Rhodes Scholar/1989

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<-Group.png Rhodes Scholar/1989 WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png->
Membership• Viva Bartkus
• Craig Boatright
• Brian Bohunicky
• Mike Buchanan
• Gerry Cardinale
• Paul Carrese
• Brad Carson
• Eu-Gene Cheah
• Ali Cheema
• Ben Cheng
• Ike Chioke
• Susan Coles
• John Crandon
• Gerhard Cruywagen
• Jennifer Davis Michael
• JR DeShazo
• Anna Donald
• Victoria Donaldson
• Gregory Dubois-Felsmann
• Katherine Eban Finkelstein
• Martin Faehling
• Anton Fagan
• Paul Farlam
• Marama Findlay
• Christopher Ford
• Rob Foster
• Iain Fraser
• Stephanie Fullerton
• Mike George
• Jody Greene
• Doug Hallward-Driemeier
• Sarah Harding
• Siobhan Harty
• Heidi Hauffe
• Pamela Hill
• David Howarth
• Blair Hoxby
• Brad Hoylman
• Nick Hughes
• Christian Illies
• Giri Kalamangalam
• Sarah Kass
• Liam Kelly
• Anthony Kinghorn
• Paul King'uru
• Andrew La Trobe
• Mary Lehmkuhle O'Hara
• Stéphane Létourneau
• Nancy Levenson
• Peter Levine
• Tom Malinowski
• James Manyika
• Paul Markovich
• Michael McCullough
• Maureen McLane
• Mark Moshinsky
• Mebelo Mutukwa
• Sarah Nuttall
• Scott Pretorius
• Mukund Rajan
• Brian Rolfes
• Susan Rowe
• Jay Rubenstein
• Sacha Sardo-Infirri
• Aveek Sen
• Isaac Shongwe
• Andrew Smith (Rhodes Scholar 1989)
• Jay Jay Soares
• Victoria Staveley
• John Tasioulas
• Andrea Taylor-Cummings
• Barry Uphoff
• Kate Vinot
• David Wheeler
• Jacqueline Wong
• Holly Wyatt

People granted the Rhodes Scholarship. The list is for the year 1989. Note that for Rhodes Scholars, the year is always matriculation year rather than graduation year.


Known member

1 of the 76 of the members already have pages here:

Tom Malinowski“If anyone still thinks that the only people who dreamt up the idea about torturing prisoners were just some privates and corporals at Abu Ghraib, this document should put that myth to rest.”
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