Harvard/International Seminar/1965

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MembershipClaudine Herrmann

These are the participants from 1965 for the yearly International Seminar led by Henry Kissinger at Harvard University.[1]. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".[2] Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.[3]

For next year's cadre, see Harvard/International Seminar/1966. For the previous year, see Harvard/International Seminar/1964. For an overview of the program itself, see Harvard/International Seminar.


  • Erik Pieter Jozef Swaelen - Belgium. Research Attache, National Council on Scientific Policy; in charge of preparation of a national expansion program for biomedical research; administrator for expansion program for higher education facilities and scientific institutions
  • Ariosto Jaeger - Brazil. Secretary of Education and Cultural Affairs, State Government, Rio Grande do Sul; State Deputy of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cadiravail Mylvagnam - Ceylon. Senior Administrator, Ceylon Ministry of Commerce and International Trade; in charge of setting up a national shipping service; formerly, Controller of Imports and Exports
  • CHANG, Clement Chien-pang Chang Taiwan/ROC. President, Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences; formerly, Vice President; formerly Professor of Economics, National Taiwan University; Advisor to the Delegation .of the Republic of China to the 17th Regular Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
  • Pavel Eisler - Czechoslovakia. Professor of Economic History, Prague School of Economics; formerly, Member of the United Nations Secretariat, Department of Economic Affairs; formerly, Vice Governor, International Monetary Fund for Czechoslovakia
  • Saara Margareeta Palmgren - Finland. Head of International Relations, The Finnish Broadcasting Company; formerly, Head of Program Planning; cultural and social critic
  • Emmanuel Devaud - France.General Secretary, Center of Economic Oberservation, Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Editor, Lettre Mensuelle de Conjoncture
  • Claudine Herrmann - Belgian author, essayist and feminist activist. Barrister at Law, Court of Paris; Reviewer, N.R.F. Gallimard; novelist
  • Jéróme Peignot - France. Novelist and essayist; literary critic; Editor, Denoèl Publishing Company
  • Petra Kipphoff - Germany . Associate Literary Editor, Die Zeit
  • Erika Angela am Ende-Nacken - Poland Editor and Permanent Political and Economic Correspondent, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in Poland
  • Walter Heinrich Tiemann - Germany. Chairman and General Secretary, Federation of German Trade Unions, district of Neumanster-Segeberg; Member, Schleswig-Holstein Parliament
  • Geoffrey Howard Stern - England . Lecturer in International Relations at the London School of Economics; regular contributor to British Book News, New Statesman, New Outlook, and the British Broadcasting Corporation
  • David Harold Tribe- England. Freelance writer and lecturer; Regular part-time appointments at Bell Lane Institute; British Life and Institutions; S.E. London Technical College; St. Godric's College
  • Hilton Cheong-Leen - Hong Kong. General Manager, H. Cheong-Leen & Co., Import-Export; Elected Member, Hong Kong Urban Council; Member, Hong Kong Housing Authority
  • Sashimeren I. Aier - Kohima, Nagaland, India . Additional Development Commissioner, Chief,Electoral Officer, Registrar of to-operative Societies, Government of Nagaland; formerly, Regional Assistant Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, for the States of Assam, Manipur, Tripura and West Bengal
  • Robi Chakravorti - India. Assistant Editor, Amrita Bazar Patrika,'Calcutta; contributor to The Economic Weekly, Bombay
  • Hasbullah Chalid - Indonesia. Secretary Generdl of Lesbumi (Indonesian Moslem Arts and Culture Institution); playwright
  • Jalsal Aal-Ahmad- Iran. Instructor, Training Teachers' College; short story writer, novelist, essayist; translator of French literature
  • Jamil Said Ibrahim - Iraq. Dean, College of Arts, University of Baghdad; literary critic; translator of English literature; formerly, Dean, College of Jurisprudence and Head, Arabic Department, University of Baghdad
  • Sean o'Tuama - Ireland. Lecturer in Irish literature, University College; Member, Board of Directors, The Abbey Theater; playwright, poet; literary critic
  • SHAMIR, Moshe ; 3' Rosanis Street, Tel Baruch, Tel Aviv, Israel

Contributing Editor, Maariv; novelist, playwright; literary critic

o Political gditor, Il Mondo:; contributor, Italian Radio-Television, for cultural programs; freelance journalist

  • [[GADDA-CONTI, Giuseppe; Piaiza Castello 20, Milan, Italy

Assistant„Stste University of Milan; short story writer, poet; literary and social critic; translator of American literature

Read, Office for Bilateral Affairs, Nationl Committee for Nuclear Energy

Japan Deputy Chief of International Relationa Section, Bureau of International Affairs, Socialist Party of Japan

Program Officer, The International House of Japan, Inc.

Malaysia Minister of Finance, Sabah, Malaysia

Mexico Commentator, cultural and literary affairs, University Radio of Mexico;,columnist, Revista de la Universidad; literary and tinema critic; fiction writer

Head, Stat tical Training Institute, Rabat

Obubra (Divisional Office), Eastern Nigeria o Administrative Officer of Eastern Nigerian Government, in charge of Obubra Division

Karachi, West Pakistan PHILIPPINES . Novelist, newspaper columnist, freelance writer

  • IMAM, Abu ; Departme of History, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi,

Ea1.3t Pakistan 1 Prcifessor otiíiistory, Rajshahi University

the Philippines Business Editor, Manila Chronicle

. Philippines Columnist of cultural affairs, Manila Times; Chairman of the Board, Mass Promotions, Inc.; painter

Deputy Editor, Poesie; poetry and prose writer; Member, Polish Writers Urion

United Arab ublic Editor -i Chief, News Department, United Arab Broadcasting Service

Freelance writer of fiction; recently completed three-year appointment as Secretary General, Yugoslav Association of Writers

Yugoslavia - Head, Department of International Studies; Senior Lecturer for comparative labour,studies, School of Political Sciences, Belgrade

  • George Brown - Assistant Professor, Boston University Law School; formerly, Harvard College Exchange Fellow, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris; formerly, Harvard Law School, Harvard Law Review
  • Thomas J. Hargadon - Graduate Studentin Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Lecturer in Political Science, Boston College; formerly, Harvard Law School; Andrew Carnegie Intern in Public Administration
  • Peter Shaw - Teaching Fellow, Department of English, Columbia College; formerly, graduate student, Columbia University

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