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Created an underground newspaper in Illinois in 1968. Masters Degree in Journalism from the University of Illinois in 1977. Daily News reporter in 1980. Wrote first articles on Hip Hop. Editor of High Times in 1986; began covering CIA drugs and other deep state conspiracies. Published Killing Lincoln in 2014, which pinned the Lincoln assassination on Jay Gould, working with Edwin Stanton, Ben Wade and Thaddeus Stevens. Published Killing Kennedy in 2017, the first and only book to accuse Mark Lane of being an intelligence operative. According to the book, the plot was carried out by members of JM/Wave, including John Roselli. Posted numerous deep state investigations on Youtube, some of which call out famous counterculture influencers (such as AJ Weberman, Bernadine Dohrn, Jerry Rubin) as being intel operatives. Runs website that accuses the ongoing left-right dynamic controlling American politics and media as a staged dialectic to divide the country.