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|members=Siegfried Unseld
|members=Ingeborg Bachman,Georges J. F. Z. van den Eede,William Hsu,Osman Amin,Jocelyn C. Baines,George R. Chetwynd,John Heath-Stubbs,Gordon C. Lee,Carl G. Tollet,Pierre A. Burk,Jean Y. Calvez,Helene d'Andlau,Guy Dumur,Karl Döring,Ernst M. Paulsen,Nicolaus Sombart,Siegfried Unseld,Narayan Kundammal Bhojwani,Lakshmi Chand Jain,P. S. Rajagopal Naidu,Sochi Raut Roy,Dj. Salenbu Tengah Hazil,Harris Fadilla Sitompoel,H. Sadeq Chubak,Arie Sien,Giorgio Borsa,Silvio Radiconcini,Maria Luisa Spazioi,Kikuli Ito,Kunio Nagai,Takeshi Sakurauchi,Shingo Suzumura,Sung Soo Whang,Theo J.A.M van Lier,Truls Glesne,Muhammad Abdul Bari,Marghtib Siddiqui,Federico V. Azcarate,Ruben F. Santos,Jaime C. Ferran,Rafael Zavala,Refii S. Suvla
==Select examples==
==Select examples==
*[[Siegfried Unseld]] -German leader of the publisher [[Suhrkamp Verlag]]
*[[Ingeborg Bachman]] - Poet and free-lance writer. Publications: Die gestundete Zeit (volume of poems), 1953; Lieder von einer Insel (poems in "Botteghe Oscure'), 1954; "Die Zikaden," (radio play), 1955.  
*[[Georges J. F. Z. van den Eede]] - Head of the Committee's Division of the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community; previously secretary of Belgian senatorial committees. Publications: essay on the structure and history of the Belgian Parliament, 1952; contributed to political and social reports issued by the Common Assembly.  
AUSTRIA BACHMAN, Ingeborg piazza della Quercia 1, Rome, Italy
*[[William Hsu]] - Chief Editor of the Union Press which publishes the China Weekly, the Chinese Student Weekly, the Children's Paradise (fortnightly). Publications: Higher Education in Communist China; The EWA for Your School; How the Chinese Communists Treat StUaiiiIi-; Germ Warfare; Journey to Paradise.  
Poet and free-lance writer. Publications: Die gestundete Zeit  
*[[Osman Amin]] - Professor of Philosophy at Cairo University. Publications: L'Humanisme de F. C. S. Schiller, 1939; Descartes, 1942; Les Traits Essentiels de l'Es.rit Francais, 1944; Muhammad ASTI 'la biography 19 ; Stoic Philosoptly, 1944; several philosophical essays and translations.  
(volume of poems), 1953; Lieder von einer Insel (poems in  
*[[Jocelyn C. Baines]] - Editor at Longman's Green & Co., Publishers. Publications: various reviews in The Observer and The London Magazine; presently engaged on a critical biography of Conrad.  
"Botteghe Oscure'), 1954; "Die Zikaden," (radio play), 1955.  
*[[George R. Chetwynd]] - Member of Parliament (Labor); previously Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Local Government and Planning. Chairman of Queen Mary's Hospital for disabled ex servicemen.  
BELGIUM VAN DEN EEDE, Georges J. F. Z., rue Goethe 8, Luxemburg
*[[John Heath-Stubbs]] - Poet and writer; Gregory Fellow in ibetry, Leeds University. Publications: The Darkling Plain (literary criticism), Charles  Williams (in preparation); several volumes of verse; several translations.  
Head of the Committee's Division of the Common Assembly of the  
*[[Gordon C. Lee]] Financial journalist on The Economist, Member of the Editorial Staff. Publications: numerous articles on investment, taxation and accounting.  
