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Born of a Polish Father and a Scots/Irish mother during WW2, I come from an era where the NHS was created by real socialist political leaders. Not pretendy ones like Mandelson and his zionist excuse monkey Blair Despite the fact that Gt.Britain was stony broke, having stood virtually alone and stopped Hitler and his cohorts in their tracks, these real heroes of the people were determined to build a better society here in the UK that we could all be proud of. Life was hard for everyone, (Well almost everyone), but we were truly , "All in it together". We were however, kept ignorant of the shenanigans and the machinations of the real moneymen, but we were all reasonably well educated, and had the luxury of full employment, the certainty of a roof over our heads and a health service that really worked. A luxury that the poor souls starting off down the route of modern life no longer have. Our parents sacrificed so much in order to protect the Jews of europe, and they've never been forgiven by them for doing so.

I became a mechanical Engineer by training and subsequently served in the British Army for a number of years. A real class ridden organisation. Albeit that the middle classes supplied most of the officer class. That is certainly no longer the case. Anyone can become an officer nowadays, and we're much poorer for that crock of horse manure. No real moral fibre.

Following my sojourn in the military, I went to sea for a year sailing as 2nd Engineer on a ship. Thereafter, I came ashore, settled down, and for almost the remainder of my working life, I specialised in Technical Sales. Travelling throughout UK, Ireland and Europe, dealing with customers and liaising with local agents and distributors.

Latterly, as arthritis overtook me, my wife and I ran a clock repair business and specialist shop, importing a variety of real clocks from throughout Europe. Now retired, I consider it my sovereign duty to question every political decision and angle proposed by politicians of all colours. They, as a class, leave much to be desired. Essentially, politics are far too important to be left to politicians alone... "Vox Populus". That's the only way forward.