Zionist Occupied Government

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A government which is heavily influenced by the Zionist world view. It can also denote Jewish membership of a government which is grossly out of proportion to the Jewish population of the country as a whole.

Concept.png Zionist Occupied Government Glossary.png Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
A government which is heavily influenced by the Zionist world view. It can also denote Jewish membership of a government which is grossly out of proportion to the Jewish population of the country as a whole.

ZOG: Acronym for "Zionist Occupied Government"

Other than in third party documents where meaning and usage are the author's own, the term on Wikispooks denotes a government which is heavily influenced by the Zionist world view. It can also denote Jewish membership of a government which is grossly out of proportion to the Jewish population of the country as a whole. The Bolshevik government of post-October 1917 Soviet Russia is probably the most extreme example of the latter to date.

American is probably the current most extreme example of a ZOG but the term can reasonably be applied to most post-WWII European governments, particularly those that have enacted so-called "Hate Laws" which effectively criminalise any public questioning or expression of doubt about the Official Narrative of "The Holocaust" and which have been used to imprison distinguished historians and other researchers who did so, notable examples being David Irving, Dr Frederick Toben, [1], Ernst Zundell [2], Sylvia Stolz [3] [4], and Germar Rudolf.

Surprisingly, in April 2014 Russia also recently passed similar legislation which arguably qualifies its government as a ZOG and provides an insight into the complexities of Jewish power as between the ZOGs of the Anglo-US-NATO power block and its ostensible opponents [5]

Wikipedia describes the term as "An antisemitic conspiracy theory", [6] which is par for any Wikipedia article with the potential to expose Zionism to non-orthodox analysis that is deemed threatening. The article is nonetheless a useful source of additional information.
