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Dear WikiSpooks Admin Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Dylan, and I’m writing to humbly request the opportunity to join your editorial team at WikiSpooks. While I may not be a traditionally published writer, I am deeply committed to researching, organizing, and sharing crucial information on suppressed and hidden knowledge. This passion was sparked by my personal journey, including a life-changing near-death experience (NDE) that has redefined how I see the world and led me to seek out the deeper truths that mainstream narratives often overlook.

In my NDE, I faced a moment of crisis caused by opiate use that resulted in life-threatening complications. I flatlined twice and spent nearly a year in hospitals and nursing homes, undergoing physical therapy and multiple surgeries. As I was recovering, the world entered a new kind of crisis—COVID-19 began, and I lost my relationship, moving back across the country to restart my life with the help of family. It was during this time of reflection and recovery that I began to delve deeply into subjects like conspiracy theories, the occult, and suppressed information as a way to find answers.

At first, I was driven by a desire to disprove many of the conspiracy theories and occult teachings I encountered. However, as I researched topics like 9/11, predictive programming, freemasonry, alchemy, and the New World Order, I found myself fascinated by the layers of complexity and the hidden connections between events. I’ve explored these subjects extensively through and Telegram, where I’ve participated in and led discussions related to deep politics, secret societies, and military applications of NLP. My conspiracy-focused Facebook group, “Dylans Rabbit Hole,” serves as a community for sharing and debating these critical ideas.

Some of the major topics I’ve researched and am eager to contribute to on WikiSpooks include:

• UFO Reports and Earth Files, exploring government cover-ups and potential extraterrestrial involvement. • Entheogens and Psychedelics, especially their role in mysticism, personal transformation, and control mechanisms. • Eastern Theology, Alchemy, and how these spiritual systems interconnect with secret societies like Freemasonry. • Predictive Programming and NLP, particularly how media manipulation is used to shape public opinion. • Health and Free Energy, looking into how revolutionary discoveries are suppressed. • Deep Web Exploration, as I’ve been fascinated by hidden content not easily accessible to the public, where much suppressed knowledge resides. • The New World Order and Epstein, focusing on how these topics reflect the structures of control and manipulation in the modern world.

I’ve stored gigabytes of research on these and many other topics, ranging from cosmology, linguistics, and hollow earth theories to deep dives into Alan Watts and modern entheogen discussions. I would be honored to work as a free resource for WikiSpooks, where I can diligently edit, curate, and contribute valuable content related to these subjects.

Despite not being a published writer, my thirst for knowledge, fueled by my NDE and passion for these esoteric topics, drives me to help share these insights with the world. I would be grateful for the opportunity to contribute to WikiSpooks in any way I can. I’m confident that my background and experience, combined with my dedication, would make me a valuable asset to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am happy to provide more details or examples of my work and discussions from platforms like Telegram or my Facebook group, and I look forward to the chance to help expand the repository of knowledge on WikiSpooks.

Sincerely, Dylan Roberts Founder, Dylan’s Rabbit Hole (Private Facebook Group) Telegram Contributor and Researcher/Channel Creator & Moderator 318-529-7110 -