European Ideas Network

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Group.png European Ideas Network   WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Headquarters60, rue Wiertz
Type Centre-right think tank

Based in the European Parliament, the European Ideas Network, is the 'independent' think tank for the Conservative Grouping at the European Parliament. It is made up of 'a network of think tanks and independent experts that get together with legislators to organise policy debates on mid-term issues of relevance for the Group of the European People's Party (EPP Group) in the European Parliament.'[1] It is a member of the Stockholm Network.


'Think tank members, experts from the private sector and academic partners work together in 10 different working groups in three broad areas':[2]

  • Economy and the Environment: Economic and Financial Recovery; Social Market Economy; Energy and Environment
  • Governance and Values: European Demographic Challenge: Immigration and family policies; Values and liberties; European Governance: implementing the Lisbon Treaty; Making Europe a safer place
  • Foreign Affairs: Neighbourhood Policies; Transatlantic Relations; Globalization and International Trade


Guillermo Martinez Casañ and Franck Debié are respectively network director and policy director of the EIN.

Main Activities for 2010

The network organises the EPP Group Summer University every year - 'a gathering of more than 300 MEPs, MPs, intellectuals, think tankers, professors, experts from business and the media.'

It has planned the following activities with its think tank members for the year 2010:[3]

*23 February - Brussels

Breakfast meeting "EU/China relations after the Lisbon Treaty" EIN Review Meeting "Translating Research and Debate into Policy Making after the Lisbon Treaty"

*24 March - Madrid

EIN Seminar "Recovery: towards European resilience" EIN Seminar "Food and Health Safety"

*14 April - Brussels

Breakfast meeting "Youth expectations in Europe"

*21 April -Rome

EIN Seminar "Political values and expectations of the individuals: how to bridge the gap"

*9 May - Prague

EIN Seminar "New dimensions in European security after the Lisbon Treaty"

*12 May - Brussels

Breakfast meeting "New developments in the USA" EIN Seminar: "Religion and social change in Europe”

*9 June - Brussels

Breakfast meeting "Changes in NATO and consequences for EU"

*30 June - Washington

EIN Seminar: "Security of Europe and new horizons for transatlantic coordination after the Lisbon Treaty"

*14 July - Brussels

Bilateral meeting to prepare Summer University

*16-18 September - Budapest

EIN Summer University

*6 October - Brussels

Breakfast meeting: "New poor people in Europe: policy challenges" EIN Seminar "Towards a social Agenda focused on the individual"

*27 October - Vienna

EIN Special Review Meeting and Seminar with Central and Eastern Europe Think Tanks

*November - London

Think tanks and Foundations associated with the Conservative Party

*17 November - Brussels

Breakfast meeting: "Is European research competitive enough?" EIN Seminar "Digital Economy and recovery in Europe"

*8 December - Brussels

Breakfast meeting: "EU and the Middle East peace process"

Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


  1. Stockholm Network. Eye on Europe 19 Accessed 18 April 2010.
  2. Stockholm Network. Eye on Europe 19 Accessed 18 April 2010.
  3. Stockholm Network. Eye on Europe 19 Accessed 18 April 2010.