Mark Felt

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Watergate 'Deep Throat'

Mark Felt - Watergate 'Deep Throat'

In 2005, more than 30 years after the Watergate scandal rocked Washington, Mark Felt confirmed that he was the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent, codenamed 'Deep Throat', whose whistleblowing eventually led to the resignation of US President Richard Nixon in 1974.

Following the discovery of a break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington in 1972, Mr Felt passed on information to the Washington Post that the White House knew of the break-in and subsequently tried to cover it up.

Despite endless speculation about the true identity of Deep Throat, the source remained a secret until Mr Felt came clean at the age of 92. His advanced years effectively lessened any potential repercussions and he was not formally punished.

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