Document:20140610 Odendall's Email to Boeselager
A leaked email in which Marc Odendall extends firm but only covert support to Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager. In addition, he admits the 120 million Swiss franc trust is shady, saying "...a major fraud. I sense there is one..." but is looking for a hidden path to tap the money. |

Subjects: Knights of Malta, Marc Odendall, Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager
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Local copy: File:20140610 Odendall to Boeselager.pdf
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Expéditeur: Marc <>
Date: 10 juin 2014 20:21:04 UTC+1
Destinataire: Albrecht Boeselager <>
Objet: Rép : Thanks
Thanks, Albrecht, for taking the time so soon after your election. It was important to restore trust and project a vision for the future.
You may count on me, thank you for your confidence, but not in an official role if anybody suspects me of collusion. I do not believe it matters at all if I can obtain more than our legal claims in court, but I do not like it. In a discreet role, active as far as you wish, but not official, with pleasure.
I believe time is of the essence. It does not mean to rush things, but to do them right, and in the right orders. And with the right professionals. This Arago irrevocable assignment looks like a threat to us, I do not like it at all. I sense a potential reputational risk of high magnitude here.
Just to dissipate your impression on Ariane's possible greed: I mentionned to her that you had heard about yearly fees of up to a million Euros, and that we were both very surprised by this amount. Indeed,mit came as a surprise when you mentioned it. She fell from her chair and said she would immediately send me the past logs of the billings. Hers, for the trust, and of Carlos, for the UBS supervision and control (UBS who does take one million per year for a modest 2.6% performance, and after loosing more than 10 million Euros, before Carlos was hired). So probably another disinformation, like the story on the will, or the one on late donations in January because of the starts to be an habit.
For the action plan,I suggest an effective sequence:
1)I would request from Mazery the immediate delivery of the dossier: it is a felony to just walk away with such documents. Official request. Time to stop joking around.
2) I would ask Monseignat to Rome and ask him to deliver all his evidences, and explain why he pretended that there was a will, when you realized there cannot be one. Official request. Or that the other parties can sue the Order, when there is no joint agreement.
3)1 would take a strong law firm In Paris to assess the validity of the power signed by Mazery. I can suggest a few very senior partners in very senior firms. I am sure you have some too.
4)depending on the outcome, I would send this law firm to visit Arago and see if there is a link with the other parties. You can mandate another firm, whatever your existing powers are. Arago Is unknown to the good firms in Paris. I checked a year ago with three partners in three good firms.
5)depending on the outcome, I would cancel the powers. Immediately. The risks are too high to have the Order involved in a major fraud. I sense there is one, as we discussed it.
6)1 would then approach all beneficiaries and invite them to join a amiable deal.
7)1 would then agree with Ariane on a distribution scheme for everybody, respecting the donor wishes
8)1 would then ask the procureur to cancel all procedures.
Thanks for your confidence. I can do a lot of those things for you in discretion, no need to go in the open.
Best, I hope you had a good trip to Rome. Thanks again for coming.
Subject: Thanks
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:21:38 +0200
Dear Marc,
just a very brief thank you for your availability and help today. I appreciate deeply that you postponed your trip to Portugal for this purpose. I have a good impression of the meeting and really hope that we will get back on track solve the problems and find good a solution to fulfill our real mission to help the poor. I am so free to say: I count on you further on.