Difference between revisions of "Test:Bullets with images"

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(Hmmm, still some issues)
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* Also untidy is images merging together - A thin space (white border around the image) might help
* Also untidy is images merging together - A thin space (white border around the image) might help
{{ArrayMapBulletedImageListLink|Elvis Presley, Peer Steinbrück, George Carlin, JFK, GHWB, test E. S. T. Test|Has witness|40px}}
{{ArrayMapBulletedImageListLink|Bernhard von Biesterfeld, Ernst H. van der Beugel, Joseph E. Johnson, C. Frits Karsten, Giovanni Agnelli, Robert O. Anderson, George Ball, Wilfrid S. Baumgartner, Frederic Bennett, Selahattin Beyazit, M. Nuri Birgi, Erling Bjøl, Anders Bjorgerd, Marcel Boiteux, Birgit Breuel, Zbigniew Brzezinski, William P. Bundy, Gian Cittadini Cesi, Emilio G. Collado, Arthur H. Dean, Eric Drake, Roberto Ducci, Raffaele Girotti, Rene Granier de Lilliac, Denis Greenhill, Anthony Griffin, Niels J. Haagerup, Geir Hallgrimsson, Denis Healey, Henry J. Heinz II, Leif Høegh, Jozef Houthuys, Daniel E. Janssen, Otto Kersten, Max Kohnstamm, Lewis H. Lapham Jr., Sakari Lehto, Jonkheer Emile van Lennep, Walter J. Levy, Finn Lied, Siro Lombardini, Joseph Luns, Peter Lougheed, Donald Macdonald, Reginald Maudling, Cesare Merlini, Erich Mettler, Bill D. Moyers, John Newhouse, David Owen, Olof Palme, James Perkins, Frits J. Philips, Albert E. Ritchie, Eric Roll, Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild, Samuel Rozemond, Helmut Schmidt, Roger Seydoux de Clausonne, John M. Simon, Gerard C. Smith, Baron Snoy et d'Oppuers, Theo Sommer, Fernand Spaak, Paul Stehlin, Ugo Stille, Thorvald Stoltenberg, Shepard Stone, Gunnar Strang, Richard Taverne, Terkel Terkelsen, Otto G. Tidemand, Berend J. Udink, Victor H. Umbricht, Gerrit A. Wagner,Marcus Wallenberg Jr., Krister Wickman, Carroll L. Wilson, Hans-Jürgen Wischnewski, Otto Wolff von Amerongen}}
{{ArrayMapBulletedImageListLink|JFK, MLK, Elvis Presley, Peer Steinbrück, George Carlin, E. S. T. Test|Has witness|40px}}

Latest revision as of 14:21, 20 September 2024

This does give images before bullets, although

  • The non-constant aspect ratio is a bit untidy - Hmmm, how to fix this ?
  • Also untidy is images merging together - A thin space (white border around the image) might help