European Coal and Steel Community; previously secretary of Belgian  
*[[Carl G. Tollet]]- General Secretary, Finnish Foreign Trade Association. Formerly vice-president of the Finnish National Union of Students. Publications: several articles on economic policy and foreign  trade in Finnish and international periodicals.  
senatorial committees. Publications: essay on the structure and  
*[[Pierre A. Burk]] - Author. Publications: articles, in Esprit and France-Observateur; presently engaged on a book entitled, Historie du Movement Francais et International.  
history of the Belgian Parliament, 1952; contributed to political  
*[[Jean Y. Calvez]] - Professor of Social Science at the Institut Superieur de Philosophie, Chantilly. Collaborator for the Revue de l'Action Populaire, published under the auspices of the Institut Catholique, Paris. Publications: Droit international et souverainete en U.R.S.S., 1953; numerous articles in French publications.  
and social reports issued by the Common Assembly.  
*Mme [[Helene d'Andlau]] - Painter, free-lance writer, literary critic and sculptor. Regular collaborator with "La Revue Francaise," "Echo," (international magazine). Publications: numerous articles (and illustrations) for British and French publications.  
CHINA HSU, William, 18 Homantin Street, 2nd floor, Kowloon, Hong Kong
*[[Guy Dumur]] - Writer, novelist, literary and dramatic critic. Publications: Les Petites Filles Modeles; Le Matin de Leurs Jours; an essay on Pirandello.
Chief Editor of the Union Press which publishes the China Weekly,  
*[[Karl Döring]] - Member of the German Foreign Service at the central office in Bonn. Formerly Counsellor of Legation at the German Embassy in Yugoslavia.  
the Chinese Student Weekly, the Children's Paradise (fortnightly).  
*[[Ernst M. Paulsen]] - Personal Assistant to the Secretary of State in the Dienststelle Blank. Formerly member of the German delegation of the Interim Committee of the European Defence Community. Publications: manuscript on the trustee-ship in International Law, 1949.  
Publications: Higher Education in Communist China; The EWA  
*[[Nicolaus Sombart]] - Council of Europe, Secretary of the Committee of Cultural Questions of the Consultative Assembly. Publications: Cappriccio No. 1 (novel), 1947. Ursprung der Soziologie bei  Saint-Simon und Comte, etc; Beitrag zur "Einfuehrung in die Soziologie" ed. by Alfred Weber, 1955.  
for Your School; How the Chinese Communists Treat StUaiiiIi-; Germ  
*[[Siegfried Unseld]] - Member of the Board of Directors, Suhrkamp Verlag. Publications: Das Werk von Hermann Hesse - Essays on Hesse, Kafka, Loerke, Max Frisch - Characteristics of the Modern German Short Story.
Warfare; Journey to Paradise.  
*[[Narayan Kundammal Bhojwani]], Secretary, Department of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India (liason between Parliament and all Ministries, Coordination of Parliamentary business of Ministries, planning of business in both Houses of Parliament). Publications: numerous articles in Indian journals.  
EGYPT AMIN, Osman, 22a, Shari Mohamed Said, Cairo, Egypt
*[[Lakshmi Chand Jain]] - General Secretary of the Indian Cooperative Union. Publications: responsible for pdblication of several reports; articles in the All India Cooperative Review.
Professor of Philosophy at Cairo University. Publications:  
*[[P. S. Rajagopal Naidu]] - Member of Parliament and an Advocate of Supreme Court of India.
L'Humanisme de F. C. S. Schiller, 1939; Descartes, 1942; Les  
*[[Sochi Raut Roy]] - Executive Officer of the Kacoron Cotton Mills, Ltd., Calcutta. Publications: poetry ard lio7e1s written in English, Oriva and Bengali; text books; boos on sceial welfare and industrial relations subjects.  
Traits Essentiels de l'Es.rit Francais, 1944; Muhammad ASTI  
*[[Dj. Salenbu Tengah Hazil]] - Executive assistant to the President of "Penbangunan" Ltd., Publishers and Bookcelat,rs. Publications: biographies of Jawaharlal Nehru, 1950, and Teku Umar, 1952; book on the U.N. and other International organizations) 1952.  
'la biography 19 ; Stoic Philosoptly, 1944; several philo-
*[[Harris Fadilla Sitompoel]] - Editor, Merdeka; columnist, Indonesian Observer. Publications: The Reconstruction in Holland, 1948; Tanah air Kita (documentary on Indonesia).  
sophical essays and translations.  
