Binyam Mohamed
Binyam Mohamed was taken prisoner by US forces in Afghanistan in 200x and rendered to Guantanamo Bay in 200x. He was released without charge and returned to the UK as a free man in 200x.
Mohamed is currently (July 2010) pressing a civil action in the UK courts against the UK government alleging complicity in his torture and secret rendition.
After prolonged argument in the court, with the government and its security services strenuously opposed to their release, a series of documents were finally released to the public on 12 July 2010. The following is a list of links to pdf files of those documents held on the WikiSpooks site. The file names are fairly descriptive of content and there is additional information including file sizes at each of the links:
- File:2010 07 06 PUB New Government Guidelines on Torture - additional information .pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC14.pdf
- File:2010 07 06 PUB David Cameron letter to Peter Gibbs re Torture Inquiry .pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC13.pdf
- File:2005 03 01 PUB Intelligence and Security Committee Report.pdf
- File:2010 07 14 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case - Secret Services Memos Exhibit 22.pdf
- File:2010 07 14 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case - Claimaints Skeleton Argument 2.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC4.pdf
- File:2010 07 14 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case - Secret Services Memos Exhibit 21.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC9.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC11.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case Louise Christian Witness Statement.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC12.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC5.pdf
- File:2010 07 14 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case - Secret Services Memos Exhibit 20.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC8.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC15.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC16.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC10.pdf
- File:2010 07 09 Reprieve letter to Prime Minister Cameron re Torture Inquiry.pdf
- File:2010 07 14 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case - Fourth Witness Statement of Sapna Malik.pdf
- File:2010 07 14 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case - Secret Services Memos Exhibit 19.pdf
- File:2010 07 06 PUB New Government Guidelines on Torture .pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC7.pdf
- File:2010 07 15 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case- Exhibit LC6.pdf
- File:2010 07 14 PUB Binyam Mohamed Civil Case - Claimaints Skeleton Argument.pdf