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S.E.Hill or SeaHill in some texts of my writings, many of which are likely in basements or studies of those who befriended or found discussion interesting enough to warrant the hand copying of one of the many written journals, letters and theories fictional , esoteric and otherwise practical and tested and verified instructions on construction of various apparatus for the operation of a hidden or off-grid grouping of persons, either in a city and as an underground virtual segregation of a sect or guild or section of populace of great concern to stay entirely off the radar of the nations intelligentsia agencies of any given period, methodologies observant of the rapid evolution of technologies as well as the occult and esoteric knowledge that projects were bound to unite in order to replicate the results seen on the various extra terrestrial and inter dimensional beings that some of these organizations have been preying on or imaging themselves as such at any rate, and their realization that the unification of the pursuits of both spirituality of the far east and the technological advances and materialism of the west meeting could only bring them to some of the points these inventions and abilities they knew were possible could be manifest with. Mkultras spoke with many of the test subjects of the mind control project that persists to this day, with tests far reaching the spectrum of science and the hypothetical even mythological inspired as have many pursuits of the companies of unfathomable resources such as these have ventured to investigate and continue to. These books, mostly high quality bound books of blank pages sold by local bookbinders that still used the old method of binding, which has become more popular lately even, are where his notes, letters and stories are circulated, entirely in the western and central parts of Canada, some 75 to 100 unique books are known to exist, and usually at least part of the 200 or so pages are dedicated to matters of political science , technologies known to the military-industrial-complex as Eisenhower defined but not to be released to the general populace destined to be the slave class, as determined by genetic makeup and to be mutated externally so as to be easily identified for segregation into work camps at a later date, as loosely referred to as the biblical mark of the beast, etc. 666 upc codes, etc. chips in left hands read only, right hand chips are read/write "right/write" right? etc. some of these books are cherished, others are forgotten, some contain electrical and mechanical diagrams of no particular standardization but refer to communication and energy generation, harmonic tone generation of sonic and infared to ultraviolet light cameras and maser,saser,laser energy devices, and using many varieties of the mineral kingdom to amplify these waves for various purposes. explanation of the effects documented by john hutchinson in detail are contained in one, called the emerald green book, without any title for the color of the books cover as the entirety nearly of the lengthy set lack any title and vary in definition of the author , but his particular style of printed wording and cursive combined are unmistakable as are the scrawlings, strange illustrations sometimes unrelated to the text completely are easily recognizable and at least three collectors of these journals of a sort are found in calgary, alberta and discussed these works, traded and copied out by hand , as apparently is explicitly written as the only method of copying the author , authorizes, and goes on to explain the root of the word auth - to - writty, and the fact that one can write is the basis for all authority at its root and the priest class itself and its ability to rule over the noble class, and so on. All these works I've been studying for about two decades now, and still am finding new insights in them. I would go so far as to say that I am the leading authority on these tomes and have collected nearly fourty of originals myself, and have copies of another dozen from meeting other collectors at local flea markets and bookstores that carry these types of one of a kind collector underground books, from the occult to the shady or seemingly illicit, but as the bbs's before the early internet and the early internet wild west of textfiles, the handwritten word refuses to be transmuted into a simple text file, when it has detail on it of this degree, i'm certain this will be the first mention of these texts on the internet, or nearly so, as almost everyone i have encountered with a copy that had read a chapter or few had seen mention of a commonly worded warning about the internet and what it is to become, and goes on to curse so horribly any who mention of the texts on a digital device of any sort and their loved ones and kin and so forth, but i believe since i have not been able to search for any strings i've placed in quotes in every search engine ive ever encountered that so far not a soul has tried to type them out, the manner of handwriting is obviously not in the realm of any OCR software that has been created , since it's entirely unique and some passages are unintelligible to everyone who has attempted to read , every other word is pretty much guesswork based on the context in many cases aswell. so it would be a chore similar to copying out the kjv bible as was commonly done long ago. but noone has even taken photos of the pages to my knowledge, and these I believe could be preserved in a place like this site. It definitely touches on many of the subjects discussed already on this wiki anyhow. I am willing to begin to start typing out or taking photos of some of the journals so that at least it wont be lost, and I think the collectors in the area would appreciate the input and commentary of some of these passages, as we agree they are quite a unique viewpoint and created by some very different individual than is common by today's standards.