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Title False Flag FalseFlag.jpg
Date 26 October 2014

Title Vladivostok airport - International area Vladivostok airport sign.jpg
Date 23 October 2014
Description Official sign posted in Vladivostock airport - International zone August 29 2014

Title Orwell was only wrong about the date OrwellRight.gif
Date 19 October 2014

Title Historical amnesia personified Hollande Bonaparte.jpg
Date 18 October 2014
Description The pathetically absurd President of France - Francoise Hollande

Title Quantitative easing by a rival UK-Nazi-5Pound.jpg
Date 16 October 2014
Description German forgery of British £5 note with suitable u-t-d caption - source

Title Back to the Future BackToTheFuture.png
Date 12 October 2014
Description The rhetoric of 'progress' belied by the reality

Title Cameron Master-Mind CameronTerrorQuiz.jpg
Date 6 October 2014
Description No Comment

Title All you need to know about Hong Kong protests HongKongProtestor.png
Date 30 September 2014
Description A screen grab from video footage of the late September 2014 protests in Hong Kong
The BBC caption sums it up - Here is the detail

Title Here we go again BombForDemocracy.jpg
Date 26 September 2014
Description Another round of Humanitarian Bombing for Iraq and Syria.
Those responsible know that the results will be identical to all the others - Chaos and human suffering out of all proportion to the alleged head-chopping casus belli.
US Bombing campaigns since 1945

Title Russia Wants War! RussiaWantsWar.png
Date 19 September 2014
Description Ask yourself - honestly - Which party looks like the aggressive one here?