200 Years Together

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Two Hundred Years Together is a monumental work of historical scholarship by Soviet dissident and 1970 Nobel literature laureate, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn dealing with the relationship between Russians and Jews inside the Russian and Soviet Empires. Solzhenitsyn authored it in Russian and the original work was published in Russian in 2001/2, with published translations in German and French following soon after. However, for reasons that will be obvious to those who have read it, it has never found an English language publisher.

It is a work of quintessential historical revisionism by an author of towering reputation and authority on Russia and the Soviet Union. The carefully nurtured global Jewish self-image as history's eternal victim is seriously dented by revelations of extensive high-level Jewish complicity in - not-to-say responsibility for - vast Soviet atrocities against its own populations; complicity which remains well hidden and largely unknown in the West. The book is thus anathema to orthodox Jewish and Zionist Establishments and this is amply reflected in its extended wikipedia article which categorises it as "Antisemitism" and is replete with obfuscation of the major issues involved. In classic Wikipedia style on sensitive Jewish issues, the article is dominated by multiple hostile critical reviews from largely Jewish sources and excludes ANY references to major dissenting authorities - in this case most notably to extensive reviews by Professor Kevin MacDonald.

The work is in two volumes; the first sub-titled "Russian-Jewish History 1795 to 1916" (512 pages), the second sub-titled "The Jews in the Soviet Union" (600 pages), which deals with the period from the Bolshevik revolution to the demise of the Soviet Union in the late 1990's.

Samizdat English translations

From 2008 through to September 2010 a project to translate the book into English published various chapters as they became available. Links to those chapters are currently disabled. They have since been referenced and reviewed on various websites, notably in The Barnes Review and The Oxidental Review

English chapters available on Wikispooks

The following is a list of chapters with links to those currently available on Wikispooks.

Volume 1. Before the Revolution Volume 2. During Soviet period
Chapter 1: Before 19th century Chapter 13: February Revolution
Chapter 3: During the reign of Nicholas I Chapter 14: During 1917
Chapter 4: During the period of reforms Chapter 15: Among Bolsheviks
Chapter 5: After the murder of Alexander II]] Chapter 16: During the Civil War
Chapter 6: In the Russian revolutionary movement Chapter 17: In emigration between the World Wars
Chapter 7: The birth of Zionism Chapter 18: During 1920s
Chapter 8: At the turn of the 20th century Chapter 19: During 1930s
Chapter 9: During the Revolution of 1905 Chapter 20: In the camps of GULag
Chapter 10: During the period of Duma Chapter 21: During the Soviet-German War
Chapter 11: The Jewish and Russian national consciousness prior to the World War I Chapter 22: From the end of the war up to Stalin’s death
Chapter 12: During WWI (1914-1916) Chapter 23: Before Six-Day War
Chapter 24: Breaking away from Bolshevism
Chapter 25: Accusing Russia
Chapter 26: Beginning of Exodus
Chapter 27: About assimilation. Author's after-word

See also