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July 2014 - Humanitarian tragedy in Ukraine
Kiev junta wages criminal punitive operations against the people of Eastern Ukraine. The junta says these people are “terrorists” and “subhumans”. The western media is silent. Countless atrocities are committed. Video archive
Luhansk 18 July 2014. WARNING, horrific images 18+
Horrific results of artillery bombardment by the Ukrainian army. This occurred on the day after the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash - thus it was a good day to hide yet another atrocity - the western commercially-controlled media duly ignored it. In February 2014 the US warned then president Viktor Yanukovitch in the starkest terms not to use force against "peaceful civilian protestors"; but there is not a critical word as the new Kiev Junta military engages in repeated artillery bombardment of its own civilians. Double-standards does not begin to describe the gross hypocrisy involved Video archive
BBC (Russia) report on MH17. 23 July 2014
This BBC report provides eye witnesses evidence sourced by their own reporter, Olga Ivshina, which does not correspond to the Anglo-US-NATO narrative of Russian blame. Many witnesses verified there were 2 Ukraine SU25 close to the downed MH17. Their presence was also confirmed by real-time radar traces provided by the Russian Air Ministry. This is a BBC edited version of the original. The differences are analyzed here Video archive
Russian Deputy Defense Minister on MH17
A calm composed Anatoly Antonov poses serious questions for the US about the crash of Flight MH17 and makes telling observations about the shelling of Lugansk, Donetsk and Russian territory - All of which are ignored by the Western commercially-controlled media Video archive
RT Crosstalk 23 July 2014
Peter Lavelle with guests Vladimir Suchan, Eric Kraus and Eric Draiser. The US says it has "A mountain of evidence that Russia facilitated the MH17 shoot-down" but refuses to produce it, employing relentless demonising rhetoric instead. The same template as was used in the case of the August 2013 Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack. Video archive