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If you feel like you're living in some Orwellian nightmare - plugged right into The Matrix even - then you're in the right place. No matter how messed up you thought the world was, by the time you've finished reading some of the things here on WikiSpooks, you'll realise that 1984 was just a typo!
Hat tip to Edward Chanter, with due apologies for the blatant plagiarism
Just a couple of disclaimers
Content here is open to authoring and editing by any registered user. Strenuous efforts are made to frustrate the agendas of obvious Spooks, Spoilers and other Matrix-like Operatives, but there is just so much smoke-and mirrors disinformation out there - and so many paid or otherwise rewarded purveyors of it - that some is bound to get through. So be warned :
- Content may be wildly inaccurate and does NOT necessarily reflect the opinion of the site owner
- Take what you find here with the same pinch of salt that you ought - as a matter of course - take with the entire output of the MSM - though we venture to suggest that the vast majority of it will be a more accurate reflection of reality than most corresponding MSM reporting - and certainly more accurate than 'The Official Narrative'