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Günther VerheugenGerman politician who attended the 1995 Bilderberg
Pertti VoutilainenFinnish business leader. Attended 1995 Bilderberg meeting.
Franz VranitzkyChancellor of Austria, central banker, Bilderberg Steering committee
Karel VuursteenDutch businessman who attended the 1995 and 1996 Bilderbergs
William WaldegraveCreator of the hugely unpopular UK poll tax. Chairman of the Rhodes Trust. 4 Bilderbergs. Involved in exporting weapons to Iraq, the denied this in "untrue letters" to MPs. Associate of spooky Victor Rothschild.
Jacques WallageDutch sociologist
Stanley A. WeissEstablishment insider who set up Business Executives for National Security
John C. WhiteheadSuspected US deep state functionary who discussed "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Various USDS connections including the Bilderberg Steering Committee
James WolfensohnAustralian/US dual national, President of the World Bank, Bilderberg steering committee
Paul WolfowitzAn "architect" of the invasion of Iraq, World Bank President
Hikmet ÇetinTurkish transatlantic politician