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|members=Dagfinn Vårvik
|members=Josef Karl Kirschner,Gustavo Camara Simoes Barbosa,Withanage Don Victor Mahatantila,Uwe Kitzinger,Reginald Ernest Prentice,Eric Walter Frederick Tomlin,Jacques Gabriel Cabau,Paul Marie Thibaud,Bruno Joseph Gerhard Dechamps,Marianne Feuersenger,Carl Gustaf Stroehm,Demetrius Georgd Nianias,Charalambos Potamianos,Sadanand Ganesh Bhatkal,Bhabani Bhattacharyn,Nanjappa Srikantia Rau,Nugroho Notosusanto,Shapour Rassekh,Baruch Hadar,Nino Alberto Arbasin,Vinigi Lorenzo Grottanelli,Tadamasa Hashimo,Akiko Mori,Kiyoshi Ohbe,Yung-jin Oh,Han-lim Lee,Lokman Bin Musa,Jan Pen,Dagfinn Vårvik,Khan Sarwar Murshid,Slawomir Mrozek,Adam Felix Szpunar,James Tun Tsao,Juan Manuel Echevarria,Erik Gunnar Brandell,Dusdee Svasti-Xuto,Orhan Arif Barias,Mohamed Abd El Aziz El Dessuky,Stanko Simoun Grozdanich,Franklin Greene Balch III,William Eric Gustafson,George Armstrong Kelley
==Select examples==
==Select examples==
*[[Josef Karl Kirschner]] -Austria. Staff member of Express, a daily newspaper. Specializes in social problems.  
*[[Josef Karl Kirschner]] -Austria. Staff member of Express, a daily newspaper. Specializes in social problems.  
*[[Gustavo Camara Simoes Barbosa]] - Judge, presiding over the 15th Board of Conciliation and Judgment of Rio de Janeiro and the Regional Labor Court.  
*[[Gustavo Camara Simoes Barbosa]] - Judge, presiding over the 15th Board of Conciliation and Judgment of Rio de Janeiro and the Regional Labor Court.  
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*[[Bruno Joseph Gerhard Dechamps]]- Germany. Political Editorial Writer, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,. Author of Nacht und Arbeit der Ausschüsse and Uber Pferde.  
*[[Bruno Joseph Gerhard Dechamps]]- Germany. Political Editorial Writer, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,. Author of Nacht und Arbeit der Ausschüsse and Uber Pferde.  
*[[Marianne Feuersenger]] - Germany. Assistant Editor of the Bavarian Broadcasting Company.  
*[[Marianne Feuersenger]] - Germany. Assistant Editor of the Bavarian Broadcasting Company.  
*[[Stroehm, Carl Gustaf; Wurmlinger Str. 53 B, Stuttgart-Degerloch.  
*[[Carl Gustaf Stroehm]] - Germany. Member of the editorial staff of Christ und Welt, a weekly. Specializes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.  
Member of the editorial staff of Christ und Welt, a weekly.  
*[[Demetrius Georgd Nianias]] - Greece. Prime Minister's Office; Head of the world press monitoring system. Author of Tho Basic Problem of Aesthetic, Plato's  Theory of Language and its Logic, Philosophy of Greek Civilization.  
Specializes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.  
*[[Charalambos Potamianos]] - Vice President of the Executive Committee of the Royal National Institute. Formerly Chief of Staff of the Royal Hellenic Air Force. Author of The Future Role of Greece in the World and The Problem of Civic Education in Greece.  
*[[Nianias, Demetrius Georgd; Alopekis Street 45, Athens.  
*[[Sadanand Ganesh Bhatkal]] - Publisher; partner in the Popular Book Depot. Author of The Future of Indian Youth and Nirmala and Other Poems.  
