Wikipedia:Babar Ahmad

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Babar Ahmad Babar Ahmad
WpIcon32.png Babar Ahmad

As of July 2011, Babar Ahmad has spent over seven years in prison at the behest of the US/UK extradition agreement. The US accuses him of having given support to terrorism by publishing material on a web site. The 'offenses' - if such they are in the eyes of the US - are not considered offences in the UK where he is resident and where they were allegedly committed.

Related Wikispooks Pages

Document:Babar Ahmed Timeline Document:Babar Ahmed Timeline - - Timeline of events
Document:Three Shattered Myths Document:Three Shattered Myths - - Letter from Babar Ahmad after 1 year in prison - As at July 2011 he has now been held in maximum security prisons for over 7 years without charge.

External Links