*[[H. Sadeq Chubak]] - Inspector, Distribution Department, National Iranian Oil Co., Tehran; Publications: numerous short stories in Persian; several translations.
ENGLAND BAINES, Jocelyn C., 108 St. George's Square, London S.W. 1, England
*[[Arie Sien]] - Chief Heys Editor of HAARETZ, a daily newspaper. Publications: Survey of World Press (T.A., 1946); numerous editorials, columns, features.
Editor at Longman's Green & Co., Publishers. Publications:  
*[[Giorgio Borsa]] - Head of the Eastern Asia Department, Instituto Studi Politica Internazionale; correspondent for the London Times; lecturer in Colonial History, Pavia University. Publications; The Termination of International Mandates, 1934; Gandhi and the Indian Renaissance, 1942; On the Philosophy of P. Martinetti, 1951; and other books; also several translations and articles.  
various reviews in The Observer and The London Magazine;  
*[[Silvio Radiconcini]] - Architect; founder and editor of Matron (architectural magazine). Publications: articles in Matron, Domus, Casa belle,Stile and Architectural Design, as well as in several books.  
presently engaged on a critical biography of Conrad.  
*Miss [[Maria Luisa Spazioi]] - Literary advisor for the Mondadori publishing firm, Milan. Publications: articles in EPoca, Tempo, Preuves, L'approda, Communite, Ta Stampa, Bellezza; poems in Poeti nuovi, 1949 Poetesse del Novecento, 1952 and in numerous reviews .
CHETWYND, George R., 95 Croxted Road, Gipsy Hill, London S.E. 21
*[[Kikuli Ito]] - Professor of Sociology, Doshisha University, Kyoto. Publications: numerous articles in professional journals, magazines and newspapers.  
Member of Parliament (Labor); previously Parliamentary Secretary  
*[[Kunio Nagai]] - Chief of Foreign 'xchange Section, Foreign Department, the Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.  
to the Minister of Local Government and Planning. Chairman of  
*[[Takeshi Sakurauchi]] - Chief in charge of import and export of General Merchandise Section, Foreign Trade Department, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.  
Queen Mary's Hospital for disabled ex-servicemen.  
*[[Shingo Suzumura]] - Head of the Personnel Section of the Prime ministers Office. Publications: Explanation of the Ney Medical  System.  
HEATH-STUBBS, John, 34 Kensington Park Gardens, London N.W. 11
*[[Sung Soo Whang]] - Lawyer; Member of Korean National Assembly; Lecturer on Political Science and International Law, Union Christian College. Publications: History of Political Thought, 1950; Old World View and New World View, 1954
Poet and writer; Gregory Fellow in ibetry, Leeds University.  
*[[Theo J.A.M van Lier]] - Netherlands. Member of the Lower House of Parliament (Second Chamber). Publications: The Social Message of the Papal Encyclicals, 1949; articles in Socialism and Democracy (a scientific monthly).  
Publications: The Darkling Plain (literary criticism), Charles   
*[[Truls Glesne]] - Chief of the National Budget Office in the Ministry of Finance; conducting a survey on measures for defeating an economic depression.
Williams (in preparation); several volumes of verse; several trans-
*[[Muhammad Abdul Bari]] - Professor of Arabic and Persian, Dacca College. Publications: Islam and Socialism, The Islamic Literature, 1951; The Faratidi Movement; Political Aims of Sayyid Ahmad Barelwi; numerous articles in Bengali.  
*[[Marghtib Siddiqui]] - News editor of Civil and Military Gazetter Lahore. Publications: Realism in Shakesyearels Last Plays, 1944; A Memorandum to  Posterity, (incomplete).  
411 LEE, Gordon C., I Crown Road, Shoreham, Nr. Sevenoaks, Kant
*[[Federico V. Azcarate]] - Philippines. Senior Research Assistant for the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, Publications: articles in the Evening News Magazine; book reviews in the Evening,News and Manila Chronicle.  
Financial journalist on The Economist, Member of the Editorial  
*[[Ruben F. Santos]] - Chief, Uhge Administration Service, Department of Labor; professor of mercantile and labor laws, Far Eastern University, Manila; associate editor of This Week. Publications: numerous short stories, essays, poems.
Staff. Publications: numerous articles on investment, taxation  
*[[Jaime C. Ferran]] - Chief of National Cultural Activities at the Spanish Union of Students. Publications: la piedra mas reciente; Desde esta orilla; Poemas del viajero. Winner of the "Ciudad de Barcelona."
and accounting.  
*[[Rafael Zavala]] - Lawyer; legal adviser to "Centro Industrial de Vizcaya." Publications: numerous articles in various magazines.  
*[[Refii S. Suvla]] - Professor of Economics, Istanbul University; Member of the Board of Directors, Central Bank of Turkey. Publications: La Banque Centrale de la Republique do Turvie, 1933; The Problems of International Payments in Turkey and in the riói3-27WEonomics, vol., 1949; numerous articles in Turkish and French.  
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411 FINLAND TOLLET, Carl G., Tavastvagen 68A15, Helsingfors, Finland
General Secretary, Finnish Foreign Trade Association. Formerly
vice-president of the Finnish National Union of Students.
Publications: several articles on economic policy and foreign
trade in Finnish and international periodicals.  
FRANCE BURK, Pierre A., 19 rue d'Anthony, Chantenay-Nalabry, Seine
Author. Publications: articles, in Esprit and France-Observateur;
presently engaged on a book entitled, Historie du Movement Francais
et International.  
CALyEZ Jean Y., Les Fontaines, Chantilly, Oise
Professor of Social Science at the Institut Superieur de
Philosophie, Chantilly. Collaborator for the Revue de l'Action
Populaire, published under the auspices of the Institut Catholique,
Paris. Publications: Droit international et souverainete en 
U.R.S.S., 1953; numerous articles in French publications.  
d'ANDLAU, Mme. Helene, 102 av. de Neuilly, Neuilly s/Seine, France
Painter, free-lance writer, literary critic and sculptor.
Regular collaborator with "La Revue Francaise," "Echo," (inter-
national magazine). Publications: numerous articles (and
illustrations) for British and French publications.  
DUMUR, Guy, 17 rue de Bellechasse, Paris
Writer, novelist, literary and dramatic critic. Publications:  
Les Petites Filles Modeles; Le Matin de Leurs Jours; an essay
on Pirandello.  
DRING, Karl, 2 Im Bachfeld, Bonn, Germany
Member of the German Foreign Service at the central office in
Bonn. Formerly Counsellor of Legation at the German Embassy
in Yugoslavia.  
PAULSEN, Ernst M., Verdistrasse 12, Bonn, Germany
Personal Assistant to the Secretary of State in the Dienststelle
Blank. Formerly member of the German delegation of the Interim
Committee of the European Defence Community. Publications:  
manuscript on the trustee-ship in International Law, 1949.  
SOMBART, Nicolaus, 2, rue de Lens, Strasburg, Germany
Council of Europe, Secretary of the Committee of Cultural
Questions of the Consultative Assembly. Publications:
Cappriccio No. 1 (novel), 1947. Ursprung der Soziologie bei
Saint-Simon und Comte, etc; Beitrag zur "Einfuehrung in die
Soziologie" ed. by Alfred Weber, 1955.  
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upgp, Siegfried, 94 Eschersheimer Landstrasse, Frankfurt/Main, Germaly.
Member of the Board of Directors, Suhrkamp Verlag. Publications:  
Das Werk von Hermann Hesse - Essays on Hesse, Kafka, Loerke, Max
Frisch - Characteristics of the Modern German Short Story.
INDIA BHOJWANI, Narayan Kundammal, Meenabagh, King Edward. Road, New Delhi,  
Secretary, Department of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of
India (liason between Parliament and all Ministries, Coordination
of Parliamentary business of Ministries, planning of business in
both Houses of Parliament). Publications: numerous articles in
Indian journals.  
JAIN, Lakshmi Chanci, 43 Golf Links Road, New Delhi, India
General Secretary of the Indian Cooperative Union. Publications:  
responsible for pdblication of several reports; articles in the
All India Cooperative Review.
NAIDU, P. S. Rajagopal, 185 North Avenue, New Delhi, India
149mber of Parliament and an Advocate of Supreme Court of India.  
ROY, Sochi Raut, 42 Garden Reach Real., 'Calcutta, India
Executive Officer of the Kacoron Cotton Mills, Ltd., Calcutta.  
Publications: poetry ard lio7e1s written in English, Oriva and
Bengali; text books; boos on sceial welfare and industrial
relations subjects.
INDONESIA HAZIL, Dj. Saienb% Tenzah 30, Djakarta, Indonesia
Executive assistant to the President of "Penbangunan" Ltd.,  
Publishers and Bookcelat,rs. Publications: biographies of  
Jawaharlal Nehru, 1950, and Teku Umar, 1952; book on the
U.N. and other International organizations) 1952.  
SITOMPOEL, Harris Fadilla, Djalan Tjimandiri 10, Djakarta, Indonesia
Editor, Merdeka; columnist, Indonesian Observer. Publications:
The Reconstruction in Holland, 1948; Tanah air Kita (documentary
on Indonesia).
IRAN CHUBAK, 11. Sadeq, c/o The National Iranian Oil Company, Tehran, Iran
Inspector, Distribution Department, National Iranian Oil Co.,
Tehran; Publications: numerous short stories in Persian; several
410 ISRAEL SIE, Arie, 7 Cremieux, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Chief Heys Editor of HAARETZ, a daily newspaper. Publications:  
Survey of World Press (T.A., 1946); numerous editorials, columns,
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110 ITALY BORSA, Giorgio, Via Caronti 12, Milano, Italy
Head of the Eastern Asia Department, Instituto Studi Politica
Internazionale; correspondent for the London Times; lecturer in
Colonial History, Pavia University. Publications; The Termination
of International Mandates, 1934; Gandhi and the Indian Renaissance,
1942; On the Philosophy of P. Martinetti, 1951; and other books;
also several translations and articles.  
RADICONCINI, Silvio, Via Monserrato 341 Rome, Italy
Architect; founder and editor of Matron (architectural magazine).  
Publications: articles in Matron, Domus, Cas*,bellq,Stile and
Architectural Design, as well as in several books.
SPAZIOI, Miss Maria Luisa, via Pesaro 26, Turin, Italy
Literary advisor for the Mondadori publishing firm, Milan.  
Publications: articles in EPoca, Tempo, Preuves, L'approda,  
Communite, Ta Stampa, Bellezza; poems in Poeti nuovi, 1949
Poetesse del Novecento, 1952 and in numerous reviews .  
JAPAN LQ, Kikuli, 8 Shichiki Shimogishi-cho, Kamikyo Ku, Kyoto, Japan
Professor of Sociology, Doshisha University, Kyoto. Publications:  
numerous articles in professional journals, magazines and news-
NAGAI, Kunio, Ohta-ku, Minamisenzoku-cho, No. 248, Tokyo City, Japan
Chief of Foreign 'xchange Section, Foreign Department, the
Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
SAKURAUCHI, Takeshi, No. 601 4 -chome, Mejiro-machi, Toshima-ku, Tokye
Chief in charge of import and export of General Merchandise
Section, Foreign Trade Department, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.
SUZUMURA, Shingo, 1, Nichome, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Head of the Personnel Section of the Prime rinisterts Office.
Publications: Explanation of the Ney Medical  System.
KOREA WEAN Sung Soo, rational Assembly, Republic of Korea, Seoul, Korea
Lawyer; Member of Korean National Assembly; Lecturer on Political
Science and International Law, Union Christian College. Publications:
History of Political Thought, 1950; Old World View and New World
View, 1954
NETHERLANDS VAN: LIER, Theo J.A.M., Ruychrocklaan 158, The Hague, Netherlands
410 Member of the Lower House of Parliament (Second Chamber).
Publications: The Social Message of the Papal Encyclicals, 1949;
articles in Soclalism and Democracy (a scientific monthly).
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5-4/1 NORWAY GLESNE, Truls, Ullevalsveien 51, Oslo, Norway
Chief of the National Budget Office in the Ministry of Finance;
conducting a survey on measures for defeating an economic depression.
PAKISTAN ABDUL BARI, Muhammad, 27/h Azimpur Estate, Dacca, Ihkistan
Professor of Arabic and Persian, Dacca College. Publications:
Islam and Socialism, The Islamic Literature, 1951; The Faratidi
Movement; Political Aims of Sayyid Ahmad Barelwi; numerous
articles in Bengali.
SIDDIQI, Marghtib, 13 Ganga Ram Building, The Mall, Lahore, Pakistan
News editor of Civil and Military Gazetter Lahore. Publications:
Realism in Shakesyearels Last Plays, 1944; A Memorandum to 
Posterity, (incomplete).
PHILIPPINES AZCARATE, Federico V., 1126-2 Misericordia, Manila, Philippines
Senior Research Assistant for the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation,
Publications: articles in the Evening News Magazine; book reviews
in the Evening,News and Manila Chronicle.
SANTOS, Ruben F., 751 Vito Cruz, Manila, Philippines
Chief, Uhge Administration Service, Department of Labor; professor
of mercantile and labor laws, Far Eastern University, Manila;
associate editor of This Week. Publications: numerous short
stories, essays, poems.
SPAIN FERRAN, Jaime, C. alcala 44) 6° piso, Madrid, Spain
Chief of National Cultural Activities at the Spanish Union of
Students. Publications: la piedra mas reciente; Desde esta
orilla; Poemas del viajero. Winner of the "Ciudad de Barcelona."
ZAVALA, Rafael, Gran Via 22, Bilbao, Spain
Lawyer; legal adviser to "Centro Industrial de Vizcaya."
Publications: numerous articles in various magazines.
SUVLA, Refii S., Bomonti Arpas yu No. 20, Istanbul, Turkey
Professor of Economics, Istanbul University; Member of the Board
of Directors, Central Bank of Turkey. Publications: La Banque 
Centrale de la Republique do Turvie, 1933; The Problems of
Iniernational Payments in Turkey and in the riói3-27WEonomics,  
vol., 1949; numerous articles in Turkish and French.  

Revision as of 07:16, 2 September 2022

<-Group.png Harvard/International Seminar/1955Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png->
Membership• Ingeborg Bachman
• Georges J. F. Z. van den Eede
• William Hsu
• Osman Amin
• Jocelyn C. Baines
• George R. Chetwynd
• John Heath-Stubbs
• Gordon C. Lee
• Carl G. Tollet
• Pierre A. Burk
• Jean Y. Calvez
• Helene d'Andlau
• Guy Dumur
• Karl Döring
• Ernst M. Paulsen
• Nicolaus Sombart
• Siegfried Unseld
• Narayan Kundammal Bhojwani
• Lakshmi Chand Jain
• P. S. Rajagopal Naidu
• Sochi Raut Roy
• Dj. Salenbu Tengah Hazil
• Harris Fadilla Sitompoel
• H. Sadeq Chubak
• Arie Sien
• Giorgio Borsa
• Silvio Radiconcini
• Maria Luisa Spazioi
• Kikuli Ito
• Kunio Nagai
• Takeshi Sakurauchi
• Shingo Suzumura
• Sung Soo Whang
• Theo J.A.M van Lier
• Truls Glesne
• Muhammad Abdul Bari
• Marghtib Siddiqui
• Federico V. Azcarate
• Ruben F. Santos
• Jaime C. Ferran
• Rafael Zavala
• Refii S. Suvla


Select examples

  • Ingeborg Bachman - Poet and free-lance writer. Publications: Die gestundete Zeit (volume of poems), 1953; Lieder von einer Insel (poems in "Botteghe Oscure'), 1954; "Die Zikaden," (radio play), 1955.
  • Georges J. F. Z. van den Eede - Head of the Committee's Division of the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community; previously secretary of Belgian senatorial committees. Publications: essay on the structure and history of the Belgian Parliament, 1952; contributed to political and social reports issued by the Common Assembly.
  • William Hsu - Chief Editor of the Union Press which publishes the China Weekly, the Chinese Student Weekly, the Children's Paradise (fortnightly). Publications: Higher Education in Communist China; The EWA for Your School; How the Chinese Communists Treat StUaiiiIi-; Germ Warfare; Journey to Paradise.
  • Osman Amin - Professor of Philosophy at Cairo University. Publications: L'Humanisme de F. C. S. Schiller, 1939; Descartes, 1942; Les Traits Essentiels de l'Es.rit Francais, 1944; Muhammad ASTI 'la biography 19 ; Stoic Philosoptly, 1944; several philosophical essays and translations.
  • Jocelyn C. Baines - Editor at Longman's Green & Co., Publishers. Publications: various reviews in The Observer and The London Magazine; presently engaged on a critical biography of Conrad.
  • George R. Chetwynd - Member of Parliament (Labor); previously Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Local Government and Planning. Chairman of Queen Mary's Hospital for disabled ex servicemen.
  • John Heath-Stubbs - Poet and writer; Gregory Fellow in ibetry, Leeds University. Publications: The Darkling Plain (literary criticism), Charles Williams (in preparation); several volumes of verse; several translations.
  • Gordon C. Lee Financial journalist on The Economist, Member of the Editorial Staff. Publications: numerous articles on investment, taxation and accounting.
  • Carl G. Tollet- General Secretary, Finnish Foreign Trade Association. Formerly vice-president of the Finnish National Union of Students. Publications: several articles on economic policy and foreign trade in Finnish and international periodicals.
  • Pierre A. Burk - Author. Publications: articles, in Esprit and France-Observateur; presently engaged on a book entitled, Historie du Movement Francais et International.
  • Jean Y. Calvez - Professor of Social Science at the Institut Superieur de Philosophie, Chantilly. Collaborator for the Revue de l'Action Populaire, published under the auspices of the Institut Catholique, Paris. Publications: Droit international et souverainete en U.R.S.S., 1953; numerous articles in French publications.
  • Mme Helene d'Andlau - Painter, free-lance writer, literary critic and sculptor. Regular collaborator with "La Revue Francaise," "Echo," (international magazine). Publications: numerous articles (and illustrations) for British and French publications.
  • Guy Dumur - Writer, novelist, literary and dramatic critic. Publications: Les Petites Filles Modeles; Le Matin de Leurs Jours; an essay on Pirandello.
  • Karl Döring - Member of the German Foreign Service at the central office in Bonn. Formerly Counsellor of Legation at the German Embassy in Yugoslavia.
  • Ernst M. Paulsen - Personal Assistant to the Secretary of State in the Dienststelle Blank. Formerly member of the German delegation of the Interim Committee of the European Defence Community. Publications: manuscript on the trustee-ship in International Law, 1949.
  • Nicolaus Sombart - Council of Europe, Secretary of the Committee of Cultural Questions of the Consultative Assembly. Publications: Cappriccio No. 1 (novel), 1947. Ursprung der Soziologie bei Saint-Simon und Comte, etc; Beitrag zur "Einfuehrung in die Soziologie" ed. by Alfred Weber, 1955.
  • Siegfried Unseld - Member of the Board of Directors, Suhrkamp Verlag. Publications: Das Werk von Hermann Hesse - Essays on Hesse, Kafka, Loerke, Max Frisch - Characteristics of the Modern German Short Story.
  • Narayan Kundammal Bhojwani, Secretary, Department of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India (liason between Parliament and all Ministries, Coordination of Parliamentary business of Ministries, planning of business in both Houses of Parliament). Publications: numerous articles in Indian journals.
  • Lakshmi Chand Jain - General Secretary of the Indian Cooperative Union. Publications: responsible for pdblication of several reports; articles in the All India Cooperative Review.
  • P. S. Rajagopal Naidu - Member of Parliament and an Advocate of Supreme Court of India.
  • Sochi Raut Roy - Executive Officer of the Kacoron Cotton Mills, Ltd., Calcutta. Publications: poetry ard lio7e1s written in English, Oriva and Bengali; text books; boos on sceial welfare and industrial relations subjects.
  • Dj. Salenbu Tengah Hazil - Executive assistant to the President of "Penbangunan" Ltd., Publishers and Bookcelat,rs. Publications: biographies of Jawaharlal Nehru, 1950, and Teku Umar, 1952; book on the U.N. and other International organizations) 1952.
  • Harris Fadilla Sitompoel - Editor, Merdeka; columnist, Indonesian Observer. Publications: The Reconstruction in Holland, 1948; Tanah air Kita (documentary on Indonesia).
  • H. Sadeq Chubak - Inspector, Distribution Department, National Iranian Oil Co., Tehran; Publications: numerous short stories in Persian; several translations.
  • Arie Sien - Chief Heys Editor of HAARETZ, a daily newspaper. Publications: Survey of World Press (T.A., 1946); numerous editorials, columns, features.
  • Giorgio Borsa - Head of the Eastern Asia Department, Instituto Studi Politica Internazionale; correspondent for the London Times; lecturer in Colonial History, Pavia University. Publications; The Termination of International Mandates, 1934; Gandhi and the Indian Renaissance, 1942; On the Philosophy of P. Martinetti, 1951; and other books; also several translations and articles.
  • Silvio Radiconcini - Architect; founder and editor of Matron (architectural magazine). Publications: articles in Matron, Domus, Casa belle,Stile and Architectural Design, as well as in several books.
  • Miss Maria Luisa Spazioi - Literary advisor for the Mondadori publishing firm, Milan. Publications: articles in EPoca, Tempo, Preuves, L'approda, Communite, Ta Stampa, Bellezza; poems in Poeti nuovi, 1949 Poetesse del Novecento, 1952 and in numerous reviews .
  • Kikuli Ito - Professor of Sociology, Doshisha University, Kyoto. Publications: numerous articles in professional journals, magazines and newspapers.
  • Kunio Nagai - Chief of Foreign 'xchange Section, Foreign Department, the Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
  • Takeshi Sakurauchi - Chief in charge of import and export of General Merchandise Section, Foreign Trade Department, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.
  • Shingo Suzumura - Head of the Personnel Section of the Prime ministers Office. Publications: Explanation of the Ney Medical System.
  • Sung Soo Whang - Lawyer; Member of Korean National Assembly; Lecturer on Political Science and International Law, Union Christian College. Publications: History of Political Thought, 1950; Old World View and New World View, 1954
  • Theo J.A.M van Lier - Netherlands. Member of the Lower House of Parliament (Second Chamber). Publications: The Social Message of the Papal Encyclicals, 1949; articles in Socialism and Democracy (a scientific monthly).
  • Truls Glesne - Chief of the National Budget Office in the Ministry of Finance; conducting a survey on measures for defeating an economic depression.
  • Muhammad Abdul Bari - Professor of Arabic and Persian, Dacca College. Publications: Islam and Socialism, The Islamic Literature, 1951; The Faratidi Movement; Political Aims of Sayyid Ahmad Barelwi; numerous articles in Bengali.
  • Marghtib Siddiqui - News editor of Civil and Military Gazetter Lahore. Publications: Realism in Shakesyearels Last Plays, 1944; A Memorandum to Posterity, (incomplete).
  • Federico V. Azcarate - Philippines. Senior Research Assistant for the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, Publications: articles in the Evening News Magazine; book reviews in the Evening,News and Manila Chronicle.
  • Ruben F. Santos - Chief, Uhge Administration Service, Department of Labor; professor of mercantile and labor laws, Far Eastern University, Manila; associate editor of This Week. Publications: numerous short stories, essays, poems.
  • Jaime C. Ferran - Chief of National Cultural Activities at the Spanish Union of Students. Publications: la piedra mas reciente; Desde esta orilla; Poemas del viajero. Winner of the "Ciudad de Barcelona."
  • Rafael Zavala - Lawyer; legal adviser to "Centro Industrial de Vizcaya." Publications: numerous articles in various magazines.
  • Refii S. Suvla - Professor of Economics, Istanbul University; Member of the Board of Directors, Central Bank of Turkey. Publications: La Banque Centrale de la Republique do Turvie, 1933; The Problems of International Payments in Turkey and in the riói3-27WEonomics, vol., 1949; numerous articles in Turkish and French.

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