Prime Minister's Office; Head of the world press monitoring  
*[[Bhabani Bhattacharyn]] - India. Journalist and Writer. Author of So Many Hungers!, Music for Mohini, He Who Rides a Tiger, A Goddess Named Gold.  
system. Author of Tho Basic Problem of Aesthetic, Plato's   
*[[Nanjappa Srikantia Rau]] - Lawyer; Research Scholar in Public International Law at the University of Bombay; Secretary-General of the National Union of Students of India.  
Theory of Language and its Logic, Philosophy of Greek Civilization.  
*[[Nugroho Notosusanto]] - Chairman of the Literary Section of the Indonesian Cultural Congress. Editor of Tjerita, a literary magazine and Co-editor of Indonesia, a cultural magazine. Author of two books of short stories, Hudjan Kepagian and Tiga Kota.  
*[[Potamianos, Charalambos; Amalias Street No. 20, Athens.
*[[, Shapour Rassekh]] - Professor of Sociology in the University of Teheran, Faculty of Letters and in the Institute of Social Studies. Advisor in the Economic Bureau of the Plan Organization of Iran. Author of Prejudice in Human Reltions: A Psychological and  Sociological Study.  
Vice President of the Executive Committee of the Royal National  
*[[Baruch Hadar]] - Israel. Special correspondent for Davar, a Labor newspaper. Lecturer of Economics at the Belt-Ben l Institute for study and research.  
Institute. Formerly Chief of Staff of the Royal Hellenic Air  
*[[Nino Alberto Arbasino]]. Italy. Reader at University of Rome. Staff member of The Italian Society for International Organization. Member of the editorial staff of Il Ponte. Author of Ethical and Political Philosophy of A. Labriola.  
Force. Author of The Future Role of Greece in the World and  
*[[Vinigi Lorenzo Grottanelli]] - Italy. Curator, Ethnographic Department, Museo Nazionale Preistorico-Etnographico "L. Pigorini."  
The Problem of Civic Education in Greece.  
*[[Bhatkal, Sadanand Ganesh; Popular Book Depot, Lamington Road.
Publisher; partner in the Popular Book Depot. Author of  
The Future of Indian Youth and Nirmala and Other Poems.  
*[[Bhattacharyn, Bhabani; "Godhuli," Bezonbagh, Nagpur.  
Journalist and Writer. Author of So Many Hungers!,  
Music for Mohini, He Who Rides a Tiger, A Goddess Named Gold.  
*[[Nanjappa Srikantia; 'Gita,' Matunga, Bombay 19.
Lawyer; Research Scholar in Public International Law at the  
University of Bombay; Secretary-General of the National  
Union of Students of India.  
*[[Notosusanto, Nugroho; Gondangdia Lama No. 9, Djakarta.
Chairman of the Literary Section of the Indonesian Cultural  
Congress. Editor of Tjerita, a literary magazine and  
Co-editor of Indonesia, a cultural magazine. Author of  
two books of short stories, Hudjan Kepagian and Tiga Kota.  
*[[Rassekh, Shapour; Avenue Villa, Rue Fardis, Teheran.
Professor of Sociology in the University of Teheran, Fa2ulty
of Letters and in the Institute of Social Studies. Advisor  
in the Economic Bureau of the Plan Organization of Iran.  
Author of Prejudice in Human Reltions: A Psychological and   
Sociological Study.  
*[[Hadar, Baruch; 10 Hamagid Street, Tel-Aviv.  
Special correspondent for Davar, a Labor newspaper.  
Lecturer of Economics at the Belt-Ben l Institute for  
study and research.  
*[[Arbasino, Nino Alberto, via
Reader in the University of  
Sciences. Staff member of  
International Organization.
Mario de' Fiori 116, Rome.
Rome, Faculty of Politica
The Italian Society for  
Grendi, Maria Teresa, Via Pastrengo 7, Genoa.  
Member of the editorial staff of I]. Ponte. Author of Ethical  
and Political Philosophy of A. Labriola.  
*[[Grottanelli, Vinigi Lorenzo; Largo Arenula 26, Rome.  
Curator, Ethnographic Department, Museo Nazionale Preistorico-
Etnographico "L. Pigorini."  
*[[Tadamasa Hashimoto]] - Vice-chief of Foreign News Section, Japan Broadcasting Corporation; Commentator on international affairs.  
*[[Tadamasa Hashimoto]] - Vice-chief of Foreign News Section, Japan Broadcasting Corporation; Commentator on international affairs.  
*[[Mori, Mrs. Akiko; 17, Higashi-8, Inaho-cho, Otaru.  
*[[Akiko Mori]] - Japan. Member of the Board of Social Education of Hokkaido which specializes in adult education and the education of youth outside schools.  
Member of the Board of Social Education of Hokkaido which  
*[[Kiyoshi Ohbe]] - Manager in the Foreign Department of The Mitsui Bank which entails taking care of matters concerning operation of foreign exchange business and inspection of results of the business.  
specializes in adult education and the education of  
*[[Yung-jin Oh]] - Director of the Korean Motion Picture Cultural Association. Vice-president of the Korea National Committee of the International Theater Institute. Chairman of the Cinema-Pen Club.  
youth outside schools.  
*[[Ohbe, Kiyoshi; 92-3, Chidoricho, Chofu, Ota-ku,
Manager in the Foreign Department of The Mitsui Bank which  
entails taking care of matters concerning operation of  
foreign exchange business and inspection of results of the  
*[[Yung-jin Oh]]; Sungdong-ku, Shindang-dong, Seoul.
Director of the Korean Motion Picture Cultural Association.  
Vice-president of the Korea National Committee of the  
International Theater Institute. Chairman of the Cinema-Pen  
*Lt. General [[Han-lim Lee]] - Superintendent of the Korean Military Academy.  
*Lt. General [[Han-lim Lee]] - Superintendent of the Korean Military Academy.  
*[[Lokman Bin Musa]] - Malaysia. Education Officer attached to the Ministry of Education, Organiser of Standard Schools. Author of articles on Malay culture and literature also A Study of Land,  Administration and Distribution in Johore.  
*[[Lokman Bin Musa]] - Malaysia. Education Officer attached to the Ministry of Education, Organiser of Standard Schools. Author of articles on Malay culture and literature also A Study of Land,  Administration and Distribution in Johore.  
*[[Jan Pen]] - Netherlands. Professor of Economics at the State University of Groningen. Advisor to the Minister of Economic Affairs in The Hague. Contributor to the Dutch Economist, American Economic Review and Kyklos.  
*[[Jan Pen]]* - Netherlands. Professor of Economics at the State University of Groningen. Advisor to the Minister of Economic Affairs in The Hague. Contributor to the Dutch Economist, American Economic Review and Kyklos. (not mentioned in 1969 HIS index)
*[[Dagfinn Vårvik]] - Norwegian editor in chief and Bilderberger
*[[Dagfinn Vårvik]] - Norwegian editor in chief and Bilderberger
*[[Khan Sarwar Murshid]] - Lecturer in English at Dacca University. Author of Study of the Indian Elements in the Work of W.B. Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Aldous Huxley and Sex in Bengali Fiction.  
*[[Murshid, Khan Sarwsr; 67C Azimpur Estate, Dacca.
*[[Slawomir Mrozek]] -Writer. Author of Poland in Pictures, Police, three books of short stories and various articles.  
Lecturer in English at Dacca University. Author of Study of  
*[[Adam Felix Szpunar]] - Professor of the Civil law at the University of Lodz and Rector of the University of Lodz.  
the Indian Elements in the Work ofW.B. Yeats, T.S. Eliot  
*[[James Tun Tsao]] - Member of Parliament, Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Author of The History of Chinese Legislative Movement, China in  a Transition Period.  
ßrì Aldous Huxlgx and Sex in Bengali Fiction.  
*[[Juan Manuel Echevarria]] - Spain. Professor of Economic Theory in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Valladolid. Author of Spun Face to Face to the European Common Market.  
*[[Erik Gunnar Brandell]] - Lecturer at the University of Stockholm and Director of the Cultural Department of Svenska Dagbladet. Author.
*[[Mrozek, Slawomir; Krupnicza 22, Krakow.
*[[Dusdee Svasti-Xuto]] - Officer of the Exchange Control Division at the Bank of Thailand.  
Writer. Author of Poland in Pictures, Police, three books of  
*[[Orhan Arif Barias]] - Lawyer. Author of short stories and essays.  
short stories and various articles.  
*[[Mohamed Abd El Aziz El Dessuky]] Principal of Faraskour Secondary School under the Ministry of Education.  
*[[Stanko Simoun Grozdanich]] - Legal Counsel to the Yugoslav Trade Unions and a member of the editorial staff of The Worker.  
*[[Szpunar, Adam Felix; Naritowika 108, Lodz.
Professor of the Civil law at the University of Lodz and .
Rector of the University of Lodz.  
*[[Tsao, James Tun; 5, Lane 71 Hang-Chow South Road, 1 section.
CHINA Taipei.
Member of Parliament, Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China.  
Author of The History of Chinese Legislative Movement, China in   
a Transition Period.  
*[[Echevarria, Juan danuel; 4, Iparraguirre, Bilbao.  
Professor of Economic Theory in the Faculty of Economics at  
the University of Valladolid. Author of Spun Face to Face  
to the European Common Market.  
*[[Brandell, Erik Gunnar, Nasby allò 51, Roslags Nasby.
Lecturer at the University of Stockholm and Director of the  
Cultural Department of Svenska Dagbladet. Author of Bekannate
och uppfostrare, Den europeiska nihilismen Pa Strindbergs 
vagar genom Frankrike, Strindbergs Infernokris, Attital och 
nittital and Svensk litteratur.  
*[[Svasti-Xuto, Dusdee; Bank of Thailand, Bangkok.
Officer of the Exchange Control Division at the Bank of Thailand.  
*[[Barias, Orhan Arif; 2 Gaziler Caddesi, Gaziantep.
Lawyer. Author of short stories and essays.  
*[[El Dessuky, Mohamed Abd El Aziz; 45 Abbassieh Street, Cairo.
Principal of Faraskour Secondary School under the Ministry of  
*[[Grozdanich, Stanko Simoun; Lazarevacka 4 Senjak, Belgrade.
Legal Counsel to the Yugoslav Trade Unions and a member of the  
editorial staff of The Worker.  
*[[Franklin Greene Balch III]] - Senior Research Assistant of the Defense Policy Seminar and candidate for PhD in International Relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. 1950-55, Special Assistant to the Chancellor of the Free University in Exile of the Free Europe Committee.  
*[[Franklin Greene Balch III]] - Senior Research Assistant of the Defense Policy Seminar and candidate for PhD in International Relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. 1950-55, Special Assistant to the Chancellor of the Free University in Exile of the Free Europe Committee.  
*[[William Eric Gustafson]] - Instructor of Economics and Research Assistant in the Graduate School of Public Administration.  
*[[William Eric Gustafson]] - Instructor of Economics and Research Assistant in the Graduate School of Public Administration.  

Revision as of 08:33, 3 September 2022

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Membership• Josef Karl Kirschner
• Gustavo Camara Simoes Barbosa
• Withanage Don Victor Mahatantila
• Uwe Kitzinger
• Reginald Ernest Prentice
• Eric Walter Frederick Tomlin
• Jacques Gabriel Cabau
• Paul Marie Thibaud
• Bruno Joseph Gerhard Dechamps
• Marianne Feuersenger
• Carl Gustaf Stroehm
• Demetrius Georgd Nianias
• Charalambos Potamianos
• Sadanand Ganesh Bhatkal
• Bhabani Bhattacharyn
• Nanjappa Srikantia Rau
• Nugroho Notosusanto
• Shapour Rassekh
• Baruch Hadar
• Nino Alberto Arbasin
• Vinigi Lorenzo Grottanelli
• Tadamasa Hashimo
• Akiko Mori
• Kiyoshi Ohbe
• Yung-jin Oh
• Han-lim Lee
• Lokman Bin Musa
• Jan Pen
• Dagfinn Vårvik
• Khan Sarwar Murshid
• Slawomir Mrozek
• Adam Felix Szpunar
• James Tun Tsao
• Juan Manuel Echevarria
• Erik Gunnar Brandell
• Dusdee Svasti-Xuto
• Orhan Arif Barias
• Mohamed Abd El Aziz El Dessuky
• Stanko Simoun Grozdanich
• Franklin Greene Balch III
• William Eric Gustafson
• George Armstrong Kelley


Select examples

  • Josef Karl Kirschner -Austria. Staff member of Express, a daily newspaper. Specializes in social problems.
  • Gustavo Camara Simoes Barbosa - Judge, presiding over the 15th Board of Conciliation and Judgment of Rio de Janeiro and the Regional Labor Court.
  • Withanage Don Victor Mahatantila - Sri Lanka. Deputy Commissioner of Local Government in the Department of Local Government.
  • Uwe Kitzinger - England. Research Fellow of Nuffield College; Lecturer in Politics at Worcester College. Previously Secretary of the Economic Committee and the Committee of Experts on the Development of Africa of the Council of Europe.
  • Reginald Ernest Prentice UK Member of Parliament. Official of the Transport and General Workers Union, on leave of absence.
  • Eric Walter Frederick Tomlin -UK. Cultural Attache, British Embassy, Ankara; British Council Representative in Turkey. Author of Life in Modern Turkey, The Approach to Metaphysics, The Great Philosophers.
  • Jacques Gabriel Cabau - France. Research Attache, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; engaged on the study of social problems and social philosophy in 19th century Britain. Author of D.A. Richardson, a Study in the Feminist Movement in Britain (1910-1930) and Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Paul Marie Thibaud - France. Sub-Editor, Esprit, a monthly review. Author of Les Budgets Familiaux, editions du seuil.
  • Bruno Joseph Gerhard Dechamps- Germany. Political Editorial Writer, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,. Author of Nacht und Arbeit der Ausschüsse and Uber Pferde.
  • Marianne Feuersenger - Germany. Assistant Editor of the Bavarian Broadcasting Company.
  • Carl Gustaf Stroehm - Germany. Member of the editorial staff of Christ und Welt, a weekly. Specializes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
  • Demetrius Georgd Nianias - Greece. Prime Minister's Office; Head of the world press monitoring system. Author of Tho Basic Problem of Aesthetic, Plato's Theory of Language and its Logic, Philosophy of Greek Civilization.
  • Charalambos Potamianos - Vice President of the Executive Committee of the Royal National Institute. Formerly Chief of Staff of the Royal Hellenic Air Force. Author of The Future Role of Greece in the World and The Problem of Civic Education in Greece.
  • Sadanand Ganesh Bhatkal - Publisher; partner in the Popular Book Depot. Author of The Future of Indian Youth and Nirmala and Other Poems.
  • Bhabani Bhattacharyn - India. Journalist and Writer. Author of So Many Hungers!, Music for Mohini, He Who Rides a Tiger, A Goddess Named Gold.
  • Nanjappa Srikantia Rau - Lawyer; Research Scholar in Public International Law at the University of Bombay; Secretary-General of the National Union of Students of India.
  • Nugroho Notosusanto - Chairman of the Literary Section of the Indonesian Cultural Congress. Editor of Tjerita, a literary magazine and Co-editor of Indonesia, a cultural magazine. Author of two books of short stories, Hudjan Kepagian and Tiga Kota.
  • , Shapour Rassekh - Professor of Sociology in the University of Teheran, Faculty of Letters and in the Institute of Social Studies. Advisor in the Economic Bureau of the Plan Organization of Iran. Author of Prejudice in Human Reltions: A Psychological and Sociological Study.
  • Baruch Hadar - Israel. Special correspondent for Davar, a Labor newspaper. Lecturer of Economics at the Belt-Ben l Institute for study and research.
  • Nino Alberto Arbasino. Italy. Reader at University of Rome. Staff member of The Italian Society for International Organization. Member of the editorial staff of Il Ponte. Author of Ethical and Political Philosophy of A. Labriola.
  • Vinigi Lorenzo Grottanelli - Italy. Curator, Ethnographic Department, Museo Nazionale Preistorico-Etnographico "L. Pigorini."
  • Tadamasa Hashimoto - Vice-chief of Foreign News Section, Japan Broadcasting Corporation; Commentator on international affairs.
  • Akiko Mori - Japan. Member of the Board of Social Education of Hokkaido which specializes in adult education and the education of youth outside schools.
  • Kiyoshi Ohbe - Manager in the Foreign Department of The Mitsui Bank which entails taking care of matters concerning operation of foreign exchange business and inspection of results of the business.
  • Yung-jin Oh - Director of the Korean Motion Picture Cultural Association. Vice-president of the Korea National Committee of the International Theater Institute. Chairman of the Cinema-Pen Club.
  • Lt. General Han-lim Lee - Superintendent of the Korean Military Academy.
  • Lokman Bin Musa - Malaysia. Education Officer attached to the Ministry of Education, Organiser of Standard Schools. Author of articles on Malay culture and literature also A Study of Land, Administration and Distribution in Johore.
  • Jan Pen* - Netherlands. Professor of Economics at the State University of Groningen. Advisor to the Minister of Economic Affairs in The Hague. Contributor to the Dutch Economist, American Economic Review and Kyklos. (not mentioned in 1969 HIS index)
  • Dagfinn Vårvik - Norwegian editor in chief and Bilderberger
  • Khan Sarwar Murshid - Lecturer in English at Dacca University. Author of Study of the Indian Elements in the Work of W.B. Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Aldous Huxley and Sex in Bengali Fiction.
  • Slawomir Mrozek -Writer. Author of Poland in Pictures, Police, three books of short stories and various articles.
  • Adam Felix Szpunar - Professor of the Civil law at the University of Lodz and Rector of the University of Lodz.
  • James Tun Tsao - Member of Parliament, Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Author of The History of Chinese Legislative Movement, China in a Transition Period.
  • Juan Manuel Echevarria - Spain. Professor of Economic Theory in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Valladolid. Author of Spun Face to Face to the European Common Market.
  • Erik Gunnar Brandell - Lecturer at the University of Stockholm and Director of the Cultural Department of Svenska Dagbladet. Author.
  • Dusdee Svasti-Xuto - Officer of the Exchange Control Division at the Bank of Thailand.
  • Orhan Arif Barias - Lawyer. Author of short stories and essays.
  • Mohamed Abd El Aziz El Dessuky Principal of Faraskour Secondary School under the Ministry of Education.
  • Stanko Simoun Grozdanich - Legal Counsel to the Yugoslav Trade Unions and a member of the editorial staff of The Worker.
  • Franklin Greene Balch III - Senior Research Assistant of the Defense Policy Seminar and candidate for PhD in International Relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. 1950-55, Special Assistant to the Chancellor of the Free University in Exile of the Free Europe Committee.
  • William Eric Gustafson - Instructor of Economics and Research Assistant in the Graduate School of Public Administration.
  • George Armstrong Kelley - Graduate of Harvard University, 1953. Received M.A. degree at Stanford University, 1954. Research Assistant for the Center for International Affairs.


Known member

1 of the 42 of the members already have pages here:

Dagfinn VårvikNorwegian politician for the Centre Party and editor-in-chief. Attended Bilderberg/1975.
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