard. Old boy networks are nowadays too inflated. If you have any video about this group, feel free to tag me to upload a video about this group to our YT channel. Some guys did it for us for Gladio people, but the guy has changed numbers or smth. Rumble had nothing on it with quality sources. Maybe open up the dicussion group on Telegram, let the community bring in more sources. Conspiracy community is deteriorating imo. Jun, Administrator. (talk) 20:19, 25 June 2024 (UTC)