Deep Politics Forum

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The Deep Politics Forum is primarily a discussion group on Deep Politics. It maintains an archive of related files and a YouTube video channel. It also has a presence on Facebook and Twitter.

Text from the DPF Holding Page as at 20 December 2010

The REAL DPF has been temporarily hijacked
Working is ongoing to restore the bona-fide DPF

Please try the domain periodically and check for a statement by the original founders - minus 1
The bona-fide DPF WILL be back on line soon

ANY other Internet entity claiming to be the Deep Politics Forum should be ignored. The ONLY owners of the ONLY bona-fide DEEP POLITICS FORUM are:

  • Charles Drago
  • David Guyat
  • Jan Klimkowsk
  • Magda Hassan
  • Dawn Meredith

DPF in its own words

DPF is an online community dedicated to shining light into the shadowy reaches of historical and contemporary deep political systems. We aim to expose deep political objectives, strategies, tactics, and operatives, and to understand their social, economic, and cultural impacts.

Our mission transcends academic inquiry, which we accept as an invaluable tactic in a broader strategy to wield knowledge and truth as weapons in a coordinated assault on the manipulators who operate within deep political shadows.

WikiSpooks Acknowledgement

The Deep Politics Forum is included on the WikiSpooks Acknowledgements page as a major source of content and inspiration when setting up the WikiSpooks site. It remains a 'Must Check' site when researching anything concerning WikiSpooks articles