User:R Hak

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My name is Robert Haku, I was born in Albania in 1991. Studied abroad, in Italy. After finishing my studies, and having understood that people are the same everywhere, I decided to return in Albania again.

I always looked up to the USA, because I thought of it as an anticommunist, pro freedom beacon of liberty - lots of members in my extended family weren't allowed to continue higher education during the communist dictatorship that ruled Albania at the time, so I was raised to be skeptical of communism and that pushed me towards having American sympathies.

Needless to say, I have moved on from the American tendencies.

This is the second time I request an account. I just want to be able to add some not so well known facts about my country, or the multiple interests I have.

For example, this week there was this news that Iran had made a cyberattack on Albania. You already have a page on Albania (harboring those Iranian "dissidents"), so I was reminded of that and wanted to add this piece of fact.

I also wanted to add some sort of timeline of the western influence in my country. Especially in regard to the post Kosovo independence. Even I was surprised when I learned that the USA has a big military base there (btw this was one of the things that redpilled me on the USA). And then I started to realise that one of the biggest infrastructure projects in the Balkans at the time and In Albania, was the so called "Rruga e Kombit" or Durrës-Kukës_Highway, was probably pushed by the USA that wanted a fast connection from the port of Durres to Kosovo. Btw, although Albania has been known for cannabis in these last 30 years, the last decade a lot of cocaine is transiting through the Durres port with destination Kosovo, and then Europe.

If you guys had some sort of "SUGGEST ARTICLE" where unregistered users could give suggestions, I wouldn't request the account but instead I'd use the form. You could also dedicate a talk page somewhere on the site, where everybody can write comments or suggestions there.