User:Wendy Addison

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Wendy is an Award winning, International speaker, trainer and intergovernmental and private company consultant who actively bridges and links the public interest with the 'how' of openness, communication, and whistleblowing through storytelling, coaching and training. Recently acknowledged as a 'Business Disruptor', Innovator and ‘Constructive non-Conformer’ alongside Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet and others, Wendy brings real world experience to strategic conversations and relationships. Recognised as a Council of Europe expert, nominated for a UNODC Lifetime Outstanding Achievement Award by the OECD, her chapter on Openness for the OECD, her contribution to the UN-PRI on Whistleblowing and the Warwick Business School award for her ‘outstanding contribution to Governance and Corporate Responsibility’, positions her as a Role Model and Thought and Action Leader.

2009 ongoing Founder and Director SpeakOut SpeakUp Ltd Wendy founded SpeakOut SpeakUp Ltd, a storytelling consultancy and training company in 2009 which advises Boards, provides training, lectures and talks to move people towards open and transparent dialogues and sustainable change. Wendy’s clients and engagements have spanned the globe and range from speaking at TED Tokyo, providing training for the Jordanian and Kosovan Anti-Corruption Agencies via the Council of Europe, to addressing the needs and goals of companies such as Facebook, Nationwide Bank, Mubadala in the UAE and the Massy Group in the Caribbean Basin 2021 ongoing Parrhesia Inc 2007 – 2009 Senior Advisor on Anti Bribery and Corruption, Speaker working with Professor Roger Steare of ethicability, Wendy provided advice, and real-world experience on corporate fraud and the Anti Bribery Act to Boards of multi nationals globally. 2001- 2001 International Group Treasurer for Virgin Management, London, reporting to the Board 1993 – 2000 International Group Treasurer for LeisureNet Limited, a multinational, listed organisation, reporting to the Board.

1988 – 1993 Self Employed Accounting and Financial Services 1984 – 1988 Investec Bank Limited Investment Manager

THOUGHT AND ACTION LEADER Holistic thinking, trend setting, and relationship building has positioned Wendy as a Role Model and Thought and Action Leader. She has utilised her vast and unique experiences and network to facilitate alternative thinking, solutions and guidance to impact positive change globally.

INNOVATOR After studying at Stanford University in 2016, Wendy innovated a Virtual Reality Immersion to provide training for open and transparent communication. Currently with the University of East London School of Psychology as a Research project.

HERO and ROLE MODEL Wendy was internationally recognised and awarded the title of Hero by Professor Philip Zimbardo in the US in 2016 alongside Daniel Ellsberg and Coleen Rowley. This award was in recognition for taking a moral stand against bribery and corruption and blowing the whistle in the case known as ‘South Africa’s Enron’, the biggest corporate scandal in South Africa’s history. Wendy secured justice after an eleven-year war of attrition, when the CEOs were jailed.

Wendy continues to contribute to social science research on Whistleblowing and Heroism and has been featured in a number of significant scientific, academic and magazine publications.

In 2014, the Giraffe Hero’s Project awarded Wendy with a Hero Award.

KEY PROJECTS AND CLIENTS: National Whistleblowing Center (US) Co campaigning for protection for EU Climate Whistleblowers Co campaigning for the harmonisation of ESG disclosures The Council of Europe COE Expert and Author of the Whistleblower Protection and Train the Trainers curriculum

                                       Trainer for Jordanian and Kosovan anti-corruption agencies

The UN-PRI: Contributed to the white paper on “Whistleblowing: Why and How to engage with your Investee


International Anti-corruption Academy Visiting Lecturer European Center for Whistleblower RightsVisiting Lecturer The OECD: Wrote the chapter on Openness for the OECD white paper “Public Integrity” Citizens of Conscience – Co creation of the South African Whistleblowing NGO University of Kentucky: Co Created the Voiceability survey. Transparency International: Ongoing contribution to Whistleblowing Research Queen’s University Management School: Ongoing contribution to Whistleblowing Research NUI Galway University: Ongoing contribution to Whistleblowing Research SpeakOut SpeakUp Ltd : Ongoing academic research and blogs on the social psychology and neuroscience of what

                                       drives or hinders Speaking and Listening up and Whistleblowing, Group Dynamics, ESG, 
                                       Sustainability, and UN SDGs

University of Surrey: Teaching Associate on the Faculty of Business Economics and Law Warwick Business School: Award winning Teaching Associate lecturing on Organisational Change, Corporate Governance,

                                       Ethics & compliance

The Heroic Imagination Project : Professional Member contributing to consultancy, research